This page contains all archive versions of New World Scheduler. However, we recommend you only use the latest version of New World Scheduler. For the latest version of New World Scheduler, please visit New World Scheduler Downloads.
Download Archives
New World Scheduler 7.6
Download Link: New World Scheduler 7.6
This update does not contain any new features, but is a consolidation of bug fixes and performance improvements. We have also included a few small updates.
As a reminder, NW Scheduler Minor Versions contain bug fixes and improvements. If any appointed brother experiences problems with NW Scheduler, all appointed brothers should please update to the latest Minor Version. Even if you don’t have any problems, we still recommend updating to the latest Minor Version at least once a month.
FUTURE: We are currently working on greatly enhancing and improving Public Speaker Sharing, as well as another exciting project that should be released in the next few months.
If you are still using NW Scheduler 7.4 or earlier, you should please update to 7.6 as soon as possible. The old Sharing Servers will soon be deleted. You should follow the instructions on our website under NW Scheduler 7.5 Update Instructions.
Release Notes
- Added Quick Step “Send Invitation Email to selected Shared Person”.
- Can now Restore Shared Persons from Automatic Backup.
- Warnings are shown if more than 3 people have Edit User Access to something.
- Both Major and Minor Versions are shown on Shared Persons.
- The Edit Circuits view has a new Disable Circuit button. This can be used if “Guest” Congregations or Circuits have been synced to your congregation from Public Speaker Sharing, but you don’t want to see them in your Circuits view.
- Territory Labels can now have an outline color, and change rotation angle.
- Each Territory Label can now have its own size, color and angle.
- Saving Map now adds extra options to customise how the map looks.
NW Publisher App (*version 3.5.0 and greater*)
- You can now select different Map Providers for NW Publisher app, including Google Maps. See Territory Settings.
- Territory Cards now include Status Date
- Territory Addresses printing can optionally include “Show State/Province”
- Duties Schedule can now optionally “Show Day of week” (for Schedule by Meeting duties)
- Bug fixes are usually released in Minor Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates and install the latest Minor Update. Even if you don’t experience any problems, we recommend installing the latest Minor Update at least once a month.
New World Scheduler 7.5
Download Link: New World Scheduler 7.5
Update Instructions
We have added many, many new features, updates and improvements, many of which are based on suggestions we’ve received.
Congregation Sharing security has been enhanced, which requires all congregations to re-setup Congregation Sharing.
If you are not a Congregation Administrator, please wait for a Congregation Administrator to first update and re-setup Congregation Sharing.
ONE Congregation Administrator should do the following:
- Before Updating: Click Congregation > Congregation Sharing > Backup Shared Persons button. Save the file somewhere.
- Update NW Scheduler
- After Updating: Click Congregation > Congregation Sharing > Enter a new Sharing Password.
- Note: All passwords must now be 12 characters or greater. You may reuse your existing password provided it meets this requirement.
- Note: If you changed the Sharing Password, remember to tell all other Shared Persons!
- Click Congregation > Congregation Sharing > Shared Persons > Restore Shared Persons button and select the Shared Persons backup file you created in Step 1.
- Tell all other Shared Persons they can now update and connect.
Release Notes
- Congregation Overview. Congregation view now includes a quick overview of your congregation, including Persons, Demographics and Recent Activity. This helps elders keep up-to-date with what is happening in the Congregation.
- Congregation Calendar. Congregation view now includes a Congregation Calendar. This optionally displays Congregation Events and/or Away Periods for elders, ministerial servants, pioneers or publishers.
- Managing and Scheduling Local Needs. Create and maintain a list of Local Needs subjects and speakers decided by the body of elders (sfl 20:15). These can then be allocated to upcoming Local Needs parts on the CLM Schedule, and easily adjusted if needed (e.g. Governing Body updates). See Schedule – Local Needs.
- Master Territory Map. You can now draw, or import from, your Master Territory Map Border. Afterwards, you can adjust how the map displays and save to file for physical printing (See km 8/00 p. 2). Labels can be added, e.g. displaying your Congregation name or neighboring congregations. Optionally display the Kingdom Hall location.
- Territories Dashboard. Territories view shows an overview of your congregation’s territories, including Next to Assign, Recently Completed and Overdue. Graphs are shown for Completed per month and overall Completed, Currently being work and Not worked.
- Territory Campaign Management. Can now create specific campaigns, including the Name, Start Date, End Date and if the campaign is currently active. Track how many Territories have been assigned to the campaign, and how many are completed.
- Persons Date Last Visited. Added a new field and report for recording when a person was last visited. This can be used to ensure Disfellowshipped and Inactive ones are visited as per the directions. It can also be used to track when a publisher last received a shepherding visit.
- Custom Automatic Tasks. Can now create your own reoccurring Automatic Tasks that can be scheduled according to your needs. Can also disable System Automatic Tasks.
- Public Witnessing Location Utilization. Shows how your Public Witnessing Locations are being utilized, and whether there is a need for more or less locations (sfl 23:12).
- Public Witnessing Publisher Reservations. Shows how many reservations each publisher is making over a period of time.
- Public Witnessing Schedule – Landscape.
- Address Notes. Shows all Address Notes from Publishes that have not yet been handled.
- Literature Requests Reoccurring.
- Added new Life and Ministry Meeting template called 1-per page Shaded.
- Added new Life and Ministry Meeting template called S-140.
- Note: This template closely follows the official S-140.
- Local Needs report.
- Persons – Last Visited report.
- Territory Campaigns report.
- Congregation view now displays the Congregation Overview and Congregation Calendar.
- Congregation Information has been moved to its own menu item on the left.
- Congregation Sharing security has been enhanced to use 256-bit encryption keys, key generation of over 100,000 derivations, improved algorithms, improved data expiry policies, and enforcing passwords of over 12 characters.
- Congregation Sharing data transfer has been greatly improved with data compression for faster synchronization. The algorithm has also been enhanced for greater reliability and to minimize sharing issues.
