Public Witnessing Cart Scheduler

New World Scheduler includes a Public Witnessing Cart Scheduler for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Public Witnessing scheduler is the quickest, easiest and most powerful Public Witnessing scheduler available. Elders can quickly create the Public Witnessing schedule, including Locations, Carts and Shifts, and publishers can very easily reserve Cart Shifts themselves directly using NW Publisher app.

What is a Public Witnessing Cart Scheduler?

Public Witnessing Cart Scheduler software can help congregations quickly and easily arrange and manage Public Witnessing and Literature Carts for their congregation.

Congregation elders can control what locations and times Public Witnessing should be done, and then approve publishers to engage in this activity.

Publishers can see the congregation Public Witnessing Cart schedule and make their own Public Witnessing reservations using the NW Publisher iOS and Android app.

NW Scheduler Schedule Public Witnessing Carts Public Witnessing Locations
Elders can quickly and easily create Public Witnessing Locations with multiple Shifts

Why use New World Scheduler for scheduling Public Witnessing and Literature Carts?

New World Scheduler saves both congregation elders time and stress, and provides publishers with a better experience.

Elders can manage the Public Witnessing locations, literature carts and shifts from one easy and central location.

Publishers can then see and reserve Public Witnessing shifts from the convenience of their own mobile devices.

New World Scheduler Schedule Public Witnessing Carts Public Witnessing Schedule
Elders can view the Public Witnessing schedule, and even assign Publishers to cart shifts

How to Schedule Public Witnessing Carts?

First, please see Getting Started with New World Scheduler to learn how to download, install and setup New World Scheduler in just a few minutes.

Next, elders can see Schedule Public Witnessing Carts to create the congregation Public Witnessing schedule.

Finally, the NW Publisher app to allow publishers to make Public Witnessing Cart reservations on their own phones.

NW Publisher app Public Witnessing Schedule Cart Reservations phone
Publishers can quickly and easily make Public Witnessing Reservations using their own phones
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