Field Service Schedules and Reports

New World Scheduler contains many attractive, practical and informative Field Service Schedules and Reports, allowing you to quickly and easily view your congregation data.

All schedules and reports can be saved as Document, PDF, Image or XPS. They can also be Previewed, Printed or Emailed.

To Save, Print or Email Field Service Schedules Reports, click Printing > Save, Print & Email Reports > Field Service

Field Service Schedule


Displays the Field Service Schedule for the selected weeks, including the Time, Location and Conductor of any Field Service Groups.

Who might use

The Service Overseer, his assistant or the Territory Servant might print or save this report and place on the congregation Information Board, or it could be emailed to all publishers.


  • Include Territories includes which Territories have been assigned to work.
  • Include Addresses includes Field Service Location addresses.
  • Simplify Group Arrangements replaces each individual Group Field Service Meeting details with the words “Group Arrangements”.
  • Hide Group Arrangements removes all Group Field Service Meetings
  • Select either the 1 Week Per Page or 4 Weeks per page Template.
  • Select the Weeks to display
New World Scheduler Reports - Field Service - Field Service Schedule

Public Witnessing Schedule


Displays the Public Witnessing Schedule for the selected weeks or whole month, including the Locations, Times, Shifts and persons.

Who might use

The Service Overseer, his assistant or the Territory Servant might print or save this report and place on the congregation Information Board, or it could be emailed to all publishers.


  • Select either 1 Week Per Page or 4 Weeks per page Templates.
New World Scheduler Reports - Public Witnessing - Public Witnessing Schedule

Territory Assignment Records (new S-13)


Shows all congregation Territory Assignment Records on the S-13 Territory Assignment Records form during the selected Service Year.

Who might use

The Service Overseer, his assistant or the Territory Servant might print or save this report. The Service Overseer should give this to the Circuit Overseer before his visit.


This report can also be printed from the Circuit Overseer Report Category.


The branch made many significant changes to the new S-13 compared to the previous S-13.

The previous S-13 displayed all of the history of a territory, whereas the new S-13 only displays history which takes place in the selected Service Year.

Additionally, please note the directions for the Last date completed column: “When beginning a new sheet, use this column to record the date on which each territory was last completed.”

This means the column is only used ONCE, when you first start using that sheet. It therefore only shows the date a territory was last completed BEFORE the selected Service Year.

If a territory is completed during the selected Service Year, the Last date completed is NOT updated.

If a territory was not completed before the selected Service Year, no date will be shown. Or if the territory was only completed more than 3 years ago, no date will be shown.

New World Scheduler Reports - Congregation - Territory Assignment Records S-13

Territory Coverage


Displays various statistics about how the congregation is working their Field Service Territory.

Who might use

The Service Overseer, his assistant or the Territory Servant might print or save this report. This could be periodically given or emailed to all elders. The Service Overseer should give this to the Circuit Overseer before his visit.


This report can also be printed from the Circuit Overseer Report Category.


  • Completed in the last 6/12 months: The number of territories that were Checked In within the last 6 or 12 months.
  • Not worked in the last 6 or 12 months:  The number of territories that were not Checked Out within the last 6 or 12 months.
  • Average time to complete a single map: The average days between the Checked In Date and the Checked Out Date for all territories.
  • Estimated time to complete entire Territory: The estimated time to complete your entire territory, based on how many Territories were completed within the last 3 months, and how many territories you have.
New World Scheduler Reports - Congregation - Territory Coverage

Field Service Assignments Member List


Displays lists of which persons can perform all the various Field Service Assignments.

Who might use

All elders are responsible for approving which persons can handle which assignments and would use this list to keep updated. Likely the Coordinator of the Body of Elders (COBE) or Service Overseer would periodically send this to other elders to ensure there are enough brothers assigned for each Field Service Assignment.

New World Scheduler Reports - Field Service - Field Service Assignments Member List

Common Questions and Problems

If a report, schedule or template does not exist on our Help pages, then it most likely does not exist in New World Scheduler. While New World Scheduler already contains over 130 different templates and reports, it is not possible to create reports or templates for everything and everyone.

Nevertheless, if you would like to suggest a new schedule, report or template for New World Scheduler:

  1. Create a sample or screenshot of a sample
  2. Click Help > Contact Us > Suggestion and carefully follow the directions provided.

Please carefully re-read the section Select the Report or Schedule on the Preview, Save, Print or Email Reports page.

The Periods are fixed and cannot be changed. They will automatically update as time passes.

The branch made many significant changes to the new S-13 compared to the previous S-13.

The previous S-13 displayed all of the history of a territory, whereas the new S-13 only displays history which takes place in the selected Service Year.

Additionally, please note the directions for the Last date completed column: “When beginning a new sheet, use this column to record the date on which each territory was last completed.”

This means the column is only used ONCE, when you first start using that sheet. It therefore only shows the date a territory was last completed BEFORE the selected Service Year.

If a territory is completed during the selected Service Year, the Last date completed is NOT updated.

If a territory was not completed before the selected Service Year, no date will be shown. Or if the territory was only completed more than 3 years ago, no date will be shown.

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