JW Kingdom Hall Cleaning Scheduler

New World Scheduler includes Kingdom Hall Cleaning scheduler software. The Kingdom Hall Attendant or another brother can easily schedule Kingdom Hall cleaning, whether a Weekly Clean, After Meeting Clean or any other custom Cleaning. One or multiple Groups can be assigned to do the cleaning.

Since each congregation handles cleaning slightly differently, New World Scheduler allows you to set your own Custom Cleaning schedule.

By default, New World Scheduler will show a Weekly Kingdom Hall Clean and After Meeting Clean, but these can be adjusted as necessary.

You can also assign either one or two Groups to the cleaning.

New World Scheduler allows the Kingdom Hall Cleaning to be Auto-Assigned. This will automatically schedule the cleaning, ensuring all Groups are evenly rotated.

You can choose to use Auto-Assign over any period of time.

New World Scheduler produces an appealing and practical Kingdom Hall Cleaning schedule, which can be emailed, printed, or saved as either Document or PDF. It can also be combined with the Duties and Garden Care schedule.

Kingdom Hall Cleaning Schedule

The Kingdom Hall Cleaning Schedule can be printed and placed on the congregation Information Board. 

The Cleaning schedule can optionally be combined with the Duties Schedule and/or the Lawn and Garden Care schedule, to save space on your Information Board.

Members can also be notified of all of these duties via the app.

New World Scheduler Printing and Reports Kingdom Hall Cleaning Schedule

It is convenient for all appointed brothers to be able to see the Kingdom Hall Cleaning Schedule.

New World Scheduler can automatically synchronize and share all Groups and Kingdom Hall Cleaning data between appointed brothers, allowing everyone to keep up-to-date with congregation duties.

All upcoming Cleaning assignments can be seen by publishers using the New World Scheduler – Publisher Edition App (for iOS & Android).

Publishers will receive a notification when their Field Service Group has a new cleaning assignment, and can set both Initial and Final reminders. This ensures everyone in the Group can have a full share in cleaning the Kingdom Hall.

The New World Scheduler Kingdom Hall Cleaning scheduler is a practical and helpful tool to help brothers schedule all Kingdom Hall Cleaning, including the Weekly Kingdom Hall Clean, After Meeting Clean or any other custom cleaning. By using New World Scheduler, brothers can save considerable time scheduling, while ensuring cleaning assignments are evenly assigned among all Groups!

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