Import from Majestic KHS

New World Scheduler supports Importing and Exporting data into a variety of common file formats.

We believe your congregation and person data is your own, and you should be able to Import and Export your data as you wish. We also believe that as true Christians, it is both reasonable and right to allow data exchange between other scheduling programs.

Recently we have been working with KHS to allow quick and easy transfer of data between KHS and NW Scheduler.

You can now export data directly from KHS and import into NW Scheduler.

Export KHS Data

  1. Update KHS to 18.24 or greater
  2. Open KHS and click Data Exchange > Export to
  3. Select Export to NW Scheduler
  4. This will save an Export zip file on your Desktop
Export KHS data for NW Scheduler

Import KHS Data into NW Scheduler

Congregation and ALL data

  1. Open NW Scheduler
  2. Click Congregation > Import or Export
  3. Under Import, click Congregation (Everything)
  4. Click from KHS
  5. Click Select Data File and choose your exported Data file (usually located on the Desktop)
  6. Choose which data you wish to import
    • Note: If you have already created a NW Scheduler congregation and Registered that Congregation ID, please untickCongregation“, or you will overwrite your existing Congregation ID.
  7. Click Import from KHS
Import KHS data into NW Scheduler Congregation Everything New World Scheduler

Persons, Emergency Contacts and Publisher Reports

  • Note: If you are importing into an existing congregation with existing persons, the First Name and Last Name must exactly match an existing person, otherwise a new person will be created.
  1. Open NW Scheduler
  2. Click Congregation > Import or Export
  3. Under Import, click either Persons, Field Service Reports or Emergency Contacts
  4. Click from KHS
  5. Click Select Data File and choose your exported Data File (usually located on the Desktop)
  6. Tick either PersonsField Service Reports and/or Emergency Contacts
  7. Click Import from KHS

Circuits, Congregations and Public Speakers

  • Note: If you are importing into an existing congregation with existing speakers, the First Name and Last Name must exactly match an existing speaker, otherwise a new speaker will be created.
  1. Open NW Scheduler
  2. Click Congregation > Import or Export
  3. Under Import, click either Neighbor Congregations or Public Speakers
  4. Click from KHS
  5. Click Select Data File and choose your exported Data File (usually located on the Desktop)
  6. Tick Circuits, Congregations and Speakers
  7. Click Import from KHS

Public Talk Schedule

  • Note: If you are importing into an existing congregation, we recommend also importing Circuits, Congregations and Speakers at the same time. This will make it easier to match the data.
  1. Open NW Scheduler
  2. Click Congregation > Import or Export
  3. Under Import, click Public Talk Schedule
  4. Click from KHS
  5. Click Select Data File and choose your exported Data File (usually located on the Desktop)
  6. Tick Schedule – Public Talks
    • Note: We also recommend ticking Circuits, Congregations and Speakers
  7. Click Import from KHS

Christian Life and Ministry Meeting Schedule

  • Note: If you are importing into an existing congregation with existing persons, the First Name and Last Name must exactly match an existing person, otherwise the CLM Schedule import will not know which person to choose.
  1. Open NW Scheduler
  2. Click Congregation > Import or Export
  3. Under Import, click Life and Ministry Meeting Schedule
  4. Click from KHS
  5. Click Select Data File and choose your exported Data File (usually located on the Desktop)
  6. Tick Schedule – Life and Ministry Meeting
  7. Click Import from KHS

Other Schedules

  • Note: If you are importing into an existing congregation with existing persons, the First Name and Last Name must exactly match an existing person, otherwise the schedule import will not know which person to choose.
  1. Open NW Scheduler
  2. Click Congregation > Import or Export
  3. Under Import, click Congregation (Everything)
  4. Click from KHS
  5. Click Select Data File and choose your exported Data File (usually located on the Desktop)
  6. Tick the schedules you wish to import
  7. Click Import from KHS

Other Data (Meeting Attendance, Territories, Congregation Events, etc)

  1. Open NW Scheduler
  2. Click Congregation > Import or Export
  3. Under Import, click Congregation (Everything)
  4. Click from KHS
  5. Click Select Data File and choose your exported Data File (usually located on the Desktop)
  6. Choose which data you wish to import
  7. Click Import from KHS

Import from multiple KHS computers

Unfortunately, many congregations have KHS installed on multiple computers that are not correctly synced. This makes it a challenge when importing into NW Scheduler, but we try hard to still help you import successfully.

You have two options:

Option 1

  1. Combine and merge all the KHS data together on one KHS computer
    • Note: If you need help doing this, please contact KHS
  2. Export KHS Data
  3. Import KHS Data into NW Scheduler

Option 2

  1. Each brother Exports KHS Data, which results in multiple exported Data files.
  2. On the computer with NW Scheduler, Import KHS Data into NW Scheduler multiple times, once for each exported data file. When imported, choose only the specific data you wish to import.
    • Note: NW Scheduler will attempt to match persons using their First Name, Middle Name, Last Name and Suffix. If all these do not exactly match, a new person will be created.

Import Problems

Minor Problems

If you experience minor problems importing data, there is likely nothing we can do. There are some data incompatibilities between different software programs. Likely it will only take a few minutes to fix up your data or enter any missing data.

Major Problems

If you experience major problems importing data:

  1. Visit Downloads to download and install the latest Build version of New World Scheduler
  2. Ensure you are clicking the correct Import button
    • Example 1: if Importing from KHS, do not select Import from CSV
  3. Carefully check the Import Log to see what data did or didn’t import, and why
  4. Click Help > Contact Us > Problem > Importing
    • Note: You must please include the Import Log and multiple detailed screenshots
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