Import from CSV

New World Scheduler supports Importing and Exporting data into a variety of common file formats.

We believe your congregation and person data is your own, and you should be able to Import and Export your data as you wish. We also believe that as true Christians, it is both reasonable and right to allow data exchange between other JW scheduling programs.

New World Scheduler can import the following from CSV file into New World Scheduler:

Note: If you are importing data from Majestic KHS, Hourglass app, Deckhand, CLM Explorer, Territory Helper, Alba or TSWin, please DO NOT use these instructions. Instead, please see:

CSV File Format

When importing any data into NW Scheduler from CSV files, please ensure the following:

  1. Ensure your CSV file is either comma , or semi-colon ; delimited
  2. Ensure your CSV file includes a HEADER row which describes the fields
  3. Ensure your CSV file is saved with the extension .csv
  4. Ensure your CSV file only contains Supported CSV Fields
  5. Ensure your CSV file is saved in Encoding UTF-8

Import Persons from CSV file into New World Scheduler

  • Note: If you have not already done so, please Create a New Congregation
  • Note: If the First name and Last name exactly match any existing person, the person will be merged. Otherwise a new person will be created.
  1. Carefully read and follow CSV File Format
  2. Open New World Scheduler
  3. Click Persons
  4. Click Import
  5. Click Persons
  6. Click from CSV file
  7. Follow the instructions, then click Import
  8. Your person data will now import
  9. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  10. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents
  11. If there are any major problems, see Problems Importing CSV files

Sample Persons CSV

NW Scheduler Import Persons from CSV Excel Sample New World Scheduler

Supported Persons CSV Fields

  • Name
  • FirstName
  • MiddleName
  • LastName
  • Suffix
  • Address
  • Email
  • Email2
  • PhoneHome
  • PhoneMobile
  • PhoneWork
  • Gender
  • FamilyHead
  • FamilyID
  • ElderlyInfirm
  • Child
  • Blind
  • Deaf
  • CustomInformation
  • Notes
  • GroupName
  • GroupID
  • GroupResponsibility (either Overseer or Assistant)
  • Privilege (either Elder, MS or UBP)
  • PioneerStatus (either AP, RP or SP)
  • RPNumber
  • Anointed
  • LDCVolunteer
  • KingdomHallKey
  • CLMStudent
  • AllowedHall
  • Disfellowshipped
  • DOB
  • DateOfBirth
  • DateOfBaptism
  • DateOfDPA
  • DateOfRP
  • DateOfDisfellowshipped
  • DateOfFirstMonth
  • UseForChairman
  • UseForAuxiliaryCounselor
  • UseForPrayers
  • UseForTreasuresTalk
  • UseForTreasuresGems
  • UseForTreasuresBR
  • UseForApplyIC
  • UseForApplyRV
  • UseForApplyBS
  • UseForApplyExplaining
  • UseForApplyStudentTalk
  • UseForApplyAssistant
  • UseForLivingParts
  • UseForCBS
  • UseForCBSReader
  • UseForPublicTalksLocal
  • UseForPublicTalksAway
  • PublicTalksCanGive
  • UseForWeekendChairman
  • UseForWatchtowerReader
  • UseForCustomPublicTalksLocal1
  • UseForCustomPublicTalksLocal2
  • UseForHospitality
  • UseForPublicWitnessing
  • UseForConductFSGroups
  • UseForCustomFS
  • UseForFSPrayers
  • UseForDuty1
  • UseForDuty2
  • UseForDuty3
  • UseForDuty4
  • UseForDuty5
  • UseForDuty6
  • UseForDuty7
  • UseForDuty8
  • UseForMaintenance
  • UseForCleaningType1
  • UseForCleaningType2
  • UseForCleaningType3
  • UseForCleaningType4
  • UseForGardenCareType1
  • UseForGardenCareType2

Import Emergency Contacts from CSV file into NW Scheduler

  • Note: If you have not already done so, please Create a New Congregation
  • Note: If the First name and Last name exactly match any existing emergency contact, the emergency contact will be merged. Otherwise a new emergency contact will be created.
  • Note: Either the PublisherID field must match an existing publisher ID, OR the PublisherFirstName and PublisherLastName must exactly match an existing publisher, otherwise the emergency contact will not be imported.
  1. Carefully read and follow CSV File Format
    • See Sample Emergency Contacts CSV
    • See Supported Emergency Contacts CSV Fields below
  2. Open New World Scheduler
  3. Click Congregation
  4. Click Import or Export
  5. Under Import, click Emergency Contacts
  6. Click from CSV file
  7. Follow the instructions, then click Import
  8. Your emergency contact data will now import
  9. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  10. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents
  11. If there are any major problems, see Problems Importing CSV files

