Field Service Scheduler

New World Scheduler includes a Field Service scheduler where the congregation Field Service Overseer can schedule congregation Field Service Meetings, including any Group arrangements on the weekend.

New World Scheduler Schedule Field Service and Field Service Meetings

New World Scheduler lets congregation Field Service Overseers create a Weekly Field Service Schedule, showing all Field Service Groups.

You can set the Time, Location, Conductor and any other information, such as Map number or material to cover.

Save the schedule as a Template for use in future weeks.

Each Field Service Group can have its own weekend Field Service Arrangements, including the Day, Time, Location and any other required information.

This information can then be added to the Weekly Field Service schedule.

New World Scheduler produces attractive and practical Field Service schedules and reports, which can be emailed, printed, or saved as either Document or PDF.

Field Service Schedule

The new S-21 Congregation’s Publisher Record form, showing two years per-page. Can also produce the S-21 Congregation Publisher Records for the CO Visit (see sfl 22:12).

Field Service Groups

Displays a full summary of the Congregation’s recent Field Service Activity, including totals and 6-month and 12-month averages for Publishers and Pioneers.

New World Scheduler automatically share and synchronize Field Service schedules and Field Service Groups with all elders.

This greatly assists all elders to keep up-to-date with Field Service arrangements, as well as better know who is in their Field Service group. Elders can then more readily shepherd and care for those in their Field Service Group.

Publishers can see the next two upcoming Weekly Field Service Schedules on the New World Scheduler – Publisher Edition App (for iOS and Android).

This includes the Time, Location, Conductor and any extra information about upcoming Field Service meetings.

The New World Scheduler Field Service scheduler is an excellent tool to help the Service Overseer schedule the congregation’s Field Service arrangements! By using New World Scheduler the Service Overseer can save time, produce appealing schedules and allow everyone to easily keep up-to-date with all Field Service meetings.

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