NW Publisher app Problems

If you have any questions about NW Publisher app, please see NW Publisher app Questions

Connecting to the App

Congregation PIN Problems

The Congregation PIN is automatically generated when the NW Publisher app is first enabled, and can also be manually changed by clicking Change PIN.

  • Important: The Congregation PIN is used to encrypt your App data. Please write down or remember the Congregation PIN!

Any App Administrator can see the Congregation PIN on the App > App Summary view.

If you have forgotten the Congregation PIN, ask any App Administrator to open their NW Scheduler, click App > App Summary and tell you the Congregation PIN.

If all elders  have forgotten the Congregation PIN and no one has access to App Summary, please Contact Us and tell us that no other elders have access to the Congregation PIN, and ask us to please “Reset your app”.

  • Important: Since the Congregation PIN is used to encrypt your App data, resetting the Congregation PIN may require all App Users to reconnect to your congregation. Please write down or remember the Congregation PIN!

Publisher can't connect to the Congregation

"Sorry, this information does not match anyone in this congregation"

Publisher can't Identify Person

  • Note: If many publishers are unable to connect or identify, please see Many publishers can’t connect or Identify Person
  1. Check the publisher is using the latest version of NW Publisher app
  2. Check you are using the latest Major and Minor version of New World Scheduler
    • Note: Click Me > Settings > Check for Updates to download the latest version
  3. Check the publisher is showing up in the App Persons List
  4. Check the publisher does not have a Delegate
  5. Check the publisher is entering the correct Congregation ID and Congregation PIN
    • Note: Sometimes publishers enter their Person PIN instead of the Congregation PIN, and visa-versa
  6. Check the publisher is entering only their First Name, not Full Name
  7. Check the publishers First Name does not contain any special characters, hyphens, commas etc. If so, please rename the First Name to only roman characters. After they connect, you can rename it back.
    • E.G. Rename Re’ne to Rene
  8. Check the First name they are entering exactly matches the First name field in New World Scheduler
    • E.G. If the publisher enters “John” but their name in New World Scheduler is “Jonathan”, it will not work
  9. Check they are entering the correct Person PIN
  10. Carefully follow the directions in Refresh or Fix Person
  11. If you have carefully followed each step and the publisher still receives this message, please Contact Us and include the following:
    • Multiple screenshots of each of the above-steps, including screenshots of the publishers phone

Many publishers cannot Connect or Identify Person

If many publishers are unable to Connect or Identify Person, this likely means the Congregation and/or Person data was not correctly sent to the App when the NW Publisher app was first enabled inside New World Scheduler.

It could also mean a Congregation Administrator accidently Disabled the app.

To Fix:

  1. Please Disable the App
  2. Carefully follow the instructions to Enable NW Publisher app again
  3. After setting up again, you can Change PIN back to your original Congregation PIN

Publishers are being logged out or disconnected from the App

"Sorry, this person no longer exists"

This will only happen if an elder in your congregation does any of the following:

  1. Disables the App, OR
  2. Changes the Congregation PIN, OR
  3. Under Person > Information or Person > Spiritual, marks a member as Moved, Removed (disfellowshipped) or ticks Disable App Access
  4. A publishers First Name was removed.
  5. A publishers Device was removed and the box “Remove App Access” was ticked.

Please check the App Logs to see what action was performed.

Please also provide training to all brothers using New World Scheduler to ensure they know how to correctly use New World Scheduler.

Connection Errors

"Sorry, your internet connection has a problem"'

"Error - Please check your internet connection"

"cloud_firestore unavailable Error"

This means one of several things:

  1. They are using an older version of NW Publisher. They should tap Settings and confirm they are using the latest  app version, otherwise download the latest version.
  2. Their phone has an internet connection problem, and cannot connect to the NW Publisher app server. Please see Fix Connection Problems below.
  3. Their phone is using a VPN or other security apps that is blocking NW Publisher from connecting.
  4. The NW Publisher server has a problem. This is very rare. Please try again later.
  5. Their NW Publisher data is corrupted. This is very rare. They should remove and re-install NW Publisher, and you should click App > App Persons > Refresh Person.

