Installing New World Scheduler

NW Scheduler System Requirements

Any computer with Windows VistaWindows 7, Windows 8Windows 10 or Windows 11 can run New World Scheduler.

  • Please make sure you have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 installed. This can be installed via Windows Update or from the Microsoft website.

NW Scheduler should also run fine on Windows tablets or Surface Pro devices using an ARM processor. However NW Scheduler will not run on Windows S mode. You will need to leave S-Mode to install NW Scheduler.

NW Scheduler can also be installed on Apple Mac computers and Linux computers running a Windows Emulator.

NW Scheduler cannot be installed on Chrome OS, iOS or Google Android or Amazon devices.

NW Publisher app can be installed on Apple iOS, Google Android and Amazon devices.

Easy. Simple. Fast.

Alternate Download Link #1 | Alternate Download Link #2

Have an Apple Mac?  See How to install New World Scheduler on Apple Mac

New World Scheduler is available in 100+ languages
It is used by thousands of congregations in 170+ countries

Before Installing New World Scheduler

Before installing or updating New World Scheduler, please note the following:

  1. It is recommended to be a Windows Administrator. If you are a computer expert, you may be able to install without being a Windows Administrator, but this may cause problems. Please see How to check if you are a Windows Administrator
  2. Some anti-virus software causes problems when installing or updating New World Scheduler, so if you have problems installing or  updating, please either change anti-virus programs (we recommend simply using the free, inbuilt Windows antivirus) , or disable your antivirus software before updating.
  3. You must be running Microsoft DotNet Framework 4.8 or greater to use New World Scheduler. DotNet Framework comes free with Windows Updates. Please ensure you have all the latest Windows Updates before installing New World Scheduler.
  4. Your Windows Profile must be saved when you logout or restart your computer. New World Scheduler needs a stable and working Windows User Profile to successfully save your data, settings and registration information.

Install New World Scheduler

  1. Visit our website and click Downloads
  2. Click Download to download the latest version.
  3. After the Setup file has downloaded, double-click to run the Setup file and install New World Scheduler
  4. You should install New World Scheduler to the default location. If you choose to install to any other lactation, you may have problems.
    • Note: This is usually C:\Program Files\ or C:\Program Files (x86)

Installing New World Scheduler on Windows

This is quick, simple and easy. Please see the instructions above.

Installing New World Scheduler on Apple MAC

Thousands of brothers worldwide successfully run NW Scheduler on Apple Mac.

Please see How to install NW Scheduler on Apple Mac computers.

Installing New World Scheduler on Linux

Some brothers have had success installing NW Scheduler on a Linux computer, either running a Windows Emulator or using WINE.

However we are unable to assist with doing so. We do not own any Linux computers, nor do we have any experiencing installing Windows software on Linux computers.

Please either ask a local brother in your congregation who is good with computers to assist you, or ask a local computer technician.

Of course, the easiest solution is simply purchase a cheap Windows laptop, which may only cost a few hundred dollars.

Problems Installing New World Scheduler

If you have any problems installing or running New World Scheduler:

  1. Review Before Installing or Updating New World Scheduler and ensure:
    • You are logged in as a Windows Administrator
    • Your Antivirus software is disabled
    • You have all the latest Windows Updates installed
    • You are using a Standard Windows User Profile
  2. Make sure New World Scheduler is closed
  3. Make sure all Templates and other New World Scheduler files are closed
  4. Re-download New World Scheduler from our website
  5. Install New World Scheduler
    • Note: You will not lose any data if you re-install or install again.

Use a standard Local Windows User Account (Profile)

  1. NW Scheduler data is encrypted and stored inside your local Windows User Account (Profile).
  2. If your User Profile is stored on a Cloud or Network Drive (E.G. OneDrive), New World Scheduler may have problems.
    • Note: Some workplace computers save User Profiles to a network drive. Contact your local I.T. Department for assistance.
  3. If you are using a company or work computer, NW Scheduler may not work correctly. Your I.T. Department may set Windows to automatically delete User Profiles when you logoff. Contact your local I.T. Department for assistance.
  4. Some public computers (e.g. at Libraries) or work computers will automatically delete User Profiles after log-off. New World Scheduler will not work correctly on these computers. Contact your local I.T. Department for assistance.
  5. If Local User Profiles are not enabled, your New World Scheduler may have problems. New World Scheduler does not use Roaming Profiles.

