App Features – Territories

NW Publisher can be used to view territories, work territories, complete territories and request territories

NW Publisher app also fully supports Letter Writing and Phone Witnessing Maps.

NW Publisher app Territories iOS Android Phone New World Scheduler

Territory app Features

NW Scheduler NW Publisher app App Features 1 Territories New World Scheduler
NW Scheduler NW Publisher app App Features Settings Territories New World Scheduler

Enable or Disable

  1. In New World Scheduler, click App > App Features
  2. Under Territories, Tick or Untick the Territory app Features you wish to enable or disable
  3. Click Territory > Settings, then Tick or Untick the Territory app Features you wish to enable or disable
  4. Send App Data to send the changes to the app

Email Notifications

An Email Notification can be sent anytime a Publisher Requests a Territory.

  1. In New World Scheduler, click App > App Features
  2. Under Territories > Allow Territory Requests, type the email addresses of anyone who should receive an Email Notification.
    • Note: Separate multiple email addresses with a semi-colon ;
  3. Send App Data to send the changes to the app


The Territories List will show the Territory Type icon, Territory Name, Territory Area and who the territory was assigned to.

Tap on a Territory to open that Territory.


Personal Territories are Territories that have been assigned to you as a Personal Territory. Only you can see them.


Congregation Territories lists all Assigned Territories (except Personal Territories). Everyone in the congregation can see them.

Open a Territory

Tap on a Territory to open that Territory.

NW Publisher Territories Territory Open Map iOS Android Phone New World Scheduler

Territory Information

After opening a territory, you can see the following Territory Information:

  • Territory Name
  • Area (optional)
  • Assigned to
  • Date Due
  • Link (optional)
  • Notes (optional)

Open Map

The Open Map button will be shown in the following circumstances:

  1. The Territory is an In Person territory, and has a Territory Boundary
  2. The Territory is a Letter Writing territory, and has some Addresses
  3. The Territory is a Phone Witnessing territory, and has some Addresses

Tap Open Map to see and work that territory.

Territory Completed

The Completed button will be shown if the territory is either assigned to you, or assigned to your Field Service Group and you are a Group Overseer or Group Assistant.

When the territory has been compelted:

  1. Optionally enter any Notes for Territory Servant
  2. Click Completed

Process a Completed Territory

Completed Territories must be manually Received and Imported into New World Scheduler in the usual manner.

When a completed territory is imported, the territory will be marked as Completed with the Date Completed.

If the completed territory has any Notes for the Territory Servant, this will display under Territory Information, and on the Me view of the Territory Servant.

Open Map

The Open Map button will only be shown in the following circumstances:

  1. The Territory is an In Person territory, and has a Territory Boundary
  2. The Territory is a Letter Writing territory, and has some Addresses
  3. The Territory is a Phone Witnessing territory, and has some Addresses
NW Publisher Territories Territory Addresses iOS Android New World Scheduler

Map View

The top-half shows a Map View of the Territory, including the Territory Boundary and any Territory Addresses. You can Pan and Zoom this Map View, or tap the Reset Location button (top-left) to reset your view.

You can adjust the top/bottom sizing by dragging the middle separator either up or down.


A territory address will be blue if the Status is Available.

A territory address will be grey if the Status is Home or Not Home (max times). This helps publishers know this address no longer needs to be done.

A territory address will be orange if the Status is Not Home (not max times).

A territory address will be red if the status is Do Not Call.

Territory Addresses List

The bottom-half shows a List of Territory Addresses.

Tap a Territory Address either on the Map View or the List of Addresses to select that Address.

You can then tap either At Home, Not Home or Do Not Call, and confirm.

  • Note: If the person was already Not Home once, you should select the Not Home Attempt number.
  • Note: The selections will be different for Letter Writing and Phone Witnessing.

Update Address Status

After selecting an address, up to 4 status buttons will appear:

  • At Home
  • Not Home
  • Do Not Call
  • Custom

Publishers can tap the new status, and then confirm.

  • Note: If the person was already Not Home once, you should select the Not Home Attempt number.
  • Note: The selections will be different for Letter Writing and Phone Witnessing.

Process Address Status Updates

Territory Address Status updates are automatically synchronized and updated in NW Scheduler when any brother with User Access – Receive App Territories opens NW Scheduler.

Map View buttons

  • Note: Some buttons only appear after selecting an Address.

Center Map

The Centre Map button (top-left) will centre the screen on the current Territory.

My Location

  • Note: Publishers must allow NW Publisher app to see your location while using the app.
  • Note: The location data comes directly from the publishers phone and always remains on the publishers phone. NW Publisher does not store or record any location information.

The My Location button (top-left) will show your current location on the Map, and will show any updates to your location (Like Google Maps). This makes it easier to know how to get to the next address.

Navigate to Address

  • Note: You must first select an address to see this button

The Navigate to Address button (bottom-left) will open the current address in the default Maps app of your phone (usually either Google Maps or Apple Maps)

This can be used to find directions to this address.

Copy Address

  • Note: You must first select an address to see this button

The Copy Address button (bottom-left) will copy the current address to clipboard. This can be useful if recording RVs.

Edit Address Notes

Publishers can Edit Address Notes by tapping the Edit Address Notes button (bottom-left corner of map)

Edit the notes, then click Send.

  • Important: Publishers should be trained not to add notes that might prejudice the next publisher who visits, e.g. “not interested” or “angry householder”. Notes should be rarely added.

See Territory Addresses – Notes from Publisher for more information.

Process Address Notes

Address Notes are automatically updated in NW Scheduler when NW Scheduler is first opened.

Edited Address Notes will appear in the Territory under Notes from Publisher.

The Territory Servant can check the note and either click Copy to Address Notes or Clear Notes from Publisher.

New Address

Publishers can submit a New Address by tapping the New Address + button (bottom-right)

Enter the new address information, then click Send.

Process New Addresses

New Territory Addresses are automatically updated in NW Scheduler when NW Scheduler is first opened.

New Addresses will appear in the Territory Addresses List with the Address Status as New from Publisher.

The Territory Servant should then confirm the address and either change the Status to Available, or delete the address.

  • Note: New Apartment Numbers will be imported as a New Address with type Apartment, and the Apartment Number written in the notes. The Territory Servant can then determine to either add the Apartment Number to an existing Apartment, or use the newly created Apartment.

Common Questions or Problems

Request Territories is found on the Me view

Please see App Features – Me – Territory Requests

No, territories must be manually assigned. There are many good reasons for this.

Yes, publishers can Request either a Congregation Territory, Field Service Group Territory or Personal Territory.

They may also enter a Note for the Territory Servant to request a specific type of Territory, for example Letter Writing Territory.

Yes, publishers can see Assigned Territories on the NW Publisher app. Publishers cannot see a list of unassigned territories.

Please see Territory Assignments and App Features – Territories for more information.

After enabling or disabling any App Features, you must click Send App Data and send the changes to the app.

To fix, simply Un-Tick then Re-Tick any App Features, and then send the changes to the app.

This problem also might occur if you have Congregation Sharing Problems.

  • For example: The App Feature might be enabled on your computer, but this didn’t share properly, so the feature is disabled on another elders computer. If you notice this, please see Congregation Sharing Data or Syncing Problems.

No, with the following exceptions:

  • Allow Public Witnessing Reservations is only enabled for approved publishers.
  • Show Publisher information can be enabled for either Elders or Ministerial Servants only.
  • Submit Meeting Attendance can be enabled for either Appointed Brothers or a selected Duty.
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