New World Scheduler contains many attractive, practical and informative Secretary Reports, allowing you to quickly and easily view your congregation data.
All schedules and reports can be saved as Document, PDF, Image or XPS. They can also be Previewed, Printed or Emailed.
To Save, Print or Email Secretary Reports, click Printing > Save, Print & Email Reports > Secretary
Field Service and Meeting Attendance (S-1)
Shows the Congregation Field Service information as required by for the selected month. This allows the congregation Secretary to see what was submitted into
- Note: The secretary should see Congregation Field Service Report > (S-1) to submit the current month.
Who might use
The Congregation Secretary could use to see a record of what was submitted into
The secretary should first ensure the Congregation Field Service Report has been set as Submitted.
Congregation Analysis Report (S-10)
Generates the S-10 Congregation Analysis Report form.
Who might use
The Coordinator of the Body of Elders (COBE) or Congregation Secretary should save or print this once a year. It could also be emailed to all congregation elders.
This data is based off the previous 12-months Congregation Field Service Reports. Please ensure the previous 12-months have all been Submitted, otherwise the data might not be accurate.
- Supports Email Special Features
Congregation Publisher Records (S-21)
Generates S-21 Congregation Publisher Records for the selected persons and periods.
Who might use
All elders are interested in Publisher Records, but especially the Congregation Secretary and Group Overseers.
- Name Format changes how names are displayed.
- Select the Period(s) to display.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right persons.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
- The Date Format is set in Me > Settings > Date Format
The S-21 Publisher Records cannot be Previewed, Emailed or Printed. They can only be Saved.
After saving, you can open, email or print.
When saving any S-21 records, they are automatically placed in a new folder with your Congregation name.
The secretary should use Congregation Publisher Records for CO Visit (sfl 22:12) for the Circuit Overseer visit.
Congregation Publisher Records for CO Visit
This includes the Totals. Please carefully read sfl 22:12 which clearly explains what is included in these records and how they are presented. New World Scheduler provides these exactly as required and we do not have authority to change this.
The S-21 Congregation Publisher Records cannot be Previewed, Emailed or Printed. They can only be Saved.
After saving, you can open, email or print.
When saving any S-21 records, they are automatically placed in a new folder with your Congregation name.
Who might use
The Congregation Secretary should use this to generate the Publisher Records for the Circuit Overseer visit.
- One file per Group splits the output into separate files for each group.
- It is not possible to Preview this report
- This report will take some time to generate.
Congregation Summary
Provides a summary of your congregation, including how many Publishers, Elders, Ministerial Servants, Baptised, Reactivated, and much much more. Also includes a Meeting Attendance summary, and Field Service totals and averages for Publishers, Auxiliary Pioneers and Regular Pioneers.
Who might use
All elders should be interested in how the congregation is going, but especially the Coordinator of the Body of Elders (COBE), Secretary and Service Overseer. This could be emailed to all elders monthly, or given to the Circuit Overseer at the start of his visit.
This data is based off the previous 12-months Congregation Field Service Reports. Please ensure the previous 12-months have all been Submitted, otherwise the data might not be accurate.
Congregation Field Service Summary
Provides an overall summary of the Congregation Field Service activity for the selected Period, including Totals and Averages for the last 3-months, 6-months and 12-months.
Who might use
Group Overseers and Group Assistants, along with the Secretary and Service Overseer could review this every month. This could be emailed to all Group Overseers or all elders monthly.
- Supports Email Special Features
Circuit Overseer Report
After consultation with many different Circuit Overseers, this report was developed to provide Circuit Overseers with an Overview or Summary of your Congregation, including recent activity and multiple graphs.
Who might use
This should be given to the Circuit Overseer at the start of his visit.
Additionally, as all elders are interested in how the congregation is going, but especially the Coordinator of the Body of Elders (COBE), Secretary and Service Overseer, this could be emailed to all elders monthly.
This data is based off the previous 12-months Congregation Field Service Reports. Please ensure the previous 12-months have all been Submitted, otherwise the data might not be accurate.