- Congregation Sharing view has been split into 4 different views: Overview, Shared Persons, Sharing Logs and Sharing Problems. The design has been greatly improved and simplified.
- Shared Persons will now automatically expire and be removed after 4 months of inactivity.
- Congregations can now optionally disable sharing of Publisher Reports.
- Elders and Ministerial Servants can no longer Restore data which they do not have access to.
- Meeting Day Change event can now also change the Meeting Time. Simply set the Start Time.
- Can now optionally disable recording “Online Meeting Attendance”.
- Ordering of Congregation Announcements, Documents and Letters has been improved.
- Changing the order will no longer trigger an “updated” star on NW Publisher app, nor send a Notification.
- Added new field called Family Type, which helps track the demographics of your congregation.
- Can now import selected Congregations and Public Speakers from a neighbor congregation’s KHS export file. For example, if other congregations in your circuit use KHS, they can now send you their updated Public Speakers.
- Improved reliability of Public Speaker Sharing, and many old or incorrect Circuits have been removed.
- Guest congregations are now able to share Public Speakers and make/receive Public Speaker Requests with all other congregations in the Circuit. The only difference between a Guest Congregation and a Primary Congregation is the ability to Approve or Deny other congregations.
- Added an icon and the ability to select if you are a Primary Congregation or Guest Congregation for each circuit you join.
- Past Requests, Denied Requests and Canceled Requests are now automatically deleted after 2 months. They can also be manually deleted at any time.
- You will now receive a warning notification if one of your Public Speaker Requests was Denied or Canceled by another congregation.
- Refresh Congregations and Refresh Requests have been separated into 2 separate buttons.
- Added a Spiritual Notes field to Spiritual. This allows elders to separate “Information” notes from “Spiritual” notes and restrict access accordingly.
- Added an Emergency Notes field to Persons Emergency. This allows elders to track Emergency Notes which can be shown on Emergency Contacts reports.
- Added “Temporary Accommodations for Disaster Victims” checkbox to Emergency, to record who would open their homes to disaster victims.
- Added new Latitude and Longitude fields to more accurately record where a publisher lives.
- Note: The existing Coordinates field will be removed in a future update. Please copy any existing Coordinates to the Latitude and Longitude fields.
- Added new Geolocate button to automatically locate and determine the publishers’ Latitude and Longitude based on their address.
- User Interface improved to allow for Living Parts and Local Needs selection, and make Congregation Bible Study scheduling easier.
- Added a new “Draft” checkbox to indicate the CLM schedule is only a draft. Draft schedules and assignments will not be sent to the NW Publisher app.
- Added a new checkbox to indicate that a part will be handled online (e.g. Zoom).
- Added the timing back to the front of Bible Reading and school parts.
- Added a new Filter when scheduling Apply parts called “Recent Any Part”.
- Added a new optional setting to “Avoid scheduling Family on same day”.
- Circuit Overseer name can now be added to the Service Talk. For example, if a substitute or training CO is giving that talk.
- New Schedule – Local Needs view
- Create and maintain a list of Local Need subjects and speakers decided by the body of elders (sfl 20:15).
- Allocate Local Needs parts to the CLM Schedule, and easily adjust if needed (e.g. Governing Body updates).
- See a history of which local needs were given in the last 18 months, by whom, and when.
- Enter Past History has been redesigned to enter past public talk history more easily.
- Added a new option in Settings for “Max Away Speakers per week”. This will then gray out weeks when the maximum is reached.
- New “Pending” option when scheduling Away Public Talks. This can be used in cases when you have swapped speakers with another congregation, but not yet decided specifically which speaker will visit.
- Can now add a Link to a Field Service Meeting to be displayed on the NW Publisher app.
- Selecting the Conductor or Custom Field Service persons now uses the standard “Person” selection window. You can also see when they were last scheduled (based on day of week).
- Field Service can now be scheduled 1 additional month into the future.
- Public Witnessing can now be scheduled 1 additional month into the future.
- When assigning Duties, added a new Filter for Recent Any Duty. This filter can also be used for Auto-Assign.
- When selecting a person for a duty, the standard “Person” selection window is now used.
- Added new Setting called “Weeks between duties” to optionally prevent brothers from being assigned duties multiple weeks in a row.
- Can now Import and Export Duties to/from CSV file.
- Scheduling duties will now show a warning if the person has an Away Public Talk.
- Can now assign Cleaning and Garden care to the whole congregation. This will display on the NW Publisher app as a Duty for everyone in the congregation, including sending all persons Notifications and Reminders.
- Added a new Quick Step button to email everyone scheduled for a Maintenance Task, including showing details about the task and other people assigned.
- Can now add more partners for the CO and his wife, or anyone accompanying them. Use the + and – to add or remove additional partners.
- Territories view has been split into 5 separate menus: Territories List, Territories List and Map, Master Territory Map, Campaigns and Territory Settings.
- Territories view now contains a Territories Dashboard showing an overview of your congregation territories, including Next to assign, Recently Completed and Overdue. Graphs are shown for Completed per month and overall Completed, Currently being work and Not worked.
- Territory Assignments have been updated and improved, to avoid discrepancies between the Territories List and what is seen in Territory Assignments.
- Added new “Not Completed in last 6/12 months Filter”.
- Added new “Currently Being Worked” filter.
- Territories assigned for the future (e.g. start of a campaign) will not show on the NW Publisher app until the day before.
TERRITORIES – Territories List and Map
- Added new Satellite and Dark map overlays. Adjust in Territory Settings.
- Can now select multiple addresses on the map, and then move them to another territory.
- Locate Addresses is now 3 times faster.
- Added a Delete all labels button.
- Added “Fine Zooming” when capturing the physical map. This only works with either OpenStreetMaps or Bing Maps.
- Do not calls will now show in red on the map.
- Can now add addresses outside of a territory boundary, e.g. for nearby car parking, etc.
- Added Convert to Phone Witnessing button, similar to Convert to Letter Writing button.
