Duties Schedules and Reports

New World Scheduler contains many attractive, practical and informative Duties Schedules and Reports, allowing you to quickly and easily view your congregation data.

All schedules and reports can be saved as Document, PDF, Image or XPS. They can also be Previewed, Printed or Emailed.

To Save, Print or Email Duties Schedules Reports, click Printing > Save, Print & Email Reports > Duties

Duties Schedule


The Duties Schedule for the selected months, listing all congregation duties and who will perform them.

Who might use

The Attendants Servant, Kingdom Hall Servant or Cleaning Servant might print this and place on the Information Board, or perhaps email to all those who have a Duty on the schedule.


  • Include Cleaning includes the Kingdom Hall Cleaning Schedule
  • Select the Start and End Period


New World Scheduler Reports - JW Duties - Duties Schedule

Cleaning and Garden Care Schedule


The Kingdom Hall Cleaning and Garden Care Schedule for the selected months.

Who might use

The Kingdom Hall Servant or Cleaning Servant might print this and place on the Information Board, or perhaps email to all those who have a Duty on the schedule.


  • Select the Start and End Period


New World Scheduler Reports - JW Duties - Kingdom Hall Cleaning and Garden Care Schedule

Duties Person List


Displays lists of which persons can perform all the various Congregation Duties.

Who might use

All elders are responsible for approving which persons can handle which duties and would use this list to keep updated. Likely the Coordinator of the Body of Elders (COBE), Attendants Servant, Kingdom Hall Servant or Cleaning Servant would periodically send this to other elders for reference.

New World Scheduler Reports - JW Duties - Duties Members List

Common Questions and Problems

If a report, schedule or template does not exist on our Help pages, then it most likely does not exist in New World Scheduler. While New World Scheduler already contains over 130 different templates and reports, it is not possible to create reports or templates for everything and everyone.

Nevertheless, if you would like to suggest a new schedule, report or template for New World Scheduler:

  1. Create a sample or screenshot of a sample
  2. Click Help > Contact Us > Suggestion and carefully follow the directions provided.

Please carefully re-read the section Select the Report or Schedule on the Preview, Save, Print or Email Reports page.

The Periods are fixed and cannot be changed. They will automatically update as time passes.

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