New World Scheduler User Access

User Access is used to limit or restrict what different brothers can access in New World Scheduler. This helps maintain confidentiality and avoid accidental editing.

  • E.G. Allow only a few elders to edit Person Information, but allow other elders to view this information.
  • E.G. Allow a certain ministerial servant to edit the Congregation Meeting Attendance, but not access anything else.
  • E.G. Allow only the COBE and Life and Ministry Overseer to edit the Life and Ministry Schedule, but other elders can view.

If Congregation Sharing is enabled, User Access is automatically enabled and cannot be disabled.

To Edit or View User Access, click Congregation > Congregation Sharing > User Access

New World Scheduler Congregation Sharing view User Access

How does User Access work?

If a person has Edit access for a particular view, they can edit anything in that view. For example, if a certain Ministerial Servant has Edit access to Congregation – Meeting Attendance, he will be able to view, edit and print the congregation Meeting Attendance.

If a user has View access for a particular view, they can only view. For example, if a certain Elder has View access to Schedule – Life and Ministry Meeting, he will be able to view and print the Life and Ministry Meeting schedule, but not edit.

If a user has None access for a particular view, they can not view, edit or print anything in that view. Instead they will receive a message telling them they do not have access.

User Access Recommendations

Each congregation is different, so it is up to the local body of elders to decide which persons have which User Access.

We do provide suggested User Access for certain Roles, simply click User Access > Load Suggested

We also offer the following recommendations:

  1. At least 2 brothers should be Congregation Administrators and have Congregation Administration – Edit Access
  2. Limit Edit access only to brothers who specifically need to edit that data, e.g. limit Publisher Reports – Edit to 1-2 brothers
  3. Most elders likely will need View access to most data, but Ministerial Servants likely won’t

Edit User Access

  • Note: Only Congregation Administrators can edit User Access. We strongly recommend having at least 2 Congregation Administrators
  • Note: A Congregation Administrator may edit their own User Access. However they cannot change their own status as an Administrator
  1. Click Congregation > Congregation Sharing
  2. Select the Shared Person
    • Note: If a person is not in the Shared Persons list, they cannot connect to the congregation and therefore have no access
    • Note: If you are a Congregation Administrator and need to adjust your own User Access, select yourself
  3. Click User Access button
  4. The current User Access for that user will load and be shown.
  5. Adjust the User Access for each area of New World Scheduler by selecting either EditView or No access
  6. Optionally, you may choose to Load Suggested and select a Role. This will load a “default” User Access for that role, and may need to be adjusted based on your local congregation circumstances
  7. Click Save to save any changes, or Cancel to close without saving
NW Scheduler Congregation Sharing User Access New World Scheduler

Publisher Records User Access

Publisher Records User Access has an additional option of selecting a specific Field Service Group. This has been designed for an elder who is a Group Overseer and might have a Ministerial Servant as his Group Assistant.

Anyone who has Publisher Records – Edit Specific Field Service Group (E.G. a Group Overseer or Group Assistant) will also be able to View other Field Service Groups.

Anyone who has Publisher Records – View Specific Field Service Group (such as a Ministerial Servant who is a Group Assistant) will have No access to other Field Service Groups.

Alternately, you can simply select “All” and the User Access works in the regular way.

NW Publisher app User Access

App Administration

Edit allows brothers to change App Features, change the Congregation PIN, Disable App, perform any of the options under App Persons and App Devices.

View. Does not allow changing or editing any of the above, but they may view all these items.

Generally, we recommend at least Congregation Administrators by given Edit access to Congregation Administration. Other elders could be given View access, and ministerial servants would generally be given No access.

Send App Data

Edit allows brothers to Send App Data

No. Does not allow brothers to Send App Data

All elders and ministerial servants who need to change or edit any App Data should be given Edit access.

Receive App Data

Edit allows brothers to Receive and Import App Data. However they can only receive the App Data Types that are ticked.

  • Important: If you set Edit, but do not Tick any App Data Types, the brother will not be able to receive any App Data and will be very confused.

No. Does not allow brothers to Receive or Import App Data

All elders and ministerial servants who need to receive or import any App Data should be given Edit access, with the correct Data Types ticked.

Email User Access

To email with NW Scheduler you must have Person Information – View or Edit.

This is because the publishers names and email addresses are listed in Person Information.

User Access Problems

If you have a problem with User Access or a problem accessing any part of New World Scheduler:

  1. Close and re-open New World Scheduler.
  2. Contact your Congregation Administrator and ask him to check and adjust your User Access.
  3. If you are a Congregation Administrator, carefully re-read all information on this page.

Common Questions and Problems

User Access is used to limit or restrict what different brothers can access in New World Scheduler. This helps maintain confidentiality and avoid accidental editing.

  1. Update New World Scheduler to the latest version. Click Settings > Check for Updates
  2. Contact a Congregation Administrator and ask him to check or adjust your User Access
  3. If you are a Congregation Administrator, please carefully re-read the Edit User Access​ above

Any Shared Person who has Congregation Administration – Edit User Access is a Congregation Administrator.

In the Shared Persons list, they will have a small user-gear icon next to their name.

User Access is used to limit or restrict what different brothers can access in New World Scheduler. This helps maintain confidentiality and avoid accidental editing.

A Congregation Administrator can edit User Access, including his own, but he does not automatically have access to everything.

There are two possiblities:

  1. A Congregation Administrator changed your User Access. Please check with them.
  2. New World Scheduler was updated to include new User Access features. For security reasons, when this happens all access to that section is set to No by default. Simply ask a Congregation Administrator to adjust this for you. If you are a Congregation Administrator, you can adjust this yourself. See Edit User Access.

Please carefully re-read the Edit User Access  above.

A Congregation Administrator may edit their own User Access. However, they cannot change their own Congregation Administration User Access, otherwise they might lock themselves out!

To Email from NW Scheduler, a user must have Person Information – View or Edit.

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