- Assigning a territory to a Field Service Group can now optionally be displayed for the whole congregation.
- Territories can now be assigned to Neighbor Congregations.
- Note: This is for your reference only. Obviously, your data will not sync with other congregations.
TERRITORIES – Master Territory Map
- Draw the overall boundary of your territory.
- Download a KML file of your overall Territory Boundary from, then Import into NW Scheduler.
- Optionally display internal territory boundaries for selected categories.
- Adjust various settings for how the territory will display.
- Save to an image file for physical printing (See km 8/00 p. 2).
- Add Labels, e.g. displaying your Congregation name or neighboring congregations.
- Display an icon with the Kingdom Hall location.
- Display an icon for where all publishers live.
- Note: Publishers must have Latitude and Longitude values entered for them to display on the map.
- Create specific territory campaigns, including the Name, Start Date, End Date and if the campaign is currently active.
- Track how many Territories have been assigned to the campaign, and how many are completed.
TERRITORIES – Territory Settings
- Added several more Address Display Formats and Apartment Display Formats. This affects printing and NW Publisher app display.
NW Publisher App (*version 3.5.0 and greater*)
- Elders are shown a warning to please write down or remember the Congregation PIN. As this is used to encrypt app data, forgetting the pin may result in all publishers having to reconnect to your congregation.
- Field Service Schedule will now show for 9 weeks into the future.
- Public Witnessing Schedule will now show for 9 weeks into the future, and reservations can be made during that time.
- Field Service and Public Witnessing Schedules will now only show days when something is scheduled.
- App Notifications have been greatly improved, and now show the date of any new assignments/duties/events.
- Added more options to “Publishers” view. Can now optionally enable Spiritual, Away Periods and Emergency Contacts. See App Features.
- Publishers – Spiritual will show basic spiritual information about the person, including date of baptism, privilege, pioneer status, Last Visited, App PIN, and any spiritual notes.
- Publishers – Away Periods will show when persons are currently away, or away within the next month.
- Publishers – Contact Information can now click an address to navigate to the address, and click an email address to send an email.
- Added a new option to automatically assign Hospitality if a hospitality request is made. See App Features.
- If an announcement is in the future, no notification will be sent.
- If an address has been marked as Do Not Call or Custom, but the buttons are disabled, will now show the Date of last visit and any notes.
- When adding new Addresses via the app, publishers can now include address coordinates. This can also be obtained from the publishers current location.
- Phone numbers can be clicked to automatically dial.
- Letter Writing maps can now also Copy address and Edit Notes.
- Changing the order of Information Board items will no longer send notifications or show a “new” star on the app.
- CLM Chairmain Notes will now show on the NW Publisher app for the CLM Chairman Assignment.
- Delegate parts and duties now highlight in orange on the app.
- Public Witnessing Reservations now show in Assignments on the app.
- If a territory is overdue, a red exclamation mark is shown on the app.
- Maintenance Duties will now show the Task Name as the duty title.
ME View
- No longer shows a warning if Incarcerated publishers are missing contact information.
- New Quick Step to email Publishers their Field Service Group and Field Service Group Overseer information.
- User Tasks can now be assigned to multiple people, and the Status will be shared among all people.
- Note: This updates how the Territory Request Task and Hospitality Request Task work. These tasks are now shared and synchronized across all Territory Servants / Public Talk Coordinators.
- Can now send Territory Cards, Territory Addresses, Phone Witnessing Territories and Letter Writing Territories individually to the publishers who have been Assigned that territory.
- Added new Email Special Filter called “Other Group Captains”. This can be used to email all captains at once.
- Added a Copy Preview button to the Preview view.
- Printing view now has a new Dashboard, showing various Congregation Summary Graphs.
- Added new Name Format “Last name First name”
- Upcoming Public Speakers report now includes Public Talk Coordinator information.
- Emergency Contact report now includes COBE information and Emergency Notes.
- Territory Addresses report now includes an option to include Name and Phone.
- Added new CLM Assignment Slip option for “Assistants only”.
- S-13 can now Filter by various territory options.
- Territory Coverage report updated and improved.
- Territories Assigned report now includes Area and Type. Design improved.
- S-21 Overview for Circuit Overseers now includes a Count.
- Printing Territories and Territory Cards can now be Filtered by those Assigned.
- CO Details about the Host and Meal Arrangements reports now includes Notes.
- Persons – Spiritual now includes the Spiritual Notes.
- Guadeloupean Creole Kréyòl Gwadloup
- Hebrew עברית
- Italian Sign Language Lingua dei segni italiana
- Kinyarwanda Ikinyarwanda
- Martiniquan Creole Kréyol Matinik̦
- Tandroy
- Tsonga Xitsonga
- Valencian Valencià
- Danish Dansk (NW Publisher app)
- Slovenian Slovenščina (NW Publisher app)
- Bug fixes are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates
New World Scheduler 7.4
Download Link: New World Scheduler 7.4
NW Scheduler 7.4 Overview
Welcome to NW Scheduler 7.4!
This release includes a large amount of bug fixes and performance improvements, as well as many new and updated Templates.
We also were able to add a few new features, including a 64-bit Version of NW Scheduler.
- Note: If your Operating System is 64-bit, you might need to remove old shortcuts after updating.
Warm Christian Love, New World Scheduler Team
Release Notes
- 64-bit Version. We are pleased to announce a 64-bit version of NW Scheduler. Our installer will automatically install the 64-bit version on 64-bit computers, and the 32-bit version on older 32-bit computers. A 64-bit application can use more Virtual Memory, which should make it run faster and improve the Territory map view. Note: If you have a 64-bit computer, you may need to remove any old shortcuts.
- Online Meeting Attendance. We’ve now split Meeting Attendance to In Person and Online. We hope this helps elders identify trends and encourage more to return to in person meetings.
- Import from Territory Assistant. You can now import Territory information from Territory Assistant.
