Schedule Local Needs

NW Scheduler allows elders create and maintain a list of Local Needs subjects and speakers decided by the body of elders (sfl 20:15).

These can then be allocated to upcoming Local Needs parts on the CLM Schedule, and easily adjusted if needed (e.g. to allow for any Governing Body updates).

Local Needs also shows a history of which local needs were given in the last 18 months, by whom, and when.

To schedule and manage Local Needs, click Schedule > Local Needs

NW Scheduler Schedule Local Needs Life and Ministry Meeting CLM Menu New World Scheduler

Manage and Schedule Local Needs

The Local Needs view has two sections:

Local Needs Schedule

Shows a list of all upcoming Local Needs as shown on your Christian Life and Ministry meeting schedule. This includes Date, Time, Title and Speaker.

See Schedule a Local Needs Part and Edit the Local Needs Schedule​.

Local Needs Parts

Shows a list of all approved Local Needs Parts (or subjects), including the Title, Description, Speaker and if the part has been scheduled or not.

  • Note: Scheduled parts are highlighted in gray.

See Add Local Needs Parts or Remove Local Needs Parts.

NW Scheduler Schedule Life and Ministry Meeting CLM Local Needs New World Scheduler

Add Local Needs Parts

  1. Click Schedule > Local Needs
  2. Under Local Needs Parts, click Add
  3. Enter the Title
  4. Optionally, enter a Description
  5. Select a Speaker, or optionally tick None
    • Note: E.G. Governing Body Updates would not have a speaker

Remove Local Needs Parts

  1. Click Schedule > Local Needs
  2. Under Local Needs Parts, select a Local Needs part
  3. Click Delete
    • Note: You cannot delete a part if it has already been scheduled. First, remove the part from the schedule.

Schedule a Local Needs Part

  1. Click Schedule > Local Needs
  2. Under Local Needs Parts, select a Local Needs part
  3. Under Local Needs Schedule, select an empty date
  4. Click the < arrow to schedule this part on this date
    • Note: To be scheduled, a Local Needs part must have either an assigned Speaker or tick None
  5. Click the > arrow to remove this scheduled part

Edit the Local Needs Schedule

The Local Needs Schedule is based on your Christian Life and Ministry Meeting schedule.

All Living as Christians parts with the Part Type set to Local Needs will show in this list.

To adjust, please see Schedule > Life and Ministry Meeting > Part Types

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