Kingdom Hall Cleaning and Garden Scheduler

Kingdom Hall Cleaning can be quickly and easily scheduled in New World Scheduler.

The Kingdom Hall Cleaning scheduler can schedule up to 4 Custom Cleaning Types, for example: the Weekly Kingdom Hall cleaning, After Meeting Cleaning, Monthly Hall clean or Quarterly Hall clean.

Lawn and Garden Care can be scheduled for 2 Custom Lawn and Garden Care Types. They can be scheduled per Month or per Week.

Cleaning and Lawn & Garden Care can be assigned to Persons, Field Service GroupsOther Groups or Neighboring Congregations.

NW Scheduler Schedule Kingdom Hall Cleaning New World Scheduler

Since every congregation is different, New World Scheduler allows great flexibility when scheduling Kingdom Hall Cleaning.

For example, you can either assign by Week or Assign by Meeting. You can also fully customize all Cleaning options and Cleaning Descriptions.

New World Scheduler allows Kingdom Hall Cleaning to be Auto-Assigned. This is a quick and easy way to evenly and fairly schedule Kingdom Hall Cleaning.

NW Scheduler Schedule Lawn and Garden Care New World Scheduler
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