Circuit Overseer Visit Scheduler

New World Scheduler includes a Circuit Overseer Visit scheduler which helps the COBE, Secretary and Service Overseer schedule upcoming Circuit Overseer (CO) visits, including all meetings, field service, meal arrangements and shepherding visits.

New World Scheduler lets the COBE, Secretary and Service Overseer schedule all parts of the Circuit Overseer (CO) visit.

This schedule can be printed, emailed or displayed on the App in an appealing and practical way, allowing everyone in the congregation to be fully aware of all upcoming activities.

New World Scheduler greatly simplifies the preparation of all the information required for the Circuit Overseer visit.

The COBE, Secretary and Service Overseer can quickly and easily print or email all the information they are required to prepare for the visit.

Schedule all meetings for Field Service, including the times, locations, as well as who is working with the Circuit Overseer and his wife.

Show where and what time all Meal Arrangements take place, including the contact details of the meal host.

All meetings during the Circuit Overseer visit can be scheduled, including the Pioneer Meeting, Elders and Servants meeting and regular weekly meetings.

Add times and locations, as well as all CO Talk themes and other important information.

Shepherding visits can also be quickly and easily scheduled.

New World Scheduler produces attractive and practical Circuit Overseer Visit schedules and reports, which can be emailed, printed, or saved as either Document or PDF.

Circuit Overseer Visit Schedule

Save and Print the Circuit Overseer Visit Schedule using a variety of attractive schedule templates.

Displays the entire Circuit Overseer visit arrangements, including times and places.

Details of Host, Shepherding Visits and Meal Arrangements

Displays the full details of the Host, all Shepherding visits including with who, when and their contact details, and all Meal Arrangements, including with who, when and their contact details. Give this to the Circuit Overseer before he arrives.

List of those scheduled to work with the CO and his wife

Displays the full details of all those who will work in the ministry with the Circuit Overseer and his wife during the visit, including with who, when and their contact details. Give this to the Circuit Overseer before he arrives.

New World Scheduler automatically shares and synchronizes the Circuit Overseer Schedule and all arrangements with all elders.

This greatly assists all elders keep up-to-date with the upcoming Circuit Overseer Visit so they can make plans and suitable arrangements.

Publishers can see the upcoming Circuit Overseer Visit schedule, including details about all meetings and field service arrangements.

Publishers can also see when and where all Field Service Meetings are scheduled, including who is working with the Circuit Overseer and his wife.

All meetings, including the themes and titles of the CO Service Talks are displayed on the App for all publishers.

The New World Scheduler Circuit Overseer Visit scheduler is an excellent tool to help the COBE, Secretary and Service Overseer schedule the upcoming Circuit Overseer Visit and all arrangements! By using New World Scheduler not only will the Service Committee save time, but the Circuit Overseer will greatly benefit from having all the required information fully prepared in an easy-to-read format.

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