Secretary Program

New World Scheduler comes with a Secretary Program to help Congregation Secretaries enter Field Service Reports, maintain Congregation Publisher Records, compile the Monthly Congregation Field Service Report, print S-21 Publisher Cards, prepare S-21 Publisher Cards for the Circuit Overseer, enter Publisher Emergency Contact Information and more.

New World Scheduler lets congregation secretaries enter Publisher Reports quickly and easily.

The interface will be instantly familiar, since it’s based on the S-21 Publisher Record and allows you enter Placements, Video Showings, Hours, Return Visits, Bible Studies, Credit and Auxiliary Pioneer.

Displays the current Active, Irregular or Inactive status, as well as Pioneer status and Privilege.

The Monthly Field Service Report is automatically calculated by New World Scheduler and is clearly displayed, ready to send to the Branch.

Quickly and easily see any Missing Reports as well as any Irregular/Inactive persons for quick follow-up.

New World Scheduler produces many attractive and practical Secretary templates and reports, which can be emailed, printed, or saved as either Document or PDF.


The standard branch S-21 Congregation’s Publisher Record form, showing two years per-page. Can also produce the S-21 Congregation Publisher Records for the CO Visit (see sfl 22:12).

Field Service Summary

Displays a full summary of the Congregation’s recent Field Service Activity, including totals and 6-month and 12-month averages for Publishers and Pioneers.

Field Service Report Collection

A simple form that can be sent to Group Overseers to help them collate their groups Field Service Reports.

Regular Pioneer Hours

Displays a list of all Regular Pioneers including their Hours and Credit for the selected Service Year. Shows totals and averages to help elders ensure pioneers are meeting the hourly requirement.

Baptised 1 Year

New World Scheduler shows who has been baptised around 1-year to allow the Secretary to inform the COBE and arrange a shepherding visit.

New World Scheduler can securely and easily share Publisher Reports and Congregation Field Service information with all elders.

This greatly assists Group Overseers and other elders to know how the publishers in their group are doing. Elders can then promptly provide extra care and training to publishers in need.

Publishers can Submit the Field Service Report to their congregation using the New World Scheduler – Publisher Edition App.

This data is securely transmitted to the Congregation Secretary and is not kept on cloud servers, thus complying with sfl.

The New World Scheduler Secretary program is a powerful tool to help the Congregation Secretary arrange and record the congregation’s Field Service records, including Publisher Record cards. By using New World Scheduler the Congregation Secretary can save time, safely and securely store records, and allow all elders to easily access up-to-date records.

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