Import from Deckhand

New World Scheduler supports Importing and Exporting data into a variety of common file formats.

We believe your congregation and person data is your own, and you should be able to Import and Export your data as you wish. We also believe that as true Christians, it is both reasonable and right to allow data exchange between other JW scheduling programs.

You must be using NW Scheduler 7.2 Build #1315 or greater to Import from Deckhand.

Import Congregation from Deckhand

  • Note: If you have already created a New World Scheduler Congregation, please see either Import Persons from Deckhand or Import Publisher Reports from Deckhand

Export Persons from Deckhand

  1. Login to Deckhand
  2. Click Publishers
  3. Click Export Publishers
    1. Set File Type to XLSX
    2. Set Export to Includc Associates
    3. Set Include to All Details
    4. Click Export
  4.  Open the exported XLSX file in Microsoft Excel (or another spreadsheet software)
    • Note: It should be called “Publishers 20 September 2023.xlsx” or similar
  5. Delete the entire first row (Row 1)
  6. Click File > Save As > and change the File Type to CSV UTF-8.
  7. Save the CSV file
    • Note: You should now have a saved CSV file called called “Publishers 20 September 2023.csv” or similar.

Export Reports from Deckhand

  1. Login to Deckhand
  2. Click Reports
  3. Click Export Reports
    1. Set Time Frame to Last 2 Service Years
    2. Set Type to Congregation History – XLSX
    3. Click Export
  4.  Open the exported XLSX file in Microsoft Excel (or another spreadsheet software)
    • Note: It should be called “Reports-<CONGREGATION NAME>-<DATE>.xlsx” or similar
  5. Delete the entire first row (Row 1)
  6. Click File > Save As > and change the File Type to CSV UTF-8.
  7. Save the CSV file
    • Note: You should now have a saved CSV file called called “Reports-<CONGREGATION NAME>-<DATE>.csv” or similar.

Import into New World Scheduler

  1. Open New World Scheduler
  2. At Getting Started, click Import Congregation from Deckhand
    • Note: Do not select Import from CSV
  3. At Step 2, click Select Data File to select your exported Publishers data file
  4. At Step 3, click Select Data File to select your exported Reports data file
  5. Click Import
  6. Your data will now import
  7. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  8. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents.
  9. If there are any major problems, see Import Problems

Import Persons from Deckhand

  • Note: If the First Name and Last Name exactly matches an existing person, the person record will be merged. Otherwise a new person will be created.
  • Note: These instructions assume you have already created a NW Scheduler congregation. If not, please see Import Congregation from Deckhand into NW Scheduler

Export from Deckhand

  1. Login to Deckhand
  2. Click Publishers
  3. Click Export Publishers
    1. Set File Type to XLSX
    2. Set Export to Include Associates
    3. Set Include to All Details
    4. Click Export
  4.  Open the exported XLSX file in Microsoft Excel (or another spreadsheet software)
    • Note: It should be called “Publishers 20 September 2023.xlsx” or similar
  5. Delete the entire first row (Row 1)
  6. Click File > Save As > and change the File Type to CSV UTF-8.
  7. Save the CSV file
    • Note: You should now have a saved CSV file called called “Publishers 20 September 2023.csv” or similar.

Import into New World Scheduler

  1. Open New World Scheduler
  2. Click Congregation > Import and Export
  3. Under Import, click Import Persons
  4. Select from Deckhand
    • Note: Do not select from CSV
  5. Select your exported Publishers data file
  6. Click OK
  7. Your data will now import
  8. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  9. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents.
  10. If there are any major problems, see Import Problems

Import Field Service Reports from Deckhand

  • Note: The First Name and Last Name of the Publisher Report must exactly match an existing person, otherwise the report cannot be imported.
  • Note: These instructions assume you have already created a NW Scheduler congregation. If not, please see Import Congregation from Deckhand into NW Scheduler

Export Reports from Deckhand

  1. Login to Deckhand
  2. Click Reports
  3. Click Export Reports
    1. Set Time Frame to Last 2 Service Years
    2. Set Type to Congregation History – XLSX
    3. Click Export
  4.  Open the exported XLSX file in Microsoft Excel (or another spreadsheet software)
    • Note: It should be called “Reports-<CONGREGATION NAME>-<DATE>.xlsx” or similar
  5. Delete the entire first row (Row 1)
  6. Click File > Save As > and change the File Type to CSV UTF-8.
  7. Save the CSV file
    • Note: You should now have a saved CSV file called called “Reports-<CONGREGATION NAME>-<DATE>.csv” or similar.

Import into New World Scheduler

  1. Open New World Scheduler
  2. Click Congregation > Import and Export
  3. Under Import, click Import Field Service Reports
  4. Select from Deckhand
    • Note: Do not select from CSV
  5. Select your exported Reports data file
  6. Click OK
  7. Your data will now import
  8. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  9. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents.
  10. If there are any major problems, see Import Problems

Importing Problems

Please see Import Problems

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