Sample Emergency Contacts CSV

NW Scheduler Persons Emergency Contacts Import from CSV Sample CSV

Supported Emergency Contacts CSV Fields

  • PublisherID
  • PublisherFirstName
  • PublisherLastName
  • ID
  • CongregationPersonID
  • Order
  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Mobile
  • Phone
  • Relationship
  • Notes

Import Field Service data from CSV file into New World Scheduler

  • Note: If you have not already done so, please Create a New Congregation
  • Note: The First name and Last name must exactly match an existing person in your congregation, or the Field Service data will not be imported.
  1. Carefully read and follow CSV File Format
  2. Open New World Scheduler
  3. Click Congregation > Congregation Field Service Report
  4. Select the correct month you wish to import data for
  5. Click Publishers
  6. Click Import and confirm your choice
  7. Locate your CSV file and click Open
  8. Your data will now import
  9. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  10. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents
  11. If there are any major problems, see Problems Importing CSV files

Sample Field Service data CSV

NW Scheduler Import Field Service Reports from CSV Notepad 2023 Sample New World Scheduler
NW Scheduler Import Field Service Reports from CSV Excel Sample 2023 New World Scheduler

Supported Field Service data CSV Fields

When importing Field Service data in CSV format, the follow fields are required and must exactly match an existing person in New World Scheduler:

  • FirstName and LastName, OR
  • PersonID
  • Date (Format must be yyyy-MM, e.g. 2023-05)

The follow fields are optional and describe the field service data for that person, for the selected month:

  • SharedInMinistry (true or false)
  • BibleStudies (number)
  • AP (true or false)
  • Hours (number, may include decimal points)
  • Credit (number)
  • Remarks (text)

No other CSV fields are supported.

Import Neighbour Congregations from CSV file into New World Scheduler

  • Note: If you have not already done so, please Create a New Congregation
  • Note: If the congregation name exactly matches an existing congregation, the data will be merged. Otherwise a new congregation will be created.
  1. Carefully read and follow CSV File Format
    • See Sample Neighbour Congregations CSV below
    • See Supported Neighbour Congregations CSV Fields below
  2. Open New World Scheduler
  3. Click Congregation > Circuits, Congregations & Public Speakers
  4. Click Import
  5. Under Neighbor Congregations, click from CSV file
  6. Locate your CSV file and click Open
  7. Your data will now import
  8. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  9. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents
  10. If there are any major problems, see Problems Importing CSV files

Sample Neighbour Congregations CSV

NW Scheduler Circuits, Congregations and Public Speakers Import Neighbor Congregations from CSV Sample 2
NW Scheduler Circuits, Congregations and Public Speakers Import Neighbor Congregations from CSV Sample 1

Supported Neighbour Congregations CSV Fields

  • Name
  • Circuit
  • KingdomHallAddress
  • WeekendMeetingDay
  • WeekendMeetingTime
  • COBEFirstName
  • COBELastName
  • COBEPhone
  • COBEEmail
  • PTCFirstName
  • PTCLastName
  • PTCPhone
  • PTCEmail
  • Notes

Import Public Speakers from CSV file into New World Scheduler

  • Note: If you have not already done so, please Create a New Congregation
  • Note: If the First name and Last name exactly match an existing Public Speaker, the data will be merged. Otherwise a new Public Speaker will be created.
  1. Carefully read and follow CSV File Format
  2. Open New World Scheduler
  3. Click Congregation > Neighbor Congregations and Public Speakers
  4. Select the Congregation you wish to import the Public Speakers into
  5. Under Public Speakers, click Import
  6. Locate your CSV file and click Open
  7. Your data will now import
  8. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  9. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents
  10. If there are any major problems, see Problems Importing CSV files

Sample Public Speakers CSV

NW Scheduler Import Public Speakers from CSV New World Scheduler

Supported Public Speakers CSV Fields

  • Congregation
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Privilege (either E or MS)
  • PhoneHome
  • PhoneMobile
  • Email
  • PublicTalksCanGive (numbers separated by commas)
  • PublicNotes
  • AwayFrequencyPeriod (a number)
  • AwayFrequencyType (either 0 for weeks or 1 for calendar months)