Fix Connection Problems

Phone or Tablet

NW Publisher must have a reliable connection to the internet for the app to work correctly.

  1. Internet is congested, unstable or unreliable. Try connecting again later. Try at a different time of the day, especially at an off-peak time. Ensuring no one else is using the internet for streaming, Windows Updates, or other intensive tasks. If this problem persists over a long period of time, you might need to contact your internet provider.
  2. Wi-Fi or 3G/4G signal is congested, weak or unstable. Try moving closer to your Wi-Fi router, or into a different room. Ensuring no one else is using the Wi-Fi for streaming or other intensive tasks. Try moving to an area with a stronger 3G/4G signal.
  3. Phone is currently performing another internet intensive task. This might include downloading files, downloading a OS Update, etc. Try again later.
  4. Phone has a VPN. VPN connections are often unstable and might even block certain websites or servers.
  5. Phone has a Firewall, Anti-Virus software or other Security software that is preventing JWS Publisher from connecting to the internet. Try disabling or removing such software.


There is nothing we can do to fix your computer internet problems. New World Scheduler must be allowed to connect to the internet and have a reliable internet connection.

There are several things you can do to solve this problem:

PROBLEM: There is a temporary internet problem.

SOLUTION: Try clicking Reconnect now, or a few minutes later, or a few hours later, or the next day. Click the Test Internet Connection button, which may help you diagnose the problem.

PROBLEM: Your computer has Anti-Virus, Firewall or Security software preventing New World Scheduler from connecting to the internet. (This is the most common reason for this error)

SOLUTION: Uninstall, disable or correctly configure all 3rd party Anti-Virus, Firewall or Security software to allow New World Scheduler to connect to the internet. We recommend removing all Anti-Virus, Firewall and Security software and instead using the free Windows Security that comes with Windows 10 and 11. This works fine with New World Scheduler.

PROBLEM: You are using a VPN, a proxy or workplace network or internet connection.

SOLUTION: Try disconnecting, disabling or deleting all VPN software. Do not use a proxy, or correctly configure it. Ask your workplace technical support for assistance.

PROBLEM: Your internet or Wi-Fi is slow, congested, unstable or unreliable.

SOLUTION: Try connecting again later, at a different time of the day. Ensure no one else is using the internet. Try moving your computer closer to your Wi-Fi router, or into a different room. Try using an internet connection at another location, or try using 3G or 4G. Try contacting your internet service provider (ISP).

PROBLEM: Your computer or someone on your network is performing another internet intensive task.

SOLUTION: Ensure no one on your network is streaming videos, downloading large files, performing Windows or other software updates.


If you have tried all of the above and you still receive this message, you could also try:

  • Use another internet connection at another location.
  • Reinstalling Windows
  • Use another computer
  • Ask a local brother who is good with computers to help you.

App Data Missing or Wrong

Some data is missing from the app, e.g. Assignments or Duties. Schedules may be incomplete. The Field Service Report was submitted but says it wasn’t, or visa versa. Territories may have disappeared, or other similar data missing issues.

Common Causes

  1. The brother who created or changed the data did not Send App Data
  2. Congregation Sharing is Enabled, but data did not sync correctly. Then when a brother Sends App Data, some data is missing or wrong. His missing data might cause previous schedules to be removed.
  3. Brothers are not using the latest Minor Version. It is essential that all elders update to the latest Minor Version if you have any problems.
  4. The CLM Schedule for some weeks are set to Draft. This means those weeks will NOT show on the App Schedule.

Things to Check

  1. Check that all brothers who make changes always Send App Data before closing NW Scheduler
  2. Check that everyone who Sends App Data is using the latest Major and Minor version of NW Scheduler
  3. Check that everyone who Receives or Imports App Data is using the latest Major and Minor version of NW Scheduler. This includes anyone with Territories – Edit access, or Public Witnessing – Edit access, since this data is received automatically.
  4. Check that publishers are are using the latest version of NW Publisher app
  5. Check that all the required App Features are enabled
  6. Check the CLM Schedule for those weeks is not set to Draft, or those weeks will not show.
  7. Check the App Logs to see who sent recent app data, and who might be causing the problem
  8. Check Congregation Sharing Problems and ensure all data is syncing correct
  9. Check the Sharing Logs to ensure all data is being correctly synced

