In addition to Previewing, Saving and Printing reports and schedules, New World Scheduler can also email any report or schedule, as well as send a reminder or other email to congregation persons.
To email persons in your congregation using New World Scheduler, click Printing > Email
- Note: For more automated and powerful emailing, see Email Special Features

Setup Email (Send From)
Before you can send your first email, you must setup email. This information is saved per user and will not be shared with others. If you wish to use a shared Congregation Email account, each user must still setup email.
- Click Printing > Email
- Click From
- If you have a Gmail account, select Gmail
- Note: This is highly recommended. Other email services often have sending rate limits or other security policies that make them difficult to use with NW Scheduler.
- If you wish to use another email provider, select Other
- Note: This is not recommended, and we can offer no support under any circumstances for non-Gmail accounts.

Setup Gmail
- Enter your Name
- Enter your Email
- Click Sign in with Google
- Your web browser will then open
- At Choose an account, select your Gmail email account.
- Important: If you have multiple Google accounts, please select the correct account! It must be exactly the same as the Email you typed in above.
- Sign in with this Gmail account
- At New World Scheduler wants access to your Google Account – Send email on your behalf, click Continue
- Your email is now setup!
- Note: Any Sent Emails sent will now show in your Sent folder.

Setup Gmail Problems
If you have problems authenticating or signing in with Google, first click Clear and try again.
HttpStatusCode is Forbidden

The most common cause of this error is selecting a Gmail Account that is different to the Email address you entered, or you mistyped your Email address.
Click Clear and try again, this time ensuring the Email is exactly the same as the Google account you select.
'This site can't be reached' OR 'Safari can't connect to the server'

This error may occur if you are using NW Scheduler on a Virtual Machine, such as using Parallels on an Apple Mac.
The reason is that Parallels is opening your Apple Mac web browser, instead of the Windows web browser. Since NW Scheduler runs on Windows, you must open the Windows web browser to authenticate Gmail.
To fix this error, please make sure your Windows Virtual Machine uses the Windows web browser, and doesn’t try to open the Apple Mac web browser.
Please see Set Internet Links to Always Open in Mac OS X or Windows
5.1.0 Authentication Required
Your Gmail credentials are incorrect. Either your password changed, or was entered incorrectly.
- Click Printing > Email
- Click From
- Click Clear
- Setup Gmail
Setup Other Email Providers (e.g. Hotmail)
Please see Setup Other Email Providers
Sending Emails
- Click Printing > Email
- Click To and add some Persons to Email
- Optionally, click Cc and add some Persons to Cc
- Optionally, click Bcc and add some Persons to Bcc
- Optionally, click Attachments and add an Attachment from File.
- Note: To add a report or schedule directly from within New World Scheduler, see Email Special Features
- Optionally, select and Load an Email Template
- Enter the Subject and Message
- Optionally, add any Email Tags to your Subject or Message.
- Optionally, Preview your email.
- Click Send
- Note: Emails will be sent one at a time.
- Optionally, after sending click Send Log for more details, especially if you have any problems.

Send To
- Note: Send To will send a unique, individual email to each person in the To field. They will NOT be able to see other To recipients.
- Click Email > To
- Use the 4 filters to limit who is shown in the list
- Note: See below for more details about each of the filters.
- Select which persons you want to add
- Click Add or Add All to add the selected persons to the Persons to Email list