- New S-89 Assignment Slips. Assignments slips have been updated to use the new S-89.
- Territory Card. Many new Territory Card templates, including: 1-per page, 2-per page with Notes on back, 2-per page with Notes on side, 4″ x 6″ size, 5″ x 7″ size, Landscape with Notes on back.
- Public Speaker Availability.
- Public Talk Availability.
- Public Witnessing Schedule. New Portrait layout.
- LDC Volunteers. Shows all LDC Volunteers and their details.
- Combined Approved Assignments and Duties by Person.
- Improved Startup and Load time.
- Improved Sharing sync time.
- Added Startup Logs (Click Help > Logs button in the bottom-right corner)
- Updated User Access view design
- Emailing now requires Person Information – View or Edit. This is because name and email information is contained in Person Information.
- Field Service Groups and Other Groups page now includes a new ‘Email’ button to quickly send an email to all members of a Field Service Group or Other Group (e.g. Pioneers, Elders, etc)
- Warning now shown if you try and delete a person with outstanding Public Talk assignments.
- Added “Public Speaker Notes” to Select Public Speaker view
- Can now schedule up to 3 publishers for Field Service with the CO and his wife per period.
- Can now change the CO Name for this visit, e.g. if there is a substitute CO or several couples visiting together.
- Can now Import from Territory Assistant and ALBA
- Territory Boundaries can now be imported via CSV
- New Territory Setting: Navigate by Coordinates. This can be used for places where address navigation is not effective.
- Territory Label Size and Color can now be set per Territory
- Letter Writing and Phone territories can also have a Territory Boundary.
NW Publisher App (*version 3.4.0 and greater*)
- Screen Lock PIN can be enabled for added security. Tap Settings. Note: If a publisher forgets their PIN, they must Disconnect and Reconnect.
- Territory Addresses will now Navigate by Coordinates if either the Territory Setting is enabled, or the address does not have a Number and Address
- Meeting Attendance can be submitted for both In Person and Online
- Song Numbers added to Midweek Meeting Schedule. Note: You must refresh current schedules to show the songs
- App Persons now includes a new Quick Step to Send App Registration Email to a single person
- App Logs have been improved to now include all logs from all appointed brothers.
- S-10 Congregation Analysis updated to include Incarcerated.
- Re-added a 2-page S-21 to save pages when printing.
- Territory Coverage report can now Filter by Type, Category and Area
- Territory Addresses Report can now “Hide Address Status”, the header is repeated for each page, includes page numbers and can also choose which Address Fields to include
- Pioneer Hours and Pioneer Reports now include “Infirm” label. Also includes Special Pioneers and Field Missionaries.
- Pioneer Report can now optionally include Details such as Pioneer Start Date, Auxiliary Pioneer months, last Pioneer School, etc.
- Circuit Overseer Report now includes Total Publishers figure, and also Meeting Attendance Type statistics.
- Literature Report includes Notes
- Liberian English (NW Publisher app)
- Bug fixes are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates
New World Scheduler 7.3
Download Link: New World Scheduler 7.3
Welcome to NW Scheduler 7.3!
We are excited about the new direction regarding reporting publisher time and the new changes to the midweek meeting! This release implements all the changes and new direction in both NW Scheduler and the NW Publisher app.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: All Placements, Video Showings and Return Visits will be permanently removed when you update.
We’ve also added many, many new Territory Features and customizable settings, allowing each congregation to make use of the Territories functions in a way that suits your local area.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the new Territory Settings changes, the Territory Servant and an App Administrator will need to Refresh your Territory Settings and Send To App. This will allow App users to see the updated settings.
Warm Christian Love, New World Scheduler Team
Release Notes
- Congregation Sharing User Access for “Congregation Information”, “Congregation Sharing” and “Congregation Responsibilities” have been simplified and combined into a new “Congregation Administrator” role
- User Access “View only” messages simplified and now state what User Access you need
- Some Congregation Settings have been split into separate data files, e.g. App Settings, Schedule Settings and Territory Settings. Access to these settings is restricted by User Access. This should help prevent these settings from being accidently overwritten by other Elders
- Can no longer import a Congregation from KHS or elsewhere if you currently have an active congregation with Sharing or NW Publisher app enabled. This was causing many problems
- Congregation Sharing logs improved and added many small changes to improve reliability
- Congregation and Publisher reporting updated based on the new direction, including: added “Shared in ministry” checkbox, removed Publications, Videos and Return Visits, separating Special Pioneers from Field Missionaries, etc
- Congregation Field Service views updated to better match
- S-1, S-4 and S-21 Templates all updated to match the new templates from the branch
- “ Summary” renamed “Field Service and Meeting Attendance (S-1)”
- Added “Incarcerated” option under Persons > Information (for online S-10)
- Added “Field Missionary” option under Persons > Spiritual
- Moved “Pioneer number” and “Infirm” so can now apply to both Regular Pioneers, Special Pioneers and Field Missionaries. “Infirm” will now display on S-21
- Life and Ministry meeting terms have been renamed under Persons > Assign to match the new Midweek Meeting format, e.g. “Initial Call” is now “Starting a Conversation”
- Added new “Explaining Your Beliefs” under Persons > Assign
- Updated Life and Ministry Meeting scheduling with the new parts and new format
- Added an option to shorten the CBS time if needed
- Added “Sisters only” and “Brothers only” filters when selecting a person for a CLM part
- Added “Recent School Part (including Assistant)” and “Recent School Part (excluding Assistant)” filters when selecting a person for a CLM part
- Slightly changed and improved the layout
- Can now Locate multiple addresses at once by highlighting multiple addresses. This saves lots of time
- Added new “Business” Territory Type. This will sort down the bottom of the App, and won’t be included in the S-10 territory coverage
- Added new Name and Phone fields for territory addresses. These will show in Notes on the NW Publisher app
- Added 2 new Custom Address buttons for the NW Publisher app. This now makes a total of 3 standard buttons and 3 custom allowing for greater flexibility. (see Territory Settings)
- Each button can now be shown or hidden based on the Territory Type, e.g. In-person, Letter Writing, Phone or Business. (see Territory Settings)
- Convert to Letter Writing now allows you to select which Address Types you convert, including any custom types
- Reset Territory now allows you to select which Address Types you reset, including any custom types
- Added new “Street” Address Type, with new street icon. In some countries, brothers can’t add individual houses, but can add streets
- Can now choose to show or hide “City Suburb” and “Postal Code” when viewing territory addresses using the NW Publisher app (see Territory Settings)
- S-10 will now only count “In-person” territories.
