New World Scheduler contains many attractive, practical and informative Persons Reports, allowing you to quickly and easily view your congregation data.
All schedules and reports can be saved as Document, PDF, Image or XPS. They can also be Previewed, Printed or Emailed.
To Save, Print or Email Person Reports, click Printing > Save, Print & Email Reports > Person
Person List
Displays a list of congregation persons based on the Group, Filter, Assign and Search selections.
Who might use
Any elder might use this to generate any required list of persons. The Group, Filter, Assign and Search options allow for flexibility when generating lists of persons.
- Include Privilege Tags shows the Privilege of each publisher.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
Person Contact Information
Shows the Contact Information for the selected persons, including name, address, email and phone numbers.
Who might use
All elders might want to see contact information for congregation persons, but especially Group Overseers, Group Assistants and the Congregation Secretary.
- Group by Family will group all publishers by Family.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
- Note: If you select Group – All you may tick Separate by Group which will output one file per group.
Person Detailed Information
Shows Detailed Information about the selected persons, including emergency contacts, family information, and optionally spiritual and assignment information.
Who might use
All elders might want to see information about congregation persons, or the Congregation Secretary might want to use this information to verify his records.
- Include Spiritual includes spiritual information.
- Include Assign includes Assignment information.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
Persons Information Check
Shows Detailed Information about the selected persons that should be given to publishers to check and verify all information is accurate and up-to-date.
Who might use
The Congregation Secretary or Group Overseers might want to periodically give this to all publishers to ensure the congregation records are accurate and up-to-date.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
- Supports Email Special Features.
Private Notes entered by elders will not show on this report (for confidentiality reasons). Publishers can also add their own notes, which elders may or may not add.
Persons Spiritual Summary
Displays a Spiritual Summary of selected publishers, including Privilege, Pioneer status, baptism date, CLM Student, etc.
Who might use
All elders should regular check the spiritual summary of persons in their Field Service group, but especially Group Overseers and Group Assistants. The Congregation Secretary might want to periodically print or email this to all elders. The Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer and the Service Overseer also might want to check this report to see who has potential to become a student on the Life and Ministry Meeting school or become a pioneer.
- Group by Family will group all publishers by Family.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
- Note: If you select Group – All you may tick Separate by Group which will output one file per group.
- Supports Email Special Features.
Emergency Contact List
Shows the Emergency Contact Information for all selected persons.
Who might use
All elders will want to have up-to-date emergency contact information for all persons in their group. The Congregation Secretary might want to periodically print or email this to all elders.
- Group by Family will group all publishers by Family.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
- Note: If you select Group – All you may tick Separate by Group which will output one file per group.
- Supports Email Special Features.
Emergency Contact List Condensed
Shows the Emergency Contact Information for all selected persons in a condensed format. This allows for printing and storing somewhere convenient, such as a wallet or Go Bag.
Who might use
All elders will want to have up-to-date emergency contact information for all publishers in their group on hand at all times. The Congregation Secretary might want to periodically print or email this to all elders.
- Group by Family will group all publishers by Family.
- Include Addresses includes emergency contact addresses.
- Show first Emergency Contact only will only show the first emergency contact for each publisher.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
- Note: If you select Group – All you may tick Separate by Group which will output one file per group.
Person Away Periods
Shows any upcoming Away Periods for all selected persons.
Who might use
All elders might like to know who will be away in the future, but especially Group Overseers, Group Assistants and the Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer.
- Short Date Format will display dates using the Short Date Format
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
- Note: If you select Group – All you may tick Separate by Group which will output one file per group.
- Supports Email Special Features
App Persons
Displays the NW Publisher app status of all selected persons, including App PIN, Delegated, Connected and Notification status.
Who might use
Group Overseers or Group Assistants should use this list to help publishers download and connect to the app. The Coordinator of the Body of Elders (COBE), Congregation Secretary or another congregation administrator could save and email this report to Group Overseers or Group Assistants.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
- Note: If you select Group – All you may tick Separate by Group which will output one file per group.
- Supports Email Special Features
CLM Assignments by Person
Displays a summary of which Christian Life and Ministry Meeting Assignments (CLM) each selected person can handle.
Who might use
All elders are responsible for approving which persons can handle which parts and would use this list to keep updated. Likely the Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer or Coordinator of the Body of Elders (COBE) would periodically send this to other elders.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
- Note: If you select Group – All you may tick Separate by Group which will output one file per group.
Assignments by Person
Displays a summary of which Assignments each selected persons can perform, including Weekend Assignments, Duties, Field Service and App access.
Who might use
All elders are responsible for approving which persons can handle which parts and would use this list to keep updated. Likely the Coordinator of the Body of Elders (COBE) or Public Talk Coordinator or would periodically send this to other elders.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
- Note: If you select Group – All you may tick Separate by Group which will output one file per group.
Weekend Assignments Person List
Display lists of which persons can perform the various Weekend Assignments.
Who might use
All elders are responsible for approving which persons can handle which parts and would use this list to keep updated. Likely the Coordinator of the Body of Elders (COBE) or Public Talk Coordinator or would periodically send this to other elders to ensure there are enough brothers assigned for each Weekend Assignment.
Common Questions and Problems
If a report, schedule or template does not exist on our Help pages, then it most likely does not exist in New World Scheduler. While New World Scheduler already contains over 130 different templates and reports, it is not possible to create reports or templates for everything and everyone.
Nevertheless, if you would like to suggest a new schedule, report or template for New World Scheduler:
- Create a sample or screenshot of a sample
- Click Help > Contact Us > Suggestion and carefully follow the directions provided.
Please carefully re-read the section Select the Report or Schedule on the Preview, Save, Print or Email Reports page.
The Periods are fixed and cannot be changed. They will automatically update as time passes.