Improve NW Scheduler Program Translation

Our worldwide brotherhood is a wonderful blessing! To help the friends all over the world benefit from NW Scheduler, we have arranged to have NW Scheduler translated into as many languages as possible.

However it takes time and effort to translate NW Scheduler.

Can you help?

Edit NW Scheduler Program Translation

  1. Carefully read the following instructions:
  2. Under Program Translation Files, click the language to edit
  3. You will be taken to the Google Doc for that language
  4. If needed, please Sign In to your Google Account
  5. Under Message, please enter your Congregation ID and your NW Scheduler email address
  6. Click Request Access
    • Note: We verify all persons who request access. It may take several days for you to receive access. You will receive an email notification once access has been granted.
NW Scheduler Translation Google Docs Translation Request Access New World Scheduler
  1. Once you have been granted access, under Program Translation Files, again click the language to edit
  2. In Google Docs, we strongly recommend clicking View > Text width > Full
NW Scheduler Translation Google Docs Text Width
  1. Once you have finished editing, simply close your browser. Everything saves automatically. You changes will appear in the next version of NW Scheduler.
NW Scheduler Translation Google Docs Translation

Translation Instructions

When a new language is added to New World Scheduler, Google Translate is used to provide an initial translation. If Google Translate is not available, the text will remain in English.

In either case, the translation needs manual checking and improving.

English <tags> are in blue, while the text to be translated is in the middle of the tags and in black.

  • Example: <Brother>Hermano</Brother>

New terms that were added since the previous Major Release are highlighted in yellow. These will remain highlighted in yellow until the next Major Release.

  • Note: Yellow highlighting does not mean a term has not yet been translated. It simply means the term is new
  • Example: <Campaigns>Campañas</Campaigns>

How to Translate - IMPORTANT!

  1. Make changes to the black text only
    • Please do not change anything else
    • Please do not change the blue text
    • Please do not change the yellow text
    • Please do not change any colors
    • Please do not change the brackets, tags, or any other formatting
    • Please do not add or remove any lines
    • Please do not copy and paste anything
  1. Be faithful to the original English text
    • Please do not add or remove text to suit your local circumstances
    • Please do not change the meaning of any words or phrases

Translation Principles

A translator is someone who converts material from one language to another while maintaining the original meaning, format, and tone.

A translator works hard to make the meaning as clear as possible, while being careful not to change or alter the original meaning.

Please see w09 11/1 21-22.

Program Translation Files

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