Territories Common Questions and Problems

Territories List

There is no way to add more than 1000 territories, nor is there any need. Please do not ask.

1000 territories, each with up to 300 addresses, represents 300,000 addresses! No congregation territory in the entire world has anywhere near that many addresses, nor would it ever be possible for a single congregation to preach to even half that number.

If you need more than 1000 territories, this just means your territories are too small and you should adjust your territories. Each territory would normally have between 100 and 200 addresses.

  • Congregation Gold: 1000 territories, Territory Management, Territory Assignments, Draw Territory Boundaries, Territory Addresses, Territory Campaigns, Master Map.
  • Congregation Silver (Premium): 500 territories, Territory Management, Territory Assignments, Territory Campaigns.
  • Congregation Bronze (Standard): 100 territories, Territory Management, Territory Assignments, Territory Campaigns.
  • Individual: 100 territories, Territory Management, Territory Assignments, Territory Campaigns.

By default, territories are sorted according to Category Code, then Number, then Suffix.

  • Note: the Suffix was designed to be a Letter, and will sort alphabetically.

You can adjust how the territories sort by clicking the Header.

Territories Map

By default, the Master Map will show an overview of all your Territories with a Boundary.

If none of your territories have Boundary, the Master Map will show your Kingdom Hall Location.

If any of your Territory Boundaries are too far away or contain errors, the Master Map does not know where to show, and may show a strange location. Double-check all your Territory Boundaries.

Or, if you have not correctly entered your Country and Kingdom Hall address, the Master Map may also show a strange location.

The physical map data (e.g. roads, houses, etc.) comes from the Map Provider. We obviously do not control any map data.

NW Scheduler currently provides mapping data from the following sources:

  • ThinkGeo
  • OpenStreetMaps
  • Bing Maps

NW Publisher app currently provides mapping data from the following sources:

  • OpenStreetMaps
  • Bing
  • Google

Recently we have learned that some OpenStreetMaps were vandalized in some areas of USA, on the lowest Zoom levels. OpenStreetMaps removed the vandalism within a few hours, but it can sometimes take a few days for you phone cache to be cleared.

You can change Map Providers in Territory Settings.

Yes. The physical map data (e.g. roads, houses, etc.) comes from the Map Provider. We obviously do not control any map data.

NW Scheduler currently provides mapping data from the following sources:

  • ThinkGeo
  • OpenStreetMaps
  • Bing Maps

NW Publisher app currently provides mapping data from the following sources:

  • OpenStreetMaps
  • Bing
  • Google Maps

Recently we have learned that some OpenStreetMaps were vandalized in some areas of USA, on the lowest Zoom levels. OpenStreetMaps removed the vandalism within a few hours, but it can sometimes take a few days for you phone cache to be cleared.

You can change Map Providers in Territory Settings.

The physical map data (e.g. roads, houses, etc.) comes from the Map Provider. We obviously do not control any map data.

NW Scheduler currently provides mapping data from the following sources:

  • ThinkGeo
  • OpenStreetMaps
  • Bing Maps

NW Publisher app currently provides mapping data from the following sources:

  • OpenStreetMaps
  • Bing Maps
  • Google Maps

Recently we have learned that some OpenStreetMaps were vandalized in some areas of USA, on the lowest Zoom levels. OpenStreetMaps removed the vandalism within a few hours, but it can sometimes take a few days for you phone cache to be cleared.

You can change Map Providers in Territory Settings.

Individual, Congregation Bronze and Congregation Silver still include the Territory and Territory assignments functions that they previously had. 

The new advanced Territory features released in NW Scheduler 7.0, such as territory mapping and boundaries, adding addresses, letter writing and phone witnessing maps, require a Congregation Gold registration. You can draw 10 Territory boundaries and add some addresses to evaluate  these features before deciding whether to upgrade.

Please see the Register page of our website or Me > Registration > View all Features for more information.

Territory Information

Territory Addresses

We currently provide mapping data from 3 different map providers:

  1. ThinkGeo
  2. OpenStreetMaps
  3. Bing Maps

You can change the map provider in Territory Settings.

The level of detail shown on the maps depends on the provider and the location. There is nothing we can do about this. We do not control map data.

Regardless of map provider or map detail, you can add Territory Address to all maps. Simply right-click any location to add an Address at that location. This will show a House, Apartment or Business icon at that location and be visible on the map.