- Can now Show Pan and Zoom Controls for the master map (see Territory Settings)
- Added option for Not at Home Display to not show any day or time
- Apartment Display can now be customized and will show on the NW Publisher app in that format (see Territory Settings)
- Territory Addresses view now shows how many Addresses, Apartments and Available
- Added more Print options to Territory Cards and Territory Addresses (e.g. DNC with date)
NW Publisher App (*version 3.3.0 and greater*)
- Field Service Reporting updated as per recent direction. All Placements, Videos and Return Visits are now removed
- Midweek Meeting schedule updated with new parts and format
- Field Service and Public Witnessing schedules will now automatically open the current day
- Hospitality, Away Public talks, etc now correctly highlight and show icons
- Duties will only show the Duty Number if greater than 1
- Submit Meeting Attendance has changed slightly. Publishers who are assigned as a specific Duty (e.g. Attendant) can now submit meeting attendance regardless of whether they have that duty on that meeting. This greatly simplifies sending meeting attendance
- Other bugs and performance improvements, e.g. View Reports and Submit Reports bug
ME view
- Added Territory Address Notes from Publisher for Service Overseer and Territory Servant
- Fixed a bug with the AWAY_PUBLIC_SPEAKER tag
- Creating the S-21 for CO or multiple publishers has been improved and is now much, much faster
- Added new Name Format “Display Name – Last Name, First Name”
- Danish Dansk
- Estonian eesti
- Arabic عربى (NW Publisher app)
- Japanese 日本語 (NW Publisher app)
- Norwegian Norsk (NW Publisher app)
- Ukrainian українська (NW Publisher app)
- Xhosa isiXhosa (NW Publisher app)
- Bug fixes are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates
New World Scheduler 7.2
Download Link: New World Scheduler 7.2
Welcome to NW Scheduler 7.2!
This release has improved the scheduling of the Life and Ministry Meeting, including adding more flexibility for Life and Ministry Meeting Overseers to fully adjust the midweek schedule.
We’ve also added 2 beautiful new Color Shaded templates for the Weekly Overview and Life and Ministry Meeting schedule.
Warm Christian Love, New World Scheduler Team
Release Notes
- All parts of the Life and Ministry Meeting can now be edited, e.g. talk titles, student parts, etc. This allows very small languages to use NW Scheduler, and also allows brothers to manually add Meeting Data even without an EPUB file.
- Timing of Treasures Talk and Spiritual Gems parts can now be adjusted.
- Weekly Overview: Color Shaded
- Life and Ministry Meeting Schedule: 2-per page Color Shaded
- Territory Addresses: Small
- Interface improved when creating the Midweek Meeting schedule and when selecting Persons for CLM parts.
- Meeting Data files are now much smaller.
- Territory Addresses view now shows how many Addresses, Apartments and Available.
- Added more Print options to Territory Cards and Territory Addresses (e.g. DNC with date)
- Added new Quick Step: Send Publisher Report Not Received Reminders for the Secretary and Reports Servant
- Can now renew within 45 days (instead of 30)
- Chitumbuka (Tumbuka)
- Galician Galego
- Ndebele (Zimbabwe)
- Serbian srpski
- Twi (NW Publisher app)
- Bug fixes are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates
New World Scheduler 7.1
Download Link: New World Scheduler 7.1
Welcome to NW Scheduler 7.1!
This release focuses on improving and updating Territories, both in NW Scheduler and NW Publisher app.
We’ve also added a new Personal Help Feature. We greatly appreciate loving brothers who are willing to volunteer to offer Personal Help to others in your area.
Warm Christian Love, New World Scheduler Team
Release Notes
- Brothers can now Offer Personal Help and Request Personal Help from within NW Scheduler. Click the Help button to access. Please visit our website and see Help > Personal Help for more information.
- Note: Personal Help does not replace our website Help. Please carefully check the website Help before requesting Personal Help.
- Language Groups can now tick No Meeting for any weeks that the language group does not hold a midweek meeting. These weeks will no longer show on NW Publisher app.
- A Contact Card icon has been placed next to the Public Speaker. Hover-over to see their Contact Details, or click to navigate to the Public Speaker.
- Language Groups can now tick No Meeting for any weeks that the language group does not hold a weekend meeting. These weeks will no longer show on NW Publisher app.
- Added a new Custom Address button to the NW Pubilsher app. This could be used for “Foreign Language”, “No Access” (gates and dogs), “Brother Only Call”, or anything else you need. Adjust in Territories > Settings.
- Note: Please use the Address Notes for specific details, e.g. specific language, reason for No Access, etc.
- Map Labels can now be added to any Territory map. These could be used for block numbers, or anything else you need.
- All NW Publisher app Address buttons can be optionally Disabled. Adjust in Territories > Settings.
- Note: For example, in Europe you might disable the Not Home button.
- Territories can now be Assigned to either Congregation, Field Service Group or Personal.
- Added a Minimize Map button to minimize the Mapview. Your last used setting is remembered.
- Left and Right Mapview columns can now be adjusted. Your last used setting is remembered.
- Can now edit the Date of any Do Not Calls.
- Added “Import Boundary from KML” button to the Territory, so a single KML file can be imported to a specific territory.
- Increased Address limit to 300 per Territory.
- “Out of memory” crash while drawing new Boundaries has been fixed.
