NW Scheduler (New World Scheduler) is a software program designed for Jehovah’s Witnesses. NW Scheduler can schedule and organise the Christian Life and Ministry meeting, Public Talks, Secretary Records, Field Service schedules, Public Witnessing Carts, Territories, Duties and Kingdom Hall Cleaning, Literature Requests, LDC Maintenance, and even more!
NW Scheduler 7.8
Easy. Simple. Fast.
Have an Apple Mac? See How to install New World Scheduler on Apple Mac
New World Scheduler is available in 120+ languages
It is used by thousands of congregations in 180+ countries
JW Scheduler has been renamed New World Scheduler (NW Scheduler). We hope this avoids any confusion between our software and official jw.org software. Everything else remains the same.
- Note: To download the NW Publisher app, please visit the NW Publisher app website.
New World Scheduler 7.8
This release contains many behind-the-scenes improvements, especially with NW Publisher app. We have added 5 new App Regions: North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Africa. This will not only increase the speed of NW Publisher app connections but will also help us to reduce App server fees.
Registration Costs: All around the world the cost of living is increasing, including the costs for developing software, licensing fees, hosting, servers, etc. Despite this, we have always worked very hard to keep our costs as low as possible, e.g. relocating our App servers will help us reduce App server fees. Additionally, as the number of users grows, we have been able to make some savings due to “economies of scale”. Therefore, since the beginning of 2025 we have been gradually reducing the price of registration, and we hope to be able to continue doing this going forward.
*** Important *** 1: After updating, ONE Congregation Administrator should click App > Change App Region, and then select your nearest region. Afterwards, please tell publishers which region they should select (although it should be obvious).
*** Important *** 2: After publishers update NW Publisher app, they should not have to ‘Connect to your Congregation’ again. If they do see this screen, they should “force close” and then re-open NW Publisher app.
*** Important *** 3: After a Congregation Administrator has changed the App region, all app users will need to please update to NW Publisher 3.7.0 and then select their Region. If publishers choose the correct region, there will be no need for them to re-login.
Territory Addresses: If any congregation in the USA needs assistance gathering addresses for your congregation territory at no additional cost, please Contact Us.
Warm Christian Love, New World Scheduler Team
Release Notes
- 5 new App Regions. We have added 5 new App Regions: North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Africa. This will not only increase the speed of NW Publisher app connections but will also help us to reduce our App server fees. A Congregation Administrator should please click App > Change App Region and then select your closest region. Afterwards, please inform all publishers.
- Right-to-left Weekly Overview. Used for languages with right-to-left text.
- User Access has again been simplified. E.G. Field Service and Public Witnessing have been combined, Congregation Administrator and App Administrator have been combined, Schedule CO Visit has been combined with Congregation Events.
- Many bug fixes and improvements.
- Separated the “Disable App” and “Remove Personal Information” fields.
- Removed “LDC Volunteer” and replaced with Custom 7. (This term is now obsolete and was replaced with A-2 as shown on jw.org)
- When deleting a person, will now warn if any outstanding Territory Assignments.
- Auto-Assign Duties will now start with the duties that have the least amount of assigned brothers. This should ensure a more even distribution.
- Added a new “Recurring” option to Field Service Meetings, to signify this is a recurring arrangement, e.g. the same every week. This can then be used to limit which Field Service Meeting assignments are sent to NW Publisher app.
- The Last Territory Assignment date will now be retained indefinitely.
- Email Notifications can now be sent when a person completes a territory using NW Publisher app.
- New button to Export Selected Address Types to CSV, e.g. export foreign language addresses, Do Not Calls, No Access addresses, etc.
Can now optionally show Address Notes on printed Territory Cards.
NW Publisher App UPDATES (version 3.7.0 and greater)
- NOTE: Immediately after updating, some publishers may have to “Force Close” and then re-open NW Publisher app. Otherwise, they may be required to login again.
- Changed “Prepare and Send” buttons to “Send with Notifications” and “Send without Notifications”.
- 5 new Regions for faster access.
- Improved security and encryption.
- Updated Field Service, Public Witnessing and CO Visit Schedule UI.
- Regular Pioneers can now see their yearly hour target difference (tap Me > Field Service History).
- Light and Dark Themes. Select in Settings.
- 10 new languages! Albanian shqip, Amharic, Catalan català, Hindi हिंदी, Iloko Ilocano, Indonesian bahasa Indonesia, Serbian srpski, Sesotho, Thai ภาษาไทย, Zulu IsiZulu.
- Bug fixes are usually released in Minor Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates and install the latest Minor Update. Even if you don’t experience any problems, we recommend installing the latest Minor Update at least once a month.
New World Scheduler 7.7
Download Link: New World Scheduler 7.7
This release is packed with new features, most notably with Public Speaker Sharing, Territories and the NW Publisher app.
There are also many other updates, improvements and fixes to many parts of NW Scheduler.
All app users should please update to NW Publisher 3.6.0 or greater to benefit from these new features and updates.
Note: If any congregation in the USA needs assistance gathering addresses for your congregation territory, please Contact Us.
Warm Christian Love, New World Scheduler Team
Release Notes
- Work Offline. If you must work offline for a time (e.g. if the internet is expensive or intermittent where you live), you can now Ignore Sharing Problems.
- Advanced Requests. Request multiple weeks and multiple speakers (in order of preference) at a time. The other congregation can choose which speaker is available for which dates, and return your request.