Google Maps have by far the most detail, but is very, very expensive. We cannot add Google Maps at this time.

We are investigating adding more map providers in the future.

We obviously do not control the Geocoding lookup data. This comes from the Map Provider.

If the data isn’t accurate, please manually adjust. Or export your addresses to CSV file, change, then re-import.

Yes, Adding territory addresses is entirely optional, and NW Scheduler allows congregations to add as many or few addresses as you need.

Congregations might choose any of the following:

  • Add all addresses in all territories
  • Add only rural addresses in rural territories
  • Add only Do Not Calls addresses
  • Add only business addresses
  • Add “streets” as addresses
  • Add no addresses

Yes, each territory can add a maximum of 300 addresses, or 500 combined addresses + apartment numbers.

This is because the app server can only transfer so much data at once to a phone. This limits how many territories each Territory can contain.

300 addresses should be more than enough for any normal sized territory. If your territory has more, please split the territory. This is both practical and reasonable.

This limit applies when adding new addresses or importing new addresses.

Each territory can add a maximum of 300 addresses, or 500 combined addresses + apartment numbers.

This is because the app server can only transfer so much data at once to a phone. This limits how many territories each Territory can contain.

300 addresses should be more than enough for any normal sized territory. If your territory has more, please split the territory. This is both practical and reasonable.

This limit applies when adding new addresses or importing new addresses.

We have no control over the GeoLookup results. These come from a Map Provider.

Some results may have to be manually adjusted.

Territory Addresses are first sorted by City Suburb, then by Street, then by House Number.

This cannot be changed.

Each address can optionally have Notes which will display on the on the NW Publisher app.

Publishers can Edit Territory Notes, which will be sent to the Territory Servant for checking.

No this is not possible. Just as Zoom can’t be used “offline”, Territory Addresses can’t be updated offline. That would cause all kinds of syncing problems.

If you are working a territory with no internet coverage, simply manually record what is worked, then when you have internet connection again, update the addresses.

Territory Assignments

Territories can be assigned in the following ways:

  1. To a Person for Congregation use
  2. To a Person for Personal use
  3. To a Field Service Group for Field Service Group use
  4. To a Field Service Group for Congregation use
  5. To a Neighbor Congregation for your reference

Assigning a territory to a Person does not mean it is a Personal Territory. By default, all assigned territories will show on the app in the Congregation list.

This is because the majority of preaching is not done with Personal Territories, but together as a group.

    • For example, a brother conducting the Wednesday morning Meeting for Field Service would be assigned a territory. He will arrange and direct everyone who is witnessing on Wednesday morning to work this territory together. (See km 3/15 pp. 3-6 par 6, or od 65-67, or km 11/98 pp. 4 par 7)

Personal Territories should be considered a “supplement” to Group Witnessing, and should not replace group witnessing. (see km 12/06 p. 8 par 5)

To assign a Personal Territory, first assign to a Person and then select Personal Territory. This means only that single person can work the territory and it will show on the app in the Personal Territories list.

Yes, each person can be assigned a maximum of 10 territories at one time. Each Field Service Group can be assigned a maximum of 15 territories at one time.

Territories should typically have between 100-200 houses. This means 10 or 15 territories assignments represents thousands of houses, and is more than enough. This cannot be changed.

If you need to assign more to a person or group, please ask the person or Group Overseer to first complete their existing territories before receiving more.

You could also make your territories larger.

Simply create new Territory Assignments, and adjust the Date Assigned and Date Completed to a past date.

If a publisher who was previously assigned a territory is no longer in your congregation, simply set the Person to None.

New World Scheduler strictly follows the branch Congregation Records Retention Policy. We must remain obedient to direction given.

Territory Assignment Records are retained for the current service year and for the previous service year only. (see sfla).

Old data is automatically removed on January 1st each year.

For your reference, the current service year starts in September and ends in August of the next year.

For example:

  • On September 1st, 2022, the current service year is 2023 and runs from September 2022 – August 2023 and the previous service year is September 2021 – August 2022.
  • On August 30th, 2022, the current service year is 2022 and runs from September 2021 – August 2022 and the previous service year is September 2020 – August 2021.

The “None” person is designed to allow you to enter previous Territory Assignment history if the person who was originally assigned a territory is unknown, or is no longer in your congregation.

