Import Territories from Territory Helper

New World Scheduler supports importing Territories from Territory Helper.

We believe your congregation and person data is your own, and you should be able to Import and Export your data as you wish. We also believe that as true Christians, it is both reasonable and right to allow data exchange between other JW scheduling programs.

What is Territory Helper?

Territory Helper is a web application designed to help Jehovah’s Witnesses with their congregation’s territories. Territory Helper allows brothers to design, create, manage, graph and explore their congregation’s territories.

What data can be imported from Territory Helper?

New World Scheduler is able to import the following information from Territory Helper:

NW Scheduler Import Territories and Maps from Territory Helper Alba KHS Google New World Scheduler

Import Territories from Territory Helper

  • Note: This includes the Territory Boundaries or Maps.

Step 1 - Check your Territory Numbers

NW Scheduler requires the Territory Number to actually be a number.

Your Territory Numbers must be also be unique for each territory within a Territory Category. Otherwise your imported data may overwrite itself.

If you use a Suffix, it must be separate by a dash “-” or space.


Category C – City

  • 1
  • 2
  • 2-B

Category R – Rural

  • 1
  • 2 B
  • 3 A

Not Acceptable

Category C – City

  • 1
  • 2
  • 2B (will overwrite 2)
  • Garden1 (will overwrite 1)
  • Bayside 2 (will overwrite 2)

Step 2 - Export Territories from Territory Helper

  • Note: Please DO NOT export a KML file. We can only import JSON files from Territory Helper.
  1. Login to territoryhelper
  2. Click Import/Export
  3. Under Export to JSON, click Territories
  4. Save the JSON file somewhere on your computer
    • E.G. in the Documents folder

Step 3 - Import Territories into NW Scheduler

  1. In NW Scheduler, click Territories
  2. Click Import
  3. Click Territories from Territory Helper
  4. Locate the JSON file you just exported
  5. Click OK

Import Territory Addresses (Locations) from Territory Helper

  • Note: NW Scheduler will attempt to match the Addresses to an existing Territory. If no match is found, a new Territory will be created.

Export Addresses (Locations) from Territory Helper

  1. Login to territoryhelper
  2. Change your Profile Language to English by clicking your Name > select English
    • Note: This does not affect your Congregation Language
    • Note: If you don’t do this, the exported file HEADER row will not be in English and can’t be imported
  3. Click Import/Export
  4. Under Export to Excel, click Locations
  5. Save the Excel file somewhere on your computer
    • E.G. in the Documents folder

Convert Addresses Excel file to CSV file

  • Note: NW Scheduler cannot import Excel files. You first need to convert this file to CSV.
  1. Open the Excel file you just exported
  2. Click File > Save As > change the type to CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)
  3. Click Save

Import Addresses (Locations) into NW Scheduler

Option 1

  • Note: NW Scheduler cannot import Excel files. You first need to convert this file to CSV.
  1. In NW Scheduler, click Territories
  2. Click Import
  3. Click Addresses (Locations) from Territory Helper
  4. Locate the CSV file you just converted
  5. Click OK

Option 2

  • Note: NW Scheduler cannot import Excel files. You first need to convert this file to CSV.
  1. In NW Scheduler, click Territories
  2. Select a Territory
  3. Click Addresses
  4. Click Import Addresses
  5. Click Addresses (Locations) from Territory Helper
  6. Locate the CSV file you just converted
  7. Click OK

Import Territory Assignments from Territory Helper

Export Assignments from Territory Helper

  1. Login to territoryhelper
  2. Change your Profile Language to English by clicking your Name > select English
    • Note: This does not affect your Congregation Language
    • Note: If you don’t do this, the exported file HEADER row will not be in English and can’t be imported
  3. Click Import/Export
  4. Under Export to Excel, click Assignments – All Time
  5. Save the Excel file somewhere on your computer
    • E.G. in the Documents folder

Convert Assignments Excel file to CSV file

  • Note: NW Scheduler cannot import Excel files. You first need to convert this file to CSV.
  1. Open the Excel file you just exported
  2. Click File > Save As > change the type to CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)
  3. Click Save

Import Assignments into NW Scheduler

  • Note: NW Scheduler cannot import Excel files. You first need to convert this file to CSV.

Option 1

  1. In NW Scheduler, click Territories
  2. Click Import
  3. Click Assignments from Territory Helper
  4. Locate the CSV file you just converted
  5. Click OK

Option 2

  1. In NW Scheduler, click Territories
  2. Select a Territory
  3. Click Assignments
  4. Click Import Assignments
  5. Click Assignments from Territory Helper
  6. Locate the CSV file you just converted
  7. Click OK

Import Problems

Please see Import Problems

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