Territory Addresses

NW Scheduler can be used to quickly and easily add territory addresses, including the address coordinates.

Addresses can be displayed on the printed Territory Card or the NW Publisher app.

Adding territory addresses is entirely optional, and NW Scheduler allows congregations to add as many or few addresses as you need.

The advantage of adding territory addresses is you can ensure you thoroughly cover your territory, including specifying how many times to try a Not at Home. The disadvantage to adding addresses is that it can take time to add and manage many addresses.

Congregations might choose any of the following:

  • Add all addresses in all territories
  • Add only rural addresses in rural territories
  • Add only Do Not Calls addresses
  • Add only business addresses
  • Add “streets” as Addresses
  • Add no addresses

To access Territory Addresses:

  1. Click Territories > Territories List or Territories List and Map
  2. Select a territory
  3. Click Territory Addresses
NW Scheduler Territories Territory Addresses New World Scheduler

Territory Address List

NW Scheduler displays a list of all Territory Addresses belonging to that territory. This list can be Expanded or Contracted by using the side arrow.

  • Note: All territory addresses with coordinates will also show on the Master Map

The Territory Address List can be filtered by Territory Type or Territory Status.

The Territory Address List displays the following information:

  • Has Coordinates icon
  • Territory Type icon
  • Address
  • Territory Status
  • Date the status was updated (using NW Publisher app)
  • Publisher who updated the status (using NW Publisher app)
  • Has Notes from Publisher icon (using NW Publisher app)

Color Highlighting

A territory address will be shaded light green if the Status is Home.

A territory address will be shaded light orange if the Status is Not Home.

A territory address will be shaded light red if the status is Do Not Call.

A territory address will be shaded light blue if the status is New from Publisher.

A territory address will be shaded custom color if the status is Custom.

Address Information

Address Type

Territory Addresses can be any of the following types:

  1. House
  2. Apartment
  3. Business
  4. Other
  5. Street

When adding an Apartment block, you must also add the individual Apartment Numbers.

Address Status

  • Note: If enabled, publishers can update the Address Status using the NW Publisher app Open Map view. Updated statuses are automatically synchronized when any brother with User Access – Receive App Territories opens NW Scheduler.
  • Note: Each Address Status button on the NW Publisher app Open Map view can be separately enabled or disabled. A disabled button means publishers will not be able to change that Territory Address Status.
    • For example, to prevent publishers from changing Do Not Calls, Disable the Do Not Call button. However this will also prevent publishers from reporting any new Do Not Calls. See Address Status Buttons.

Territory Addresses and Territory Address Apartment Numbers can be set to any of the following statuses:

  1. Available. Publishers can visit this address.
  2. At Home. Someone was at home at this address.
  3. Not At Home. No one was at home at this address.
    • Note: The attempt number must also be set
  4. Do not call. Do not call at this address.
  5. New from publisher. This address was sent by a publisher using NW Publisher app. The Territory Servant should first check the address, then change the status to Available or At Home.
  6. Custom. This are 3 Custom statuses that can be adjusted in Territory Settings.
    • E.G. Foreign Language, No Access, Brother-only call, etc
  • Note: If you need to add more detailed information about an Address, please use the Notes field. This will display on the NW Publisher app under the address. E.G. specific language, reason for No Access, Name of householder, etc.

Custom Address Status

NW Scheduler allows each address to have a Custom status that can be set according to your local circumstances.

  • For example: Foreign Language, No Access, Nightshift worker, Brother-only call, etc.

You can enable, adjust the text and color of the Custom Status in Territory Settings.

Address Notes

Each address and apartment can optionally have Notes which will display on the on the NW Publisher app.

These notes should only contain unique and important information about a specific house or apartment. E.G. “entrance around the back”, or “Dial 1 before unit number”. Notes should rarely be added.

  • Important: Personal notes from publishers, or notes that might might prejudice the next publisher should not be added, e.g. “left a tract”, “not interested”, or “angry householder” should not be added. Publishers should use their own methods to record RV’s or interested ones.

If enabled, publishers can Edit Address Notes and send the changes to NW Scheduler for checking by the Territory Servant. When a new Note from Publisher is received, it will appears under Notes from Publisher.

The Territory Servant can check the note and either click Copy to Address Notes or Clear Notes from Publisher.

Notes from Publisher

Notes from Publisher is a temporary field that is used when receiving Address Notes from publishers using NW Publisher app.

If Edit Address Notes is enabled, publishers can send any Address Notes to the Territory Servant via NW Scheduler. When a new Note from Publisher is received, it will be added to the Notes from Publisher field of that address or apartment.

  • For Example: Locked Gate, House is demolished, House is now an apartment, Entrance around the back, etc.

The Territory Servant can check the note and either click Copy to Address Notes or Clear Notes from Publisher.

There are multiple ways to see if any Addresses have Notes from Publishers:

  1. The Territories > Addresses grid has a column called Notes from Publisher, which will display a Clipboard picture if that address has any Notes from Publishers.
  2. The Me view for the Territory Servant will show how many Notes from Publishers are waiting to be checked, and in which Territories they can be found.
  3. The Territory > Address Notes from Publishers Report lists all Notes from Publishers for all addresses. (This will be available in a future update)

Receiving Notes from Publisher

Address Notes are automatically updated in NW Scheduler when NW Scheduler is first opened.