Filter 1: Persons in your Congregation
Filter 2: Persons Assign
Displays persons according to their assignment and duties, as set in Persons > Assign
Filter 3: Field Service Group
Display persons according to their Field Service Group
Filter 4: Special
- Everyone. Everyone in your congregation.
- Everyone in Report. All persons who appear in the report that was just now generated by New World Scheduler.
- Note 1: See Email a Report or Schedule
- Note 2: If no report was just now generated, the list will be blank
- Everyone with CLM Assignments (All). Everyone who has any Life and Ministry meeting assignment during the selected week.
- Everyone with CLM Assignments (School). Everyone who has a school Life and Ministry meeting assignment during the selected week.
- Everyone with CLM Assignments (Non-school). Everyone who has a non-school Life and Ministry meeting assignment during the selected week.
- Everyone with Weekend Assignments. Everyone who has a Weekend Assignment during the selected week.
- Everyone with Field Service Assignments. Everyone who has a Field Service Assignment during the selected week.
- Everyone with Duties. Everyone who has a duty during the selected week.
- Everyone with any Assignment or Duty. Everyone who has any assignment or duty during the selected week.
- Public Speaker. The Public Speaker for the selected week.
- Note: Public Speakers must have been added to Neighbor Congregations and Public Speakers and have an Email address entered, or they will not show in this list.
- Public Talk Coordinators. All Public Talk Coordinators.
- Note: They must have already been added to Congregation > Neighbor Congregations and Public Speakers.
- Public Talk Coordinators in Report. All Public Talk Coordinators who are listed in the report just now generated in New World Scheduler.
- Note: They must have already been added to Congregation > Neighbor Congregations and Public Speakers.
- Note 2: If no report was just now generated, the list will be blank
- Field Service Report not received. All persons whose Field Service Report for last month has not yet been received.
- Shared Persons not connected. Everyone who have been added as a Shared Person but has not yet connected to Congregation Sharing.
- App Persons not connected. Everyone who have been added as an App Person but has not yet connected to the NW Publisher app.
- Elders. All Elders in your congregation.
Send Cc or Bcc
- Note: Cc will send a ‘carbon copy’ of each email sent to To recipients. This is designed so an elder can send To publishers, and Cc either himself or other elders.
- Note: You must obviously have some To recipients to send Cc or Bcc. That is the whole point of Cc and Bcc.
- Note: Bcc works exactly the same, except a ‘blind carbon copy’ is sent.
- Note: Cc and Bcc should generally not be used to send mass emails to many people. That is what Send To is for. Please do not Cc or Bcc all publishers, or large groups of people. Instead, use Send To
- Click Cc or Bcc and select some persons to email.
- Click Add or Add All to add the selected persons to the Persons to Email list.
- You can Search for persons and also Filter the same as Send To
- Click Attachments
- A list of the current attachments for this email will appear.
- Click Add Attachment from File to add an attachment from your computer to this email.
- Note: To add a Report or Schedule directly from within New World Scheduler, see Email Special Features

Subject and Message
Enter the Subject and Message for the email. All emails must have a Subject and Message.
Both the Subject and Message support Email Tags.
- Note: If you regularly send the same messages, you can Save or Load Email Templates.
Preview allows you to preview each Email before it is sent, including any text replacement of Email Tags.
When the message is ready for sending, click the Preview button.
Send Email
Before you can Send any emails, the following must be true:
- You have Setup Email
- One or more Persons have been added to To
- The Subject and Message have both been entered
To send the emails, click Send and the emails will be sent one-at-a-time. You will see the current sending status.
- Note: If any person has both the Email 1 and Email 2 fields set, they will receive 2 emails, and show up in the list twice.
- Note: If you have any problems sending emails, please carefully check the Send Log.

Send Log
New World Scheduler keeps an email Send Log of all recent emails sent, including the Date, Time, Recipient and status of the email.
After the emails have been sent, click Send Log for more information.
- Note: Even though an email was successfully sent, this does not necessarily mean it was successfully received by the recipient. If you misspelt their email address, your mail will likely still send correctly, but won’t be received. That is the nature of email.
The Send Log can also show why certain emails might not have sent. Please be sure to carefully check the Send Log if you have any problems.
Email Tags
An Email Tag is special text that can be added to the Subject or Message that will be replaced by data inside New World Scheduler when you send the email. Most Quick Steps use Email Tags.
Both the Subject and Message support Email Tags. You may use multiple Email Tags inside an email. Email Tags can also be saved in Email Templates.
Some Email Tags will only work with Email Special Features, and depend on the type of report you are sending.
Some Email Tags also allow options, e.g. select the Period the email tag is active for.
Add Email Tag
- Place the text curser at the correct position in the Subject or Message.
- Select the Email Tag from the dropdown list
- Click Add
For example, when sending an email to a brother called Michael, if you type “To [TO_NAME]” in the Message or Subject, it would be replaced by “To Michael”.

Supported Email Tags
- [TO_NAME] – The name of the person you are emailing.
- [CONGREGATION_NAME] – Your Congregation name.
- [SENDER_NAME] – Your name as specified in From
- [SENDER_EMAIL] – Your Email Address as specified in From
- [CLM_ASSIGNMENTS_ALL] – Details about any CLM Assignment the person has during the specified period.
- [CLM_ASSIGNMENTS_SCHOOL] – Details about any school CLM Assignments the person has during the specified period.
- [CLM_ASSIGNMENTS_NON-SCHOOL] – Details about any non-school CLM Assignments the person has during the specified period.
- [WEEKEND_ASSIGNMENTS] – Details about any Weekend Assignments the person has during the specified period.
- [FIELD_SERVICE_ASSIGNMENTS] – Details about any Field Service assignments the person has during the specified period.
- [DUTIES] – Details about any duties the person has during the specified period.
- [ANY_ASSIGNMENTS_DUTIES] – Details about any assignments or duties the person has during the specified period.
- [PUBLIC_TALK] – Details about the Public Talk the person has on the specified date.
- [KINGDOM_HALL_ADDRESS] – Your Kingdom Hall address.
- [ZOOM_DETAILS] – Congregation Zoom Details.
- [PUBLIC_TALK_EMPTY_DATES] – Any dates within the next year which you have no one scheduled to give the Public Talk.
- [AVAILABLE_SPEAKERS] – A list of all Away Speakers in your congregation, including their Availability and the Public Talk Outlines they can give.
- [ATTACHMENT_NAME] – The name of the first Email Attachment. Will be empty if there are no email attachments.
- [MISSING_REPORT_DATE] – The date of any missing reports for the publisher.
- [CONGREGATION_REGION] – The congregation sharing region of this congregation.
- [CONGREGATION_ID] – The Congregation ID of this congregation.
- [CONGREGATION_PIN] – The Congregation PIN of this congregation. (To allow publishers to connect to the NW Publisher app)
- [FIRST_NAME] – The first name of the publisher. (To allow publishers to connect to the NW Publisher app)
- [PERSON_PIN] – The person pin of the publisher. (To allow publishers to connect to the NW Publisher app)
Email Templates
Email Templates are very powerful. You can create an Email Template for any regular emails that you send, thus saving lots of time. Templates can also include Email Tags for further automation. An Email Template is made up of a Subject and Message only.