How to Fix and Refresh Data

Congregation Events or Information Board

  1. In New World Scheduler, navigate to the data with problems or that is missing
  2. Make a small change, then change the data back
  3. Send App Data

Midweek Meeting or Field Service Schedules

  1. Make a small change to any future midweek or field service schedule
  2. Change it back
  3. Send App Data

Weekend Schedules

  1. Ask the Public Talk Coordinator to make a small change to any future Weekend Assignment (not duty)
  2. Change it back
  3. Send App Data
  4. Ask the Duties brother to make a small change to any future Weekend Duty
  5. Change it back
  6. Send App Data

Individual CLM Assignments, Assignments or Duties

  1. Click App > App Persons
  2. Select the person with the problem
  3. Click Refresh Person

Duty Names or other Custom Titles

  1. Make a small change to one of the Duty names or titles, then change it back
  2. Send App Data

Field Service Group List

  1. Make a small change to the Group Name
  2. Change the Group Name back
  3. Send App Data


  1. Make a small change to the data, then change it back
  2. Send App Data

I still have problems...

Please ensure you have done all of the following:

  1. Review the Common Causes
  2. Checked all of the Things to Check
  3. How to Fix and Refresh Data

If you still have problems, please Contact Us and include your App Logs, Sharing Logs, and multiple full-screen screenshots of each step you performed to Fix and Refresh Data, including the results seen on the NW Publisher app.

  • Important: Please do not contact us unless you include all of the above, including your App Logs and screenshots.

Wrong Days, Dates, Times or Language is showing in the App

Common Causes

  1. Congregation Meeting Times in NW Scheduler was incorrect at the time data was sent to NW Publisher app
  2. The Congregation Time Zone is different to the publishers device Time Zone setting
  3. The Settings – Time Format of the brother who sent the App data was incorrect at the time of sending App Data.
  4. A brother changed the Congregation Language, even temporarily, which caused wrong language data.

Things to Check

  1. Check the Congregation Meeting Times for This Year and Next Year are correct before sending next years schedule
  2. Check the Congregation Time Zone is correct before sending any data
  3. Check that publishers are are using the latest version of NW Publisher app
  4. Check publishers have the same Time Zone as the Congregation set on their devices
  5. Check the Settings – Time Format is correct for anyone who sends app data.
  6. Check the Congregation Language is set correctly on your computer, and for every other elder who uses NW Scheduler.
    • Note: Once set correctly, please never change your congregation language

How to Fix

See App Data Missing or App Data Problems

  • E.G. Midweek Meeting or Field Service Schedules or Weekend Schedules

Field Service Report Problems

  1. Check that “Shared in Ministry” is Unticked
  2. Check the Remarks field is empty
  • Note: If either “Shared in Ministry” is ticked, OR the Remarks field has text, NW Scheduler assumes they have submitted their Field Service Report. See Publisher Reports (Records).

NW Publisher app is a tool to allow publishers to easily submit their Field Service reports. It does not control or restrict what a publisher reports.

If a publisher is submitting partial hours or other incorrect figures, they should receive training from their local elders. It is not the responsibility of a computer program or an app to train publishers how to correctly record and submit their field service report.

Whether publishers use the NW Publisher app, a text message or a paper form to submit their report, they should receive training from their local elders to do so accurately and correctly.

NW Publisher app is a tool to allow publishers to easily submit their Field Service reports. It does not control or restrict what a publisher reports.

If a non-pioneer publisher is submitting hours or other incorrect data, they should receive training from their local elders. It is not the responsibility of a computer program or an app to train publishers how to correctly record and submit their field service report.

Further, in some cases a publisher may have been approved to auxiliary pioneer for a certain month and therefore does need to report hours for that month.

Whether publishers use the NW Publisher app, a text message or a paper form to submit their report, they should receive training from their local elders to do so accurately and correctly.

We strongly recommend publishers only connect with 1 device.