NW PUBLISHER APP (NW Publisher app 3.1.1 or greater)
- Publishers can now Edit Address Notes from within NW Publisher app.
- Note: These must be checked and approved by the Territory Servant.
- Added Navigate to Address and Copy Address buttons to the Map view.
- Added Show My Location button to the Map view, to show exactly where you are on the map.
- Territories List is now separated into Personal, Field Service Group and Congregation.
- Territories List can now be filtered by Area.
- Territories List will now show any territories assigned to you up the top of the list.
- Address Icons have been improved and are much clearer.
- Map overlay is more transparent, and the border is clearer.
- Request Territory has been moved to Me.
- Letter Writing maps now include the Postal Code.
- If the phone screen is too narrow, Address button abbreviations will be shown.
- Field Service Activity has been improved to ensure data is correctly saved on update.
- Help has been improved and is easier to use
- Added Offer Personal Help and Request Personal Help menu items
- Added Video Tutorials and Testimonials and Reviews menu items.
- Add “Logs” button which shows various logs and can be used for debuggeina any problems.
- New Release Overview and Release Notes will now be shown in the Program Language
- Note: This is translated using Google Translate only. Please see the English Release Notes if you are unsure of the meaning. Only languages supported by Google Translate will be translated.
- Bug fixes are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates
New World Scheduler 7.0
Download Link: New World Scheduler 7.0
Welcome to NW Scheduler 7.0, our biggest new release ever!
We have added many new features, updates, improvements and fixes to make NW Scheduler quicker and easier to use.
The biggest new feature is Territories. This means congregations can now fully integrate territories into NW Scheduler, including drawing boundaries, adding addresses, letter writing and phone witnessing maps, and much more. The new Territory functions are very flexible, allowing congregations to use them according to local circumstances.
These advanced Territory Features have been added to a new Congregation Gold Registration type. Territory features and modules are very expensive, and we do not want to place this added expense on congregations who will not use them. You can draw several Territory boundaries and add some addresses to evaluate before upgrading.
We have also added many useful features and updates to the NW Publisher app, including added security and enhanced encryption. After updating, a Congregation Administrator must click App > Update. This will allow publishers using the new NW Publisher app 3.0 to connect.
Finally, we’ve been working hard to improve the User Interface of NW Scheduler. Many features are much easier to use, especially Circuits, Congregations and Public Speakers and Public Speaker Sharing.
Release Notes
Please see our new Territories Help video or click Help > Territories to learn how to use these new features.
- Territories now has own Menu button on the left.
- Territories User Interface completely re-designed to be much easier to use.
- Draw Territory Boundaries on the congregation Master Map. (Congregation Gold)
- Add individual addresses to territories. (Congregation Gold)
- Create Territory Card map based on the Territory Boundary. (Congregation Gold)
- Geolocate both Addresses and Coordinates. (Congregation Gold)
- Create Letter Writing and Phone Witnessing maps. (Congregation Gold)
- Complete Territories and Addresses using the NW Publisher app, including marking Home, Not Home and Do Not Call. (Congregation Gold)
- Complete Letter Writing and Phone Witnessing maps using the NW Publisher app, including marking Letter Sent, Answered, No Answer or Do Not Call. (Congregation Gold)
- Publishers can submit New Addresses via the NW Publisher app. (Congregation Gold)
- Shared Congregation Assigned Territory List on NW Publisher app.
- Personal Territories.
- Convert Not at Homes to Letter Writing maps. (Congregation Gold)
- Show Publishers. Can now display congregation publishers Contact Information, Emergency Contacts and Publisher Reports on the NW Publisher app. This optional feature can be fully customized for both Elders and Ministerial servants, to show either All Persons or their Field Service Group only. This is displayed on the Me view of the NW Publisher app.
- App Notification Emails. Can now enter emails to receive notifications when certain App functions are performed, e.g. App Administration, Hospitality Requests, Territory Requests and Literature Requests.
- Circuit Overseer App User. This allows your Circuit Overseer to use NW Publisher app to connect to your congregation during his visit.
- Added new Congregation Gold Registration type, which includes the new, advanced Territory Features. Territory features and modules are very expensive, and we do not want to place this added expense on congregations who will not use them. You can draw several Territory boundaries and add some addresses to evaluate before upgrading.
- Renamed Congregation Standard to Congregation Bronze.
- Renamed Congregation Premium to Congregation Silver.
- Slightly reduced the cost of Congregation Bronze (Standard) and Congregation Silver (Premium).
- Many screens have been re-designed to be easier to use.
- Drop-down menu style improved.
- Button style improved.
- Fonts more standardized.
- Congregation ID is now shown on the top menu bar.
- Added new ‘Import or Export’ menu option, under Congregation. This can be used to quickly and easily Import or Export data.
- Can now import KHS, Hourglass, CLM Explorer and CSV without needing to delete or create a new congregation. This will keep your existing Congregation ID.
- More Import/Export options added, especially Territories and Addresses.
- Backup and Restore has been moved to a new ‘Backup and Restore’ menu option, under Congregation.
- Restore can now select individual data, including individual Persons and Field Service Reports.
- Added Country field.
- ‘Sound and Video Servant’ renamed ‘Audio/Video Support Coordinator’
- ‘Export for Circuit Overseer’ moved to ‘Import or Export’ menu
- Added optional Event Start Time and End Time.
- Added new Service Overseer Visit event.
- Can now schedule Events up to 15 months in advance.
- When Circuit Overseer Visit is selected, NW Scheduler will warn and ask about deleting existing assignments.
- Added First Name and Last Name columns, so Persons can now be sorted by either.
- User Interface completely re-designed to place everything on 1 screen, and be much easier to use.
- User Interface completely re-designed to place everything on 1 screen, and be much easier to use.
- Circuits are now directly listed under the Country (except USA).
- Circuit Name Format no longer restricted.
- Circuits can now be renamed.