If you still have problems after following all of the above steps, please Contact Us.

Please also include screenshots of the Error Message you receive, and please verify you are logged in as a Windows Administrator, your Antivirus software is disabled, and you have the latest Windows Updates.

NW Scheduler on a Kingdom Hall Computer

NW Scheduler may be installed and used on a Kingdom Hall computer.

In lands of limited resources, not everyone may own a computer. A Kingdom Hall computer can be an excellent way to allow all appointed brothers to use NW Scheduler. In some cases, multiple congregations could even use the same Kingdom Hall laptop.

You will require a Congregation License.

Windows User Accounts

NW Scheduler data is encrypted and stored inside the local Windows User Account.

 Therefore, to ensure proper privacy and security of your NW Scheduler data, you should first setup a separate Windows User Account for each brother.

Brothers should not share a Windows User Account.

Please see Manage user accounts in Windows by Microsoft Support. There is no need to setup an “online” account. Local Accounts work fine.

Using NW Scheduler on a Kingdom Hall computer

One brother should use his Windows User Account to install and setup New World Scheduler on the Kingdom Hall computer. He should also Enable and Setup Congregation Sharing.

Each other brother should:

  1. Login to Windows using their own Windows User Account
  2. Open NW Scheduler
  3. Click Open a Congregation from Sharing

The same process could be followed by other congregations sharing the Kingdom Hall.

Common Questions

Any computer with Windows VistaWindows 7, Windows 8Windows 10 or Windows 11 can run New World Scheduler.

  • Please make sure you have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 installed. This can be installed via Windows Update or from the Microsoft website.

NW Scheduler should also run fine on Windows tablets or Surface Pro devices using an ARM processor. However NW Scheduler will not run on Windows S mode. You will need to leave S-Mode to install NW Scheduler.

NW Scheduler can also be installed on Apple Mac computers and Linux computers running a Windows Emulator.

NW Scheduler cannot be installed on Chrome OS, iOS or Google Android or Amazon devices.

NW Publisher app can be installed on Apple iOS, Google Android and Amazon devices.

No, and there are no plans to change this.

To install and run New World Scheduler you must please use either:

  • Desktop computer or Laptop running Windows or Mac
  • Linux computer running a Windows Emulator.

Apple iOS, Google Android and Windows S-Mode are mobile operating systems that are very limited and were not designed for developing complex desktop applications. They also have very limited and restrictive data storage, and often rely on cloud storage to function.

Congregation data is stored on your local computer only.

Tablets and phones are wonderful tools for attending meetings & the ministry, but they are not designed for deep study, research, congregation management and scheduling.

It is entirely reasonable that all appointed brothers own a simple and affordable laptop or desktop computer. That way they can use Watchtower Library, write and print talks, perform in-depth research, write correspondence to the branch and perform other congregation duties.

In fact, a cheap laptop can be purchased for just a few hundred dollars, which is cheaper than an iPad and many smart phones!

Only the NW Publisher app (designed for publishers) runs on iOS, Android and Amazon phones and tablets.

If you want to connect to multiple congregations, you will either need multiple computers, use a Virtual Machine, or create multiple Windows User Profiles. Each profile can only connect to 1 congregation.

New World Scheduler is not an official app or program created by the Watchtower Society. Therefore, New World Scheduler is obviously not “endorsed by”, “recommended” or “officially approved” by the organisation.

This makes sense. The organisation does not and will not create a list of books, songs, movies, websites, programs or apps we can or can’t use. (see w14 7/15 14)

The branch is fully aware of New World Scheduler and has no objections to its use. They have been in contact with us several times.

In fact, New World Scheduler and our NW Publisher app are both used by hundreds of thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide every single day! This includes elders, pioneers, missionaries, Bethelites and even Branch Committee members.

Please feel free to read the comments of many spiritually mature elders around the world, including in your local area.

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