- Change Outline. Outline changes can be made from within an existing Request.
- Public Speaker Sharing Email Notifications. Email Notifications are sent when a new congregation requests to join your Circuit, when a new Request is received or when any congregation is Approved or Not Approved.
- Automatic Approval. Congregations who request to Join a circuit will be automatically Approved after 14 days if no action is taken.
- Custom Meeting Attendance. A new “Custom” Meeting Attendance field, which can be used for prison meeting attendance, deaf meeting attendance, native speakers meeting attendance, etc.
- Away Persons. All schedules will now highlight in red any person who is scheduled for a part, assignment or duty but will be Away.
- Self-Assign Territories (GOLD). The Territory Servant can now mark up to 15 territories as “Available to Self Assign”. These will then show on the NW Publisher app and can be “self-assigned” by approved publishers. For example, a Field Service Meeting Conductor could self-assign if he forgot to ask for a new territory, or a Pioneer could self-assign if they run out of territory.
- Territory Working Notes (GOLD). Territories on the NW Publisher app can now have a “Working Notes” section, that allows anyone currently working a territory to make temporary notes, which are shared among all those working the territory. These notes are cleared when the territory is completed.
- Search Addresses. Search Address now automatically selects the Territory the address is found in, and will also attempt to match an existing Address. This can be used to quickly and easily find a specific address, or see if an address has already been added.
- Family Territories. Assigned Territories can now be set to show on the app for the Family. This will then be available to all family members.
- Congregation Announcements. Print, Save or Email all Congregation Announcements.
- Congregation Events. Print, Save or Email all Congregation Events.
- Data Encryption and compression has been upgraded. Under Congregation Sharing, a Congregation Administration can click Update Data.
- User Access has been simplified. This makes it easier to manage, and also reduces sync problems.
- A Warning is shown if any Shared Persons are not using the latest Minor Version. We recommend updating to the latest Minor Version if you have any problems, and at least once a month.
- Registration Reminders are now only sent to Congregation Administrators.
- Congregation Sharing will check if your computer time is set accurately. Otherwise, you will not be able to connect. This prevents data sync problems.
- Both Major and Minor Versions are shown on Shared Persons.
- Public Speaker Sharing User Interface has been greatly improved and standardized.
- Requesting speakers now accurately shows if a speaker is available, or if the congregation has an Event that weekend, or if too many speakers are already requested.
- Circuit Name format is now enforced for many countries and regions, based on your official JW.org circuit format.
- Approved congregations can no longer be removed by accident.
- Public Speaker Requests are immediately synced, without the need to close and re-open NW Scheduler.
- Changes to your Local and Away Public Talks Schedule are no longer automatic, and only occur when you specifically Approve or Confirm a request.
- Changes to your local Public Talk Coordinator or COBE now sync correctly for other congregations.
- Congregations can no longer join a circuit without a valid Circuit Name.
- Additional reminder to only join Circuits you are part of, or are PHYSICALLY near.
- Public Speaker Sharing data encryption and compression upgraded.
- Data synchronization is more stable and faster.
- Public Speaker Sharing Logs have been improved.
- New Family Type called “Unbelieving Spouse”.
- Added a 2nd Email Address field for the COBE, Public Talk Coordinator and Public Speakers. This could be used to record their JWpub.org email address.
- All Person Lists can now be displayed First Name Last Name, instead of Last Name First Name. Change in Me > Settings > Name Display.
- Added ‘Language Group Only’ option for Weekend Assignments.
- Local Needs scheduling has been simplified. The ‘Local Needs’ view now only allows you to add or remove Local Needs topics. To assign a speaker or data, please use the CLM Scheduler.
- Life and Ministry Meeting colors have been updated to match the new Midweek meeting workbook colors. This includes all templates.
- Map Overlay can now be changed from the Map View screen itself.
- New Territory Setting “Allow Self Complete Territories”. This will allow or prevent brothers from “completing” or returning an assigned territory using the NW Publisher app.
- Service Overseer and Territory Servant have a new ‘Me View’ alert called “New Territory Addresses”. This shows new addresses sent by publishers that need to be manually approved.
- New Email Special Filter Types: Public Speaker COBE, Public Talk Coordinator, All Public Talk Coordinators.
- Comprehensive Data Logs are now available. Click Help > Logs button (bottom-right). This may help identify and problems or errors with NW Scheduler.
NW Publisher App UPDATES (version 3.6.0 and greater)
- Updated and refreshed User Interface
- Brothers can now complete Maintenance Tasks using the NW Publisher app.
- Data Encryption and compression has been upgraded.
- Information Board will show which Announcements/Letters have not been read.
- Public Talk numbers now shown on schedule.
- App Features have been renamed App Settings.
- Added ‘Test Reminder’ button for Reminders.
- Improved data syncing between NW Publisher app and NW Scheduler, for example receiving Territory Address updates and Publisher Reports.
- Fixed several Congregation Sharing bugs, and made Congregation Sharing more reliable.
- Fixed several Public Speaker Sharing bugs, and made Public Speaker Sharing more reliable.
- Bug fixes are usually released in Minor Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates and install the latest Minor Update. Even if you don’t experience any problems, we recommend installing the latest Minor Update at least once a month.
Previous Versions of New World Scheduler
For all previous versions of New World Scheduler, including information about what changed with each version, please visit New World Scheduler Download Archives.