- Added ‘Email vCard’ button and Export to vCard. vCard is a mobile phone Contact Card format, to allow persons to be quickly added as Contacts to your phone.
- Added Assign Field Service ‘Key Person’ field. This is optionally used for Public Witnessing.
- Added Assign Duties option for ‘All Meetings’, ‘Midweek Meetings’, ‘Weekend Meetings’.
- Added ‘Large Print’ options for Printed Study Watchtower and Meeting Workbook.
- Removed the “Transfer Person” option. You should now use “Export Person”. This will also warn you how many people you are exporting.
- As per sfl 26.2, Emergency Contacts address removed from NW Publisher app.
- Added an optional 3rd Living as Christians part. This could be used for Convention and Assembly previews or reviews.
- Added a “None” option (next to JW Stream). This can be used when a part is not needed for a particular week, e.g. CBS Reader.
- Main Schedule now goes back 12 months instead of 3 months.
- Added Revision Dates to all Public Talks. This will display in various places and reports.
- Added ‘Speakers Away this Week’ count.
- User Interface re-designed to be easier to use. Template moved to the bottom-left.
- Field Service Meeting Territories can be selected from ‘Assigned’ territories only.
- Past Field Service Schedules will now be kept for the entire previous month.
- Interface slightly re-designed.
- Added option for specifying how many Key Persons are required on each Public Witnessing Shift.
- Added new Duplicate, Copy Shifts and Paste Shifts buttons to make setting up Public Witnessing much quicker.
- Past Public Witnessing Reservations will now be kept for the entire previous month.
- Public Witnessing Reservations are now automatically Synced whenever the program is opened.
- Added a 9th Custom Duty (this could be used for the new Entrance Attendant duty).
- Duties will now list the position, e.g. Attendant 1, Attendant 2. This will help further refine what role you have.
- Unused Duties are removed from the Duties Schedule view.
- User Interface design improved.
- Can now Import and Export Maintenance LDC Categories, Tasks and Assignments for sharing with other congregations sharing your Kingdom Hall.
- Now shows 3 years of Maintenance History, last year, this year, and next year.
- Import territories from Territory Helper, Google KML and CSV files.
- Assign territories to the Circuit Overseer.
- Map size limit increased to 300KB.
- Territory Limits adjusted.
- Territory Link titles are customizable.
- Territory “overdue” months is customizable.
- Territory maximum “Not at Home” attempts is customizable.
NW PUBLISHER APP (*all publishers must use NW Publisher app 3.0.0 or greater*)
- Added new and stronger encryption to all data. This requires Congregation Administrators to click Update the first time they access the NW Publisher app.
- User Interface re-designed to be clearer and easier to use.
- Receive and Import App Data improved, and can now be done with a single click.
- Show Territories. This now displays as a main menu on the App.
- All publishers can now see Assigned Territories (except Personal Territory assignments).
- Show Field Service Schedule can now be enabled/disabled.
- Congregation PINs must now have 8 digits (old 6-digit PINs will continue to work)
- Congregation PIN can now be set by the congregation, although we strongly recommend using a randomly generated PIN.
- Person PINs must now have 8 digits (old 6-digit PINs will continue to work).
- Credit can now be recorded on the app with part hours (decimals).
- Field Service Reminders now show correct Month, and are more reliable.
- Group Overseer can now send his own Field Service Report from the Publishers view.
- New Green icon shown on the Midweek and Weekend Meeting Schedules for anyone who has a Duty during a meeting.
- Midweek and Weekend Meeting schedules will now show 8 weeks.
- App Logs improved to be clearer.
- Printing Territory Cards with image is now better quality.
- Selecting Persons for a report is now easier.
- Email Templates are now sorted into Categories. This makes them much easier to find and use.
- New Email Tag: [HOSPITALITY]
- Unscheduled Life and Ministry Meeting, Weekend Meeting or Duties will now show exactly what assignment is unscheduled.
- Me View Settings has been removed from Settings and has its own menu called “Me View Alerts”.
- NEW: Public Talks – Hospitality Reminder. This will send both the Public Speaker and Host contact details to each other.
- NEW: Territories – Territories Overdue
- NEW: NW Publisher app – Send App Invitation Email to CO
- NEW: Maintenance – Send Upcoming Maintenance Tasks.
- Territories: Letter Writing and Phone Map templates
- Pioneer Hours updated to include a Date Range, which allows for more flexibility.
- Public Talk History now includes the Revision or Updated date for each Public Talk.
- Persons with Printed Publications now includes ‘Separate by Group’ option.
- NW Scheduler:
- NW Publisher app: Vietnamese
New World Scheduler 6.8
Download Link: New World Scheduler 6.8
Welcome to NW Scheduler 6.8!
This release contains many updates, improvements and fixes to make your life easier. For example, Field Service Scheduling is now much faster.
Future: We have been very busy over the last few months building new advanced Territory features, which will allow you to draw your own maps, set territory boundaries, geolocate and add addresses, record Not At Homes and more. These new features will fully integrate with NW Publisher app, allowing publishers to mark off homes in real-time. This is a huge amount of work and hopefully will be ready within the next 1-2 months.
Warm Christian Love, New World Scheduler Team
Release Notes
- Congregation Responsibilities can now select sisters.
- Added Search field to quickly find Public Speakers in any congregation.
- Now correctly sorts Circuits.
- Can now sort territories by Group.
- Added new “Campaign” filter.
- Added checkbox for Infirm Regular Pioneers (see sfl 9.19). This will display on their S-21 Publisher Record.
- Added checkbox for Emergency Contacts regarding consent (see sfl 26.2).
- When warning if a person already has a part this meeting, recent part, future part or duty, icons are now distinct and clearer.
- Added Chairman Notes field, which will display on the Chairman Outline.
- When warning if a person already has a part this meeting or duty, icons are now distinct and clearer.
- Added button to swap Away Public Talks.
- Added a Quick Step to send reminders to your outgoing Public Speakers.
- Added a Month View toggle, so you can now swap between Month view and Week view.