You should not use “None” to make current territory assignments.

When printing the Territory Assignment Records (S-13), you must select the Period, which are the Service Years. Only Territory Assignments made during the selected Service Years will be shown.

For you reference, service years start in September of the previous calendar year, and run to August of this year.

  • E.G. The 2022 Service Year goes from September 2021 to August 2022.

Additionally, Territory Assignment Records are retained for the current service year and for the previous service year only. (see sfla).

The branch made many significant changes to the new S-13 compared to the previous S-13.

The previous S-13 displayed all of the history of a territory, whereas the new S-13 only displays history which takes place in the selected Service Year.

Additionally, please note the directions for the Last date completed column: “When beginning a new sheet, use this column to record the date on which each territory was last completed.”

This means the column is only used ONCE, when you first start using that sheet. It therefore only shows the date a territory was last completed BEFORE the selected Service Year.

If a territory is completed during the selected Service Year, the Last date completed is NOT updated.

If a territory was not completed before the selected Service Year, no date will be shown.

When printing the Territory Assignment Records (S-13), you must select the Period, which are the Service Years. Only Territory Assignments made during the selected Service Years will be shown.

For you reference, service years start in September of the previous calendar year, and run to August of this year.

E.G. The 2022 Service Year goes from September 2021 to August 2022.

Additionally, Territory Assignment Records are retained for the current service year and for the previous service year only. (see sfla).

Territory Map (Printed)

Try zooming in or out.

Check your internet connection.

Otherwise, please see Territory Settings and clear the Map Cache.

Server data storage and usage is very expensive. We have selected a file size limit that balances functionality with cost.

Additionally, as the map files are designed to be viewed on mobile devices, a larger file size is not necessary.

The physical map data (e.g. roads, houses, etc.) comes from the Map Provider. We obviously do not control any map data.

NW Scheduler currently provides mapping data from the following sources:

  • ThinkGeo
  • OpenStreetMaps
  • Bing Maps

NW Publisher app currently provides mapping data from the following sources:

  • OpenStreetMaps
  • Bing
  • Google

Recently we have learned that some OpenStreetMaps were vandalized in some areas of USA, on the lowest Zoom levels. OpenStreetMaps removed the vandalism within a few hours, but it can sometimes take a few days for you phone cache to be cleared.

You can change Map Providers in Territory Settings.

The physical map data (e.g. roads, houses, etc.) comes from the Map Provider. We obviously do not control any map data.

NW Scheduler currently provides mapping data from the following sources:

  • ThinkGeo
  • OpenStreetMaps
  • Bing Maps

NW Publisher app currently provides mapping data from the following sources:

  • OpenStreetMaps
  • Bing
  • Google

Recently we have learned that some OpenStreetMaps were vandalized in some areas of USA, on the lowest Zoom levels. OpenStreetMaps removed the vandalism within a few hours, but it can sometimes take a few days for you phone cache to be cleared.

You can change Map Providers in Territory Settings.

No, this is not possible.

You can draw Territory Boundaries and add individual Territory Addresses.

There are many ways to compress a PDF, depending on how you created the PDF and what software you have. We recommend trying the following:

  1. Remove any graphics or pictures from the PDF
  2. Re-save the PDF with a lower quality setting
  3. Visit https://smallpdf.com/compress-pdf and compress the PDF
  4. Do a google search for “How to compress PDF”

The map must be saved as PNG or JPG to see when printing. PDF map files will not display when printing.

This means the map file is still open on your computer.

You must please close the map file before adding, sending or removing.

NW Publisher app

Yes, please assign the territory to a Field Service Group.

Yes, publishers can see Assigned Territories on the NW Publisher app. Publishers cannot see a list of unassigned territories.

Please see Territory Assignments and App Features – Territories for more information.

Please see NW Publisher app Help > Receive or Import App Data

When a publisher sends a Completed territory back to the congregation, it is not automatically received by New World Scheduler. It must be manually imported by an elder into New World Scheduler.

Not at this time, but we are hoping to add this feature in the future.

At this time, all appointed brothers must use NW Scheduler to manage territories.

In NW Publisher app, publishers can see any Assigned Territories that have been marked for Congregation use. They can also see any Personal territories assigned to them.

Publishers cannot assign their own territories. The Territory Servant must assign all territories using NW Scheduler.

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