Move In, Move Out or Delete Persons

New World Scheduler supports moving persons in and out of the congregation, and deleting persons.

The following information will help you determine which you should do.

Person moves IN from another congregation

"Moved In" date

New World Scheduler does not have or use a “Moved In” date. This field is simply not needed. Past Congregation Field Service Reports are locked once marked as Submitted to Branch and do not need to be adjusted when new people move in or out.

However, good communication is needed to determine which congregation will “report” the persons last month of Field Service to the branch.

For example, if the person moves in while the current months Field Service reports are still being collected, and the current month has not been marked as Submitted to Branch, usually the persons field service report would be included in your congregations totals. In that case, you should add/import them and enter their report into NW Scheduler before you click Submitted to Branch.

On the other hand, if their previous congregation has already submitted their report to the branch, you should not Add/Import them or enter their Field Service report data until after you have marked this month as Submitted to Branch.

Publisher Reports

When a person moves into your congregation, you should enter or import all their past Field Service Reports.

As explained above, this will not affect your past Congregation Field Service Reports

Person was NOT previously in your congregation

Person was previously in your congregation AND was previously marked as Moved

You should Un-Move or Return Person

If that is not possible, either Add a new Person or Import the Person

Person moves OUT to another congregation

Person will NOT return within 6 months

If a person moves to another congregation, and will not move back within 6 months, they should be Deleted.

  • Note: If they most likely will move back within 6 months, they should be Moved. They should only be Moved if they might move back into your congregation within 6 months. Otherwise they should be Deleted.
  1. First, you should Transfer the person.
  2. Then after the month of their last Field Service report to your congregation has been marked as Submitted to Branch, the person should be Deleted
    • Note: Remember, when the Congregation Field Service Report for a month is marked as Submitted to Branch, the information is locked. Subsequent additions or deletions do not affect the Congregation Field Service Report. This means the person can be safely deleted without affecting the congregation report.

For example: if a person moves to a new congregation on June 7th and will not return, you would first click Transfer to prepare their information for the new congregation. You should then wait until after the Secretary has marked the May Field Service Report as Submitted, before Deleting or Moving them.

Person WILL return within 6 months

After the month of their last Field Service report to your congregation has been marked as Submitted to Branch, the person should be Moved

Person passes away (deceased)

If a person passes away, they should be Deleted from the congregation. This should be done after the month of their last Field Service report has been set as Submitted to Branch.

  • Note: Remember, when the Congregation Field Service Report for a month is marked as Submitted to Branch, the information is locked. Subsequent additions or deletions do not affect the Congregation Field Service Report. This means the person can be safely deleted without affecting the congregation report.

For example: if a person passes away on June 15th, they should be deleted sometime in July, after the secretary has marked the June Field Service Report as Submitted to Branch.

  • Please Note: We understand it can be distressing to “delete” a person from the congregation after they have passed away. Deleting a persons name from a computer program in no way affects how Jehovah views or feels about them. They are still 100% safe in Jehovah’s memory. Nevertheless if you would prefer, you could mark them as Moved instead of deleting them.

Move a Person

  • Note: Moved persons will be automatically deleted after 6 months if they have not returned.
  1. Click Persons
  2. Select the Everyone filter
  3. Select the Person you wish to move
  4. In the bottom-right corner, check Moved
  5. Confirm your choice
    • Note: Moved Persons do not show in the Everyone Filter. You must select the Moved filter to see Moved persons.

Un-Move or Return a Person

  • Note: You can only Un-Move or Return a person within 6-months of them moving. Otherwise they will have been automatically deleted.
  1. Click Persons
  2. Select the Moved filter
    • Note: Moved Persons do not show in the Everyone Filter. You must select the Moved filter to see Moved persons.
  3. Select the Person you wish to un-move or return
  4. In the bottom-left corner, untick Moved.
  5. Confirm your choice

Delete a Person

Deleting a person removes all their data from NW Scheduler and NW Publisher app.

  1. Click Persons
  2. Select the Person you wish to delete
    • Note: If the person is not in the list, try checking down the bottom of the list, or try changing the Filter to Moved
  3. Click the Delete button
    • Note: If you have enabled Congregation Sharing, you cannot delete yourself.
  4. Confirm your choice

Common Questions and Problems

Inactive and Disfellowshipped persons will appear down the bottom of the list and are highlighted in Gray. Please check that section of the list, perhaps the person was incorrectly marked as Inactive or Disfellowshipped.

Moved persons will not show in the Everyone list, but you must first change the Filter to Moved. Perhaps the person was incorrectly marked as Moved.

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