There are two types of Email Templates:
- Default Email Templates. These are included with New World Scheduler and cannot be changed (except by Improving New World Scheduler Translation). Many Quick Steps use Default Email Templates.
- Custom Email Templates. These are Email Templates you have created or customized and will be shared with all Shared Persons.
Load Email Template
- Under Email Templates, select either Default or Custom
- Select the Category
- Select the desired Email Template
- Click Load
- Note: This will overwrite the current Subject and Message
Create Custom Email Template
- Optionally, if you want to base this template on an existing Default Email Template, first Load the Default Email Template.
- Under Subject, enter the Subject
- Under Message, enter the Message
- Under Save as Custom Template, enter a Name for the template and click Save
Edit an existing Custom Email Template
- Under Email Templates, select Custom
- Select the Category
- Select the Custom Email Template to edit
- Click Load
- Note: This will overwrite the current Subject and Message
- Edit the Subject
- Edit the Message
- Under Save as Custom Template, enter a Name for the template and click Save
- Note: If the same name is used, this will overwrite the existing Custom Email Template.
Email Reminders
- Note: Quick Steps now allow you to automatically send many different types of Email Reminders. The following instructions are for sending manual email reminders.
Email Reminders can be sent to congregation persons or even other persons such as visiting Public Speakers.
- Send an Email Reminder to all CLM Students who have a part on the upcoming Life and Ministry Meeting
- Send an Email Reminder to the upcoming Public Speaker this weekend.
- Send an Email Reminder to all Group Overseers listing who has not yet submitted their report.
Send an Email Reminder
- Click Printing > Email
- Click From and setup Send From
- Click To and select which persons you wish to send a reminder to. E.G.
- Elders. All Elders in your congregation.
- Group Overseers. All Group Overseers in your congregation.
- Everyone in Report. All persons who appear in certain reports generated by New World Scheduler. The report must first be generated from within New World Scheduler. See Email a Report or Schedule.
- Everyone with Parts Weekend. Everyone who has a part this upcoming weekend meeting.
- Everyone with Parts Midweek. Everyone who has a part this upcoming midweek meeting.
- Upcoming Public Speakers. All upcoming Public Speakers for the next 3 months.
- Optionally, click Cc and add some Persons to Email
- Optionally, click Attachments and add an Attachment from File.
- Note: To add a report or schedule from within New World Scheduler, see Email Special Features
- Optionally, select and Load an Email Template. E.G.
- Upcoming Assignment Reminder
- Public Talk Reminder
- Missing Reports
- Weekend Meeting Assignment Reminder
- Enter the Subject
- Enter your Message
- Optionally, add any Email Tags to your Subject or Message.
- Optionally, Preview your email.
- Click Send
- Note: Emails will then be sent one at a time.
- Optionally, after sending click Send Log for more details.
Common Questions and Problems
Please carefully check the Send To Email Filters. These limit who is shown in the list.
For example, if you have “Everyone in Report” selected but that Report does not support sending to individual people, no one will show in the list.
Change the Filters and you will see and can select the right people.
Email Tags are occasionally updated and improved. This means some older email tags are no longer available.
Please see Email Tags for a complete and current list of all supported Email Tags. Only tags in this list are supported.
Email Templates are occasionally updated and improved, and older Email Templates are removed.
Please click the Refresh icon to Reload the updated Default Email Templates.
If any person has both the Email 1 and Email 2 fields set, they will receive 2 emails, and show up in the list twice.
Sorry this is not possible.
It is important for publishers to know that any email sent via NW Scheduler are automated.
Please see either Setup Gmail Problems, or Setup Other Email Providers (e.g. Hotmail)