Congregation Help

After Creating a New Congregation or Opening a Congregation, you will see the Congregation view.

The Congregation view contains the Congregation Overview and Congregation Calendar.

The Congregation Overview shows a quick overview of your congregation, including Persons, Demographics and Recent Activity. This helps elders keep up-to-date with what is happening in the Congregation.

The Congregation Calendar displays Congregation Events and/or Away Periods for elders, ministerial servants, pioneers or publishers.

Congregation Overview

To access the Congregation Overview, click Congregation > Overview

Optionally, set the Comparison Period

Persons Statistics

Some Persons data comes from Person Spiritual and some data comes from the Congregation Field Service Report (S-1).


The Age graph data comes from Person Information, and the Families data comes from Families > Family Type.

Recent Activity

Some Recently Activity data comes from Person Spiritual and some data comes from the Congregation Field Service Report (S-1).

NW Scheduler Congregation Overview New World Scheduler

Congregation Calendar

To access the Congregation Calendar, click Congregation > Calendar

Optionally, Tick Congregation Events

Optionally, Tick Away Periods and select which Away Periods you want to see

NW Scheduler Congregation Calendar New World Scheduler
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