Christian Life and Ministry Scheduler

What is a Christian Life and Ministry Scheduler?

A Christian Life and Ministry scheduler is a jw app or software program that helps Elders schedule the Jehovah’s Witnesses Christian Life and Ministry Meeting. While this meeting can be scheduled manually, many Elders find this is difficult, very time-consuming and doesn’t always result in the right student being selected for the right part.

To assist Elders, there have been various Christian Life and Ministry scheduler software programs developed. Some are very complex, some are very simple. Some have lots of features, some have just the basic. But each of these Christian Life and Ministry software programs have one thing in common: help Elders schedule the Christian Life and Ministry meeting.

Does contain any Christian Life and Ministry Scheduler software?

No. Neither nor the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania support or endorse any particular Christian Life and Ministry scheduler. produces an official jw app to learn and study the bible called JW Library. In addition, it has an official jw app to learn new languages called JW Language as well as an app to help our deaf brothers and sisters called JW Library Sign Language. The tool to research publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses is called Watchtower Library. They do not produce software to schedule the Christian Life and Ministry meeting.

Which is the best Christian Life and Ministry Scheduler?

A common question many Elders ask is “How do you schedule the Christian Life and Ministry meeting? What software do you use?” Perhaps you have also asked this question.

So which Christian Life and Ministry Scheduler is the best? That is hard to say and often depends on personal preference.

For example, some recommend CLM Explorer by tmsware since it is one of the oldest programs, apparently existing for 16 years. CLM Explorer is multi-user, which means you can share data with other users using a Sync function. It also handles the entire Life and Ministry Meeting, and supports quite a few languages.

Still others prefer KHS by Majestic Software. KHS is very feature-rich and allows you to schedule all kinds of different things, such as the Christian Life and Ministry Meeting, Public Talks and even lawn mowing! There are myriads of myriads of options to choose from. There are many detailed tutorials to help Elders get started.

Finally, many prefer New World Scheduler because it is easy and simple to use. It is also the quickest and most time-saving Christian Life and Ministry scheduler. In fact, it’s easy to setup a new congregation in 1 minute, add a new member in 20 seconds and schedule the entire meeting in under 2 minutes! New World Scheduler also allows Elders to share data, comes in multiple languages and contains attractive Reports to place on the noticeboard.

Why not see for yourself and try these programs. They can all be downloaded for free. You can download New World Scheduler here.


How does New World Scheduler compare with similar programs and apps?

Our intention is not to criticize other software programs, since we are all “standing firm in one spirit, with one soul, striving side by side for the faith of the good news” – Philippians 1:27.

Instead, we invite you to explore the differences between New World Scheduler and these other programs for yourself.

“Thank you for having a ‘Comparison’ page. It was very helpful when trying out new programs!” – Brother Mike, USA

Data can be imported from Majestic KHS, Hourglass App, TSWin, CLM Explorer or CSV into New World Scheduler.

New World Scheduler strongly believes your congregation and member data is your own, and you should be able to Import and Export your data as you wish. We also believe it is fair and right to allow data exchange between other scheduling programs.

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