Territory Settings

Territory Settings allows you to customize a variety of settings both in NW Scheduler and the NW Publisher app.

To access Territory Settings, click Territories > Territory Settings

NW Scheduler Territories Territory Settings New World Scheduler

NW Scheduler Territory Settings

Territories Overdue. The amount of months before a territory is considered overdue.

Map Overlay. The Map Provider for the Master Map graphical overlay.

Pan and Zoom Controls. Shows the Pan and Zoom Controls on the Master Map.

    • Note: You must leave the Master Map and then return to activate

Map Cache. Caches the Master Map graphics so the map can be used offline, also greatly reduces download bandwidth.

  • Note: You can also open the Map Cache folder and Delete the Map Cache contents.

Locate Address – Street Before House Number. Some locations will place the Street before the House number, which can affect the GeoLocating. Tick to enable.

Address Display. How addresses should be displayed in NW Scheduler, when printing and on the NW Publisher app. An example is displayed.

Apartments Display. How apartments should be displayed in NW Scheduler, when printing and on the NW Publisher app. An example is displayed.

Apartments Display Separator. The character or word used to separate the apartment from the house number.

NW Publisher app Territory Settings

Allow Submit New Addresses. Publishers can Submit New Addresses on the NW Publisher app.

Allow Edit Address Notes. Publishers can Edit Address Notes on the NW Publisher app.

Navigate by Coordinates. On the NW Publisher app, clicking “Navigate to Address” will use the address coordinates, not the address text.

Map Provider. The Map Provider for the maps graphical overlay.

Not Home Attempts. The amount of Not at Home attempts before the address is considered “done”.

Not Home Display. How Not at Homes will display on the NW Publisher app. This can also be set to None.

Address Status Buttons

  • Note: Buttons can be enabled/disabled separately for each Territory Type

Each Address Status button on the NW Publisher app Open Map view can be separately enabled or disabled. A disabled button means publishers will not be able to change that Territory Address Status.

For example, to prevent publishers from changing Do Not Calls, Disable the Do Not Call button. However this will also prevent publishers from reporting any new Do Not Calls.

At Home. Enable or Disable the At Home button

Not Home. Enable or Disable the Not Home button

Do Not Call. Enable or Disable the Do Not Call button

Custom 1. Set the Custom 1 button text and colour. Enable or Disable the Custom button

Custom 2. Set the Custom 2 button text and colour. Enable or Disable the Custom button

Custom 3. Set the Custom 3 button text and colour. Enable or Disable the Custom button

Address Display

  • Note: Address Display can be enabled/disabled separately for each Territory Type

City Suburb. Includes the City Suburb field when listing Addresses on NW Publisher app

Postal Code. Includes the Postal Code field when listing Addresses on NW Publisher app

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