See App Features – Territories for more information.

New Territory Address

  • Note: Each territory can add a maximum of 300 addresses, or 500 combined addresses + apartment numbers. If your territory has more, please split the territory
  • Note: If the territory has a Type of In Person or Business, you must first add a Territory Boundary before you can add any addresses

There are 4 ways to add a new territory address:

1. Add from Territory Map

  1. Click Territories
  2. Select a territory with a Territory Boundary
  3. Right-click on the Master Map any location within that boundary
  4. NW Scheduler will attempt to “lookup” the address at that location, and it will be displayed
    • Note: We obviously do not control the Geocoding lookup data. This comes from the Map Provider. If the data isn’t accurate, please manually adjust
    • Note: If the Number and Street are swapped, you can adjust this in Territory Settings
  5. Confirm or adjust the address is correct
  6. Adjust the Address Type
    • Note: If you select Apartment, you must also add some Apartment Numbers
  7. Optionally: Enter Notes, Name and Phone. This will display on the NW Publisher app
  8. Click Save

2. Add Address button

  1. Click Territories
  2. Select a territory
  3. Click New Address
  4. Enter the address details
    • Note: There is no need to enter coordinates, this can be automatically added later by clicking Locate Address
  5. Adjust the Address Type
    • Note: If you select Apartment, you must also add some Apartment Numbers
  6. Optionally: Enter Notes, Name and Phone. This will display on the NW Publisher app
  7. Click Save

3. Import Addresses

4. New Address from NW Publisher app

If the App Feature Allow Submit New Addresses is enabled, publishers can submit new addresses from the NW Publisher app.

These will appear in the Address List with the Address Status as New from Publisher.

The Territory Servant should then confirm the address and change the Status to Available, or delete the address.

  • Note: New Apartment Numbers will be imported as a New Address with type Apartment, and the Apartment Number written in the notes. The Territory Servant can then determine to either add the Apartment Number to an existing Apartment, or use the newly created Apartment.

Locate Territory Address

  1. Click Territories
  2. Select a territory
  3. Select a territory address that does not already have coordinates.
  4. Click Locate Address.
  5. NW Scheduler will attempt to “lookup” the coordinates for the address, and it will be added to the Master Map.
    • Note: If the coordinatores could not be found, or they were found outside of the territory boundary, they will not be added.
  • Note: NW Scheduler has no control over the GeoLookup results. Some results may have to be manually adjusted.

Edit Territory Address

  1. Click Territories
  2. Select a territory
  3. Click Edit Address
  4. Edit the address or apartment numbers
  5. Click Save

Move Territory Addresses

Move Address Location

If you need to slightly adjust the location of the address (the coordinators), you can use the Move Address button.

  1. Click Territories
  2. Select a territory
  3. Select an address
  4. Click Move Address (top-right circle button)
  5. Drag and move the address
  6. Click Move Address again

Move Addresses to another Territory

Option 1 - Select Territories from the Master Map
  1. Click Territories > Territory List and Map
  2. Select a territory
  3. On the master map, click Select Addresses button (circle button, top-right)
  4. Draw an area around the addresses you wish to select, double-click to finish drawing
  5. Click Move Addresses button
  6. Select the new Territory
  7. Click Move
Option 2 - Select Territories from the Addresses List
  1. Click Territories > Territory List or Territory List and Map
  2. Select a territory
  3. Click Territory Addresses
  4. Select one or more Addresses
  5. Click Move Addresses button
  6. Select the new Territory
  7. Click Move

Delete Territory Address

  1. Click Territories
  2. Select a territory
  3. Select one or more territory addresses
  4. Click Delete
    • Note: Any Apartment numbers will also be deleted

Convert to Letter Writing

After a Territory has been Completed, there will likely be some addresses that were not at home despite several attempts.

The Convert to Letter Writing button will convert all Not At Home addresses to a new Letter Writing map, which can then be used for Letter Writing.

After a letter has been sent to all addresses on the new Letter Writing map, you can delete the Letter Writing map.

Please see Letter Writing Maps for more information.

NW Scheduler Territories Convert to Letter Writing Territory New World Scheduler

Convert to Phone Witnessing

After a Territory has been Completed, there will likely be some addresses that were not at home despite several attempts.

The Convert to Phone Witnessing button will convert all Not At Home addresses to a new Phone Witnessing map.

  • Note: You can also adjust what type of addresses are converted

After the map is completed, you can optionally delete the Phone Witnessing map.

Please see Phone Witnessing Maps for more information.

NW Scheduler Territories Convert to Letter Writing Territory New World Scheduler

Reset Addresses

After a Territory has been Completed, the Status of most addresses will have changed.

Before you re-assign this territory to someone else, you should click Reset Addresses, and then tick which Address Types to Reset.

This will then reset your selected Address Statuses back to Available, ready to be worked again.

NW Scheduler Territories Reset Addresses New World Scheduler

Refresh Territory Addresses

If enabled, publishers can update the Address Status using NW Publisher app. Updated addresses statuses are automatically synchronized when any brother with User Access – Receive App Territories opens NW Scheduler.

If you wish to manually refresh, click the Refresh button.

  • Note: This is usually no need to do this
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