If they use multiple devices, data may not sync correctly and reminders will not work correctly. For example,

  • Recording Field Service Activity will not sync between devices.
  • Submit Field Service Reminder will not work correctly with multiple devices.

App Crashes or Error Messages

Opening Attachments and Links

The most common cause is that the phone does not have enough memory to open the PDF file, or the PDF file contains strange characters or formatting that is not compatible with your phone.

To fix:

  1. On the phone, tap Settings > under Other, check Use Device PDF Viewer

If this doesn’t work, there is nothing we can do. We cannot control how much memory a phone has, nor what your phone is capable of opening.

We recommend saving attachments as JPG or PNG for best results.

  1. Ensure publishers are using the latest version of NW Publisher
  2. Ensure the attachment is either PDF, JPG or PNG format
  3. Ensure the attachment is 2MB or less
  4. Ensure the Attachment filename contains only roman characters. No special characters are allowed.
  5. The attachment might have expired, or failed to correctly upload. Remove and then re-add the attachment.
  6. Ensure the attachment is not corrupted or damaged by opening it on your local computer.
  7. Try renaming the attachment to something simple, like “Announcement1.pdf”, then re-attach to the announcement.
  8. Try saving the attachment in another format., i.e. take a screenshot and save as Image, or click Print to PDF and re-save the PDF. Some PDF files have advanced embedded features that prevent phones from opening.
  9. Try deleting and re-creating the entire Information Board item.

If none of the above work, sorry there is nothing we can do.

NW Publisher uses the phones default URL viewer (or Link viewer) to open links. Usually this is the phones web browser. If a member is having problems, they should fix or change the default URL viewer.

We obviously cannot diagnose or fix publishers phones, so if they are having trouble opening a link they should please contact their phone manufacturer or ask a local brother who is good at fixing phones.

Other Crashes and Errors

  1. Carefully check that publishers are are using the latest version of NW Publisher app
  2. If a problem persists, please Contact Us and describe the problem. Please include screenshots.

App Data is Unable to decrypt

The Congregation PIN is used to encrypt App Data. If a publisher sees “Unable to decrypt” inside NW Publisher, it means the Congregation PIN was changed and the data can no longer be decrypted.

How to Fix

The Congregation PIN is used to encrypt App Data. If a publisher sees “Unable to decrypt” inside NW Publisher, it means the Congregation PIN was changed and the data can no longer be decrypted.

  1. Click App > App Persons
  2. Select the person with the problem
  3. Click Refresh Person
  4. If that doesn’t work, ask the publisher to Disconnect and then Reconnect using the new Congregation PIN

Receiving App Data Problems

Reminders and Notifications Problems


We cannot guarantee a reminder will be generated, as this depends on a members phone and settings.

If a reminders are not being received, try the following:

  1. Ensure the publisher is using the latest version of NW Publisher.
  2. Ensure they have tapped Settings and enabled Reminders.
  3. If they have, ask them to Disable and Re-Enable Reminders.
  4. Apple iOS users: Ensure they have given NW Publisher permission to receive Reminders.
  5. Ask them to remove NW Publisher, and then reinstall.

If a reminder is still not being shown after performing all of the above, then there is nothing we can do.

There are several causes:

  1. If the updated assignment or duty was not correctly Sent to the App, existing reminders will still show.
  2. If the publisher has not opened their NW Publisher app between the time a schedule was updated and the time a reminder was originally due, the reminder will still occur.
  3. If the publisher is using multiple devices, incorrect reminders might continue to show.

To fix:

  1. Open NW Publisher app on the device with the problem
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Disable all reminders
  4. Re-enable all reminders
  1. Open NW Publisher app on the device with the problem
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Disable all reminders
  4. Re-enable all reminders

Reminders can only be created or removed while the NW Publisher app is open.

After a publisher submits their Field Service Report, future reminders for that month are removed.

However, if a publisher has connected with multiple devices, and they have not recently opened the app on their other devices, they will still receive reminders to submit their field service report.

This is normal behaviour, there is nothing we can do about this. We strongly encourage all users to only use a single device.

Or, if a Group Overseer enters a publishers field service report using either NW Scheduler or his own NW Publisher, and the publisher has not recently opened the app on their device, they will still receive reminders to submit their field service report.

