Territories List

New World Scheduler can create and manage congregation Territories and maps, including Territory Boundaries, Territory InformationTerritory AddressesTerritory Assignments, Territory Maps and more.

New World Scheduler can display all your congregation Territories in a well organized Territory List.

Territories List is exactly the same as Territories List and Map, except with no Map display.

To access the Territories List, click Territories > Territories List

NW Scheduler Territories List Menu New World Scheduler

Territories List

The Territories List can be Categorized, Filtered, Ordered and Searched.

The Territories List shows the following informaton:

NW Scheduler Territories Territory Main Table New World Scheduler

Territories Filter

Territories can be filtered by the following criteria:

  • Selected Type. Shows all territories of a particular Territory Type, e.g. In Person, Letter Writing or Phone Witnessing.
  • Selected Area. Shows all territories in the selected Territory Area.
  • Selected Person. Shows all territories currently assigned to the selected person.
  • Selected Group. Shows all territories currently assigned to the selected Field Service Group.
  • Currently Being Worked. Shows all territories that are currently being worked.
  • Territories Overdue. Shows all territories that are currently overdue.
  • Not Worked Last 6 Months. Shows all territories that have not been worked in the last 6 months.
  • Not Worked Last 12 Months. Shows all territories that have not been worked in the last 12 months.
  • Not Completed Last 6 Months. Shows all territories that have not been completed in the last 6 months.
  • Not Completed Last 12 Months. Shows all territories that have not been completed in the last 12 months.
  • Active Campaign. Shows all territories that are assigned to the Active Campaign.
  • Not in Active Campaign. Shows all territories that are not assigned to the Active Campaign.
  • Any Campaign. Shows all territories that have been assigned to any Campaign.
  • No Campaign. Shows all territories that have not been assigned to any Campaign.


Territories can be searched for Territory Number, Area, Person or Field Service Group.


Territories can be ordered by Territory Name (default), Area, Assigned to, Assigned date or Completed date.

Color Highlighting

A territory will be shaded blue if it is currently Assigned.

A territory will be shaded purple if it is currently Assigned to a Campaign.

A territory will be shaded red if it is currently Overdue.

Territory Categories

Territories can be categorized into Territory Categories, or left in No Category.

Territory Categories can be created according to your local needs, and can also be assigned a color. This color is used when displaying Territory Boundaries (Maps).

NW Scheduler Territories Territory Edit Categories New World Scheduler

Add Territory Category

  1. Click Territories
  2. Click Edit Categories
  3. Click New
  4. Add a Code and Name
  5. Optionally, select a color

Edit Territory Category

  • Note: If you change a Territory Category color and there are already existing Territory Boundaries, you need to zoom in and out to refresh the Master Map view.
  1. Click Territories
  2. Click Edit Categories

Delete Territory Category

  1. Click Territories
  2. Click Edit Categories
  3. Select a Territory Category
  4. Click Delete
NW Scheduler Territories Territory Categories New World Scheduler

Add New Territory

  1. Click Territories > Territories List
  2. Select a Territory Category
  3. Click New Territory

Delete Territory

  1. Click Territories > Territories List
  2. Select a territory
  3. Click Delete
    • Note: This will also delete all territory addresses and assignments for this territory
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