Import Public Talk Schedule from CSV file into New World Scheduler

  • Note: If you have not already done so, please Create a New Congregation
  • Note: If the First name and Last name exactly match an existing Public Speaker, this speaker will be used. Otherwise a new Public Speaker will be created.
  1. Carefully read and follow CSV File Format
  2. Open New World Scheduler
  3. Click Congregation > Import and Export
  4. Under Import, click Public Talk Schedule
  5. Click from CSV file and set your Date Format
    • Note: This must exactly match your CSV file dates
  6. Locate your CSV file and click Open
  7. Your data will now import
  8. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  9. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents
  10. If there are any major problems, see Problems Importing CSV files

Sample Public Talk Schedule CSV

NW Scheduler Import Public Talk Schedule from CSV Notepad Sample New World Scheduler
NW Scheduler Import Public Talk Schedule from CSV Excel Sample New World Scheduler

Supported Public Talk Schedule CSV Fields

  • Date
  • Congregation
  • PublicSpeaker
  • OutlineNumber
  • OutlineName
  • Song
  • Confirmed
  • Hospitality
  • Notes

Import Maintenance Categories from CSV file

  1. Carefully read and follow CSV File Format
  2. Open New World Scheduler
  3. Click Congregation > Import and Export
  4. Under Import, click Maintenance
  5. Click Categories from CSV file
  6. Locate your CSV file and click Open
  7. Your data will now import
  8. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  9. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents
  10. If there are any major problems, see Problems Importing CSV files

Sample Maintenance Categories CSV

NW Scheduler Import Maintenance LDC Categories from CSV New World Scheduler

Supported Maintenance Categories CSV Fields

  • Name

Import Maintenance Tasks from CSV file

  1. Carefully read and follow CSV File Format
  2. Open New World Scheduler
  3. Click Congregation > Import and Export
  4. Under Import, click Maintenance
  5. Click Tasks from CSV file
  6. Locate your CSV file and click Open
  7. Your data will now import
  8. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  9. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents
  10. If there are any major problems, see Problems Importing CSV files

Sample Maintenance Tasks CSV

NW Scheduler Import Maintenance LDC Tasks from CSV New World Scheduler

Supported Maintenance Tasks CSV Fields

  • Name
  • Category
  • Link
  • Description
  • DatesCompletedString
    • Note: Must be in format of yyyyMM separated by |

Import Assignments from CSV file

  1. Carefully read and follow CSV File Format
  2. Open New World Scheduler
  3. Click Congregation > Import and Export
  4. Under Import, click Maintenance
  5. Click Assignments from CSV file
  6. Locate your CSV file and click Open
  7. Your data will now import
  8. Once the Import is completed, the Import Log will appear
  9. Please carefully check the Import Log, then click Save Import Log and Close
    • Note: When you click Save Import Log, you will be asked where to save this file to. Select a location on your computer, e.g. Documents
  10. If there are any major problems, see Problems Importing CSV files

Sample Maintenance Assignments CSV

NW Scheduler Import Maintenance LDC Assignments from CSV New World Scheduler

Supported Maintenance Assignments CSV Fields

  • Date
    • Note: Must be in the format of yyyyMM
  • Congregation
  • Name
  • AssignTo
    • Note: Must be either Person, FieldServiceGroup, OtherGroup or NeighborCongregation
  • Type
    • Note: Must be either MaintenanceTaskU1, MaintenanceTaskU2, MaintenanceTaskU3 or MaintenanceTaskU4
  • MaintenanceTaskName
  • MaintenanceTaskCategory
  • Completed
    • Note: Must be True or False

Problems Importing CSV files

If you have problems Importing from CSV:

  1. Ensure your CSV file is comma , or semi-colon ; delimited
  2. Ensure your CSV file includes a HEADER row which describes the fields
  3. Ensure your CSV file is saved with the extension .csv
  4. Ensure your CSV file only contains Supported CSV Fields
  5. Ensure your CSV file is saved in Encoding UTF-8
  6. Carefully read and check Other Import Problems
  7. If you have done all of the above and still have problems, please Contact Us for assistance. Please include a copy of the CSV file and screenshots of the steps you are performing, and any errors you see
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