This is normal behaviour, there is nothing we can do about this. Reminders can only be created or removed while the NW Publisher app is open.

Please carefully re-read App Features

Ticking Show Field Service Assignments allows the Field Service Conductor assignment to be sent to the App. This can be useful if brothers often forget to take the Field Service Group, but can be annoying if the same brothers regularly take the same group and don’t need reminders.

By default, Show Field Service Assignments is Disabled.

The Reminder and Notification time for an assignment or duty is set when the assignment or duty is first sent to the App. Therefore, if your meeting times change, you must “refresh” any existing data for the new times to correctly show up.

  • Note: See How to Refresh Data on the App.


Notifications are only sent to a Mobile Device if the following is all true:

  • Device is using NW Publisher App 1.2.8 or greater
  • Device has already connected to the congregation and identified member.
  • Device has not disabled Notifications.
  • Device is not an Amazon or Huawei device. These devices cannot receive notifications as they don’t support Google Services.
  • Data type affects that device, e.g. congregation-wide announcement, or their CLM Assignment.

If some Notifications say Send Fail, try the following:

  1. Ensure the publisher is using the latest version of NW Publisher.
  2. Ensure they have tapped Settings and enabled Notifications.
  3. If they have, ask them to Disable and Re-Enable Notifications.
  4. Apple iOS users: Ensure they have given NW Publisher permission to receive Notifications.
  5. In New World Scheduler, click App Members, select the member, and click Reset Devices. Wait until they use NW Publisher again and their device will be re-setup.
  6. Ask them to remove NW Publisher, and then reinstall.
  7. Check the Notification Logs for any extra information.

If a notification is still not being sent or received after performing all of the above, then there is nothing we can do. We cannot guarantee the delivery of a notification, since these are delivered by Apple and Google, and also depend on the users phone and users Settings.

Notifications are only sent to a mobile device if the following is all true:

  • Device is using the latest version of NW Publisher app
  • Device has already connected to the congregation and identified member
  • Device has not disabled Notifications
  • Device is not an Amazon or Huawei device. These devices cannot receive notifications as they don’t support Google Services
  • Data type affects that device, e.g. congregation-wide announcement, or their CLM Assignment

If a Notification is not being sent or is not being received, try the following:

  1. Determine if the Notification is actually being Sent by New World Scheduler,
    1. Click App > Send App Data > Prepare and carefully check what notifications are being generated
    2. Click Send and carefully check the Status of the notification
  2. Ensure the publisher is using the latest version of NW Publisher.
  3. Ensure they have tapped Settings and enabled Notifications.
  4. If they have, ask them to Disable and Re-Enable Notifications.
  5. Apple iOS users: Ensure they have given NW Publisher permission to receive Notifications.
  6. In New World Scheduler, click App Members, select the member, and click Reset Devices. Wait until they use NW Publisher again and their device will be re-setup.
  7. Ask them to remove NW Publisher, and then reinstall.
  8. Check the Notification Logs for any extra information.

If a notification is still not being sent or received after performing all of the above, then there is nothing we can do. We cannot guarantee the delivery of a notification, since these are delivered by Apple and Google, and also depend on the users phone and users Settings.

Reminders can only be created or removed while the NW Publisher app is open.

After a publisher submits their Field Service Report, future reminders for that month are removed.

However, if a publisher has connected with multiple devices, and they have not recently opened the app on their other devices, they will still receive reminders to submit their field service report.

This is normal behaviour, there is nothing we can do about this. We strongly encourage all users to only use a single device.

Or, if a Group Overseer enters a publishers field service report using either NW Scheduler or his own NW Publisher, and the publisher has not recently opened the app on their device, they will still receive reminders to submit their field service report.

This is normal behaviour, there is nothing we can do about this. Reminders can only be created or removed while the NW Publisher app is open.

Please carefully re-read App Features

Ticking Show Field Service Assignments allows the Field Service Conductor assignment to be sent to the App. This can be useful if brothers often forget to take the Field Service Group, but can be annoying if the same brothers regularly take the same group and don’t need reminders.

By default, Show Field Service Assignments is Disabled.

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