Publishers Field Service Summary
Provides a summary of the selected Persons Field Service activity for the selected periods, optionally including Totals and Averages.
Who might use
Group Overseers and Group Assistants, along with the Secretary and Service Overseer could review this every month. This could be emailed to all Group Overseers or all elders monthly.
- Include Averages will include averages for each item.
- Select the Period(s) to display.
- Select which Persons to display.
- Note: Optionally use the Group, Filter, Assign and Search options to quickly find the right personss.
- Note: Use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to quickly select multiple persons.
- Note: If you select Group – All you may tick Separate by Group which will output one file per group.
- Supports Email Special Features
Group Field Service Reports Collection
Provides a blank template that can be given to Group Overseers to help them “collect” the Field Service Reports from persons in their Group. All persons are listed, with blank spaces for entering their reports. The completed template should be given back to the Secretary.
Who might use
The Congregation Secretary could print or email and give to all Group Overseers or Group Assistants every month. They will then complete and return to the secretary.
- Supports Email Special Features
Missing Reports
Shows whose Field Service Report is missing for the last 12 months. Sorted by Group to allow for quick follow-up by the Group Overseers.
Who might use
The Congregation Secretary could print or email and give to all Group Overseers near the deadline for submitting Field Service Reports. This will help Group Overseers follow up on any missing reports before the deadline.
- Include Inactive will include Inactive publishers
- One page per Group will separate the report into different pages for each group. This is helpful when emailing Group Overseers.
- Supports Email Special Features
Regular Pioneer Hours
Displays the Regular Pioneer Hours and Credit from the start of the service year until now. Also shows Averages and Remaining Hours.
Who might use
The Congregation Secretary and Service Overseer should use this report when checking the progress of all Regular Pioneers twice a year.
- If the Average Hours are above 70, the colour will be green, otherwise red.
Since “Credit” can be applied and counted in multiple ways, the Secretary and Service Overseer should check the “remarks” field of Publisher Records to determine how much credit can be counted for each month. New World Scheduler does not do this for you.
Baptised 1 Year
Displays a summary of all those who were baptised approximately one year ago, helping elders know who needs their one-year shepherding visit.
Who might use
The Coordinator of the Body of Elders (COBE) and Congregation Secretary should periodically use this report to check who was baptised about a year ago and needs to have a one-year shepherding visit.
Common Questions and Problems
If a report, schedule or template does not exist on our Help pages, then it does not exist in New World Scheduler. While New World Scheduler already contains over 130 different templates and reports, it is not possible to create reports or templates for everything and everyone.
Please do not email us asking how to print certain information, or where are certain report is. If it is not in Help, it doesn’t exist.
On the other hand, if you would like to suggest a new schedule, report or template for New World Scheduler:
- Create a sample or screenshot of a sample
- Click Help > Contact Us > Suggestion and carefully follow the directions provided.
If a report, schedule or template does not exist on our Help pages, then it does not exist in New World Scheduler. While New World Scheduler already contains over 130 different templates and reports, it is not possible to create reports or templates for everything and everyone.
Please do not email us asking how to print certain information, or where are certain report is. If it is not in Help, it doesn’t exist.
On the other hand, if you would like to suggest a new schedule, report or template for New World Scheduler:
- Create a sample or screenshot of a sample
- Click Help > Contact Us > Suggestion and carefully follow the directions provided.
Please carefully re-read the section Select the Report or Schedule on the Preview, Save, Print or Email Reports page.
The Periods are fixed and cannot be changed. They will automatically update as time passes.
Yes, please see Make changes to Templates, Reports and Schedules
- Click Printing
- Click Save, Print or Email Reports
- Under Report, select Secretary
- Select Congregation Publisher Records (S-21)
- Optionally: Tick Combine into 1 file
- Select the Template
- Select the Period
- Note: You must select a period!
- Select the Name Format
- Select the Persons or click Select All
- Select the File Type
- Click Save
The S-21 Congregation Publisher Records cannot be Previewed, Emailed or Printed. They can only be Saved.
After saving, you can open, email or print.
When saving any S-21 records, they are automatically placed in a new folder with your Congregation name.