Request New Language

We are happy to consider requests for new languages for New World Scheduler, however please first evaluate New World Scheduler and decide whether you definitely want to use it. It takes considerable time and expense to create and maintain a language, so we are only able to add a new language if you will definitely use New World Scheduler.

New World Scheduler

After you have determined you will definitely use New World Scheduler, please determine if you need a Fully Supported Language, or only a Life and Ministry Meeting Language.

Fully Supported Languages

Fully support languages include Life and Ministry Meeting data, Public Talk data, the NW Scheduler Program interface data, and Reports and Templates data.

It will take significant time and effort for you and others to translate this data.

When a language is first added to New World Scheduler, we use Google Translate to translate all English text into the target language. This obviously isn’t perfect, and doesn’t work very well with spiritual terms, which is why the translation will need to be updated and improved by a local speaker.

If Google Translate is not available for a language, the text will remain in English until translated.

We greatly appreciate the hard work of the many brothers who assist with translating!

To request a new Fully Supported language, please Contact Us and select Request Language.

Life and Ministry Meeting Languages

NW Scheduler allows the Life and Ministry Meeting data to be used in smaller or less common languages, even if this language is not Fully Supported.

This is much quicker and easier, and there is no need to contact us or request a new language.

Congregation Language

  1. Set your Congregation Language to the closest available language
    • E.G. Japanese Sign Language might select Japanese
Option 1: Import EPUB file
  1. Download the EPUB file from and save to your computer
  2. Click Schedule > Life and Ministry Meeting
  3. Select a week
  4. Click Delete Meeting Data
  5. Repeat for each week you wish to schedule
  6. Click Import Meeting Workbook EPUB
  7. Select and import your language Meeting Workbook EPUB file
Option 2: Manually Edit the Meeting Data
  1. Click Schedule > Life and Ministry Meeting
  2. Select a week
  3. Manually Edit the Meeting Data to reflect data from your language Meeting Workbook

Language Group Language

  1. Create a Language Group
  2. Set the Language Group Language to the closest available language
    • E.G. Japanese Sign Language might select Japanese
Option 1: Import EPUB file
  1. Download the EPUB file from and save to your computer
  2. Click Schedule > Life and Ministry Meeting
  3. Select the Language Group
  4. Select a week
  5. Click Delete Meeting Data
  6. Repeat for each week you wish to schedule
  7. Click Import Meeting Workbook EPUB
  8. Select and import your language Meeting Workbook EPUB file
Option 2: Manually Edit the Meeting Data
  1. Click Schedule > Life and Ministry Meeting
  2. Select the Language Group
  3. Select a week
  4. Manually Edit the Meeting Data to reflect data from your language Meeting Workbook

NW Publisher App

We are also happy to provide the NW Publisher App in more languages.

Due to the time and expense of adding and maintaining languages, we are only able to add a new NW Publisher app language when the following is true:

  1. The language is already available in New World Scheduler (Desktop Edition)
  2. There are sufficient congregations using New World Scheduler (Desktop Edition)
  3. The New World Scheduler website Home Page has been translated into the language
  4. The NW Publisher app website Home Page has been translated into the language

If you would like to request a new language for the NW Publisher App and help translate the above, please Contact Us to Request a New Language.

We greatly appreciate the hard work of the many brothers who assist with translating!

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