- Added Duplicate Field Service Meeting to help you quickly create similar Field Service Meetings, e.g. morning, afternoon and evening Field Service Meetings on the same day.
- Added Copy Field Service Meetings and Paste Field Service Meetings to quickly copy and paste all Field Service Meetings to another day, for example the same day next week.
- Added checkbox to Duties Auto-assign to check for any existing Assignments on that day/meeting.
- NW Publisher app is now available on Windows 11! Instructions have been added to our website.
- Receive App Data view now shows which data you have access to receive.
- Removing an App User also removes their App Authentication Token.
- All reports with person names can now choose Name Format.
- Weekend Assignment Reminder emails for Hospitality will now also send to the Group Overseer.
- Congregation: All Assignments and Duties by Person.
- Persons: Persons with Printed Publications
- Persons: Persons Missing Information
- Pioneer Hours updated to reflect the new hour requirement.
- Field Service Schedule now has 2 options: Simplify Group Arrangements and Hide Group Arrangements.
- Person Detailed Information and Emergency Contact List reports will show an asterisk * if consent not yet received.
- NW Scheduler: Bicol, Bulgarian, Chinese Cantonese (Traditional), Guarani, Kazakh, Malay Melayu, Setswana, Sinhala, Swahili (Congo) Kiswahili (Congo)
- NW Publisher app: Vietnamese
- Bug fixes are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates
New World Scheduler 6.7
Download Link: New World Scheduler 6.7
Welcome to NW Scheduler 6.7!
We’ve added 3 of the most commonly requested features: submit Meeting Attendance from NW Publisher app, Group Overseers submit Group Publisher Reports from NW Publisher app, and Song Titles.
This release also contains over 100 other updates and improvements, including redesigned views: Field Service Group, Circuits, Locations, Emergency Contacts and App.
Please Note:
- If you use Congregation Sharing, some new User Access will need to be setup (e.g. App).
- To show Field Service History on the app, please disable then re-enable Show My Field Service History.
- To show Weekend Meeting song titles on the app, please refresh any Weekend Meeting.
- Publishers will need to update to NW Publisher 2.7 to submit reports, Public witnessing, etc.
Warm Christian Love, New World Scheduler Team
Release Notes
- Appointed Brothers or Attendants can now submit Meeting Attendance directly from the NW Publisher app! [CONGREGATION PREMIUM]
- Field Service Group Overseers, Assistants or Elders can now view and submit publishers Field Service Reports directly from within NW Publisher app. [CONGREGATION PREMIUM]
- Important: Please carefully read ‘Help > App Features‘ to understand how these new features work.
- 2-Year Congregation Premium registration price reduced by 5%
- Limited Financial Means Registration price reduced.
- Menu items you have No Access to will now be grey.
- Congregation View design improved and separated into 3 clear sections.
- Field Service Groups view design improved, making it much easier to assign and adjust groups. Can now drag persons from one group to another, and see the size and statistics of many Field Service Groups on 1 screen.
- Groups and Families view design improved.
- Circuits and Locations removed. Circuits have been moved to Circuits, Congregations and Speakers, and Locations can now be edited directly from Scheduling screens.
- Circuits, Congregations and Speakers design improved.
- App View greatly improved, adding new Receive App Data, App Features, App Devices and App Logs menu items.
- NW Scheduler will now warn and automatically Save and Close after 20 minutes of inactivity. Please always close NW Scheduler when you are not using it.
- Title Bar includes Initial of the user, as well as basic information about the user.
- Can now specify which Video Conferencing software your congregation uses, e.g. Zoom or KHConf. This will show on NW Publisher app.
- Field Service Group and Other Group access now separated.
- Families access is now controlled by Person Information.
- Circuits, Congregations and Speakers access is now controlled by Schedule Public Talks.
- App access now separated into App Administration, Send App Data and Receive App Data.
- Circuit Name format can now be changed to allow for the different formats used worldwide, see Settings.
- Public Talk Coordinator can now be assigned a shared Congregation email address.
- Added a 2nd Territory Link field.
- Added Suffix field to Person Information, e.g. Jr. Sr. III.
- Can now Export Person Location Data. This data can then be easily added to Google My Maps to see a pin map of where all publishers live.
- Emergency Contacts design improved. Now appears as menu item up the top.
- Emergency Contacts add “Copy to Family” button which will copy all Emergency Contacts from a Family Head to their family members.
- Emergency Contacts can be Imported and Exported.
- Can now track and tick Printed Study Watchtower and Printed Meeting Workbook for each person. This will then automatically compile and display under Literature.
- When selecting students, can now filter by Brothers or Sisters.
- CLM Scheduling now includes two new options: “Minimum weeks between School Parts” and “Minimum weeks between Non-School Parts”. This value is used both when selecting students and auto-assign. Adjust in Settings.
- LMMO now schedules all midweek meeting parts.
- When selecting a CLM Student, can now double-click.
- Added “Available for Hospitality” checkbox. This will show on NW Publisher app.
- Can now select how many Away Speakers per page, then scroll left and right through your speakers.
- Public Witnessing Locations can now set ‘Available From’ and ‘Available To’ fields. This will enable that location only between those 2 dates, and could be used to limit locations during certain periods, or for once-off events.
- Can now add a Link to Maintenance Tasks, which will display on NW Publisher app.
NW PUBLISHER APP (*requires NW Publisher app 2.7.0 or greater*)
- Appointed Brothers or Attendants can now submit Meeting Attendance directly from the NW Publisher app.
- Field Service Group Overseers, Assistants or Elders can now view and submit publishers Field Service Reports directly from within NW Publisher app. Important: Please carefully read Help to understand how this feature works.
- App Views design has been greatly improved, with several new Views: Send App Data, Receive App Data, App Persons, App Devices, App Features, and App Logs.
- App Main View now shows App Summary, Summary of Data Waiting to Send and Data Waiting to Receive.
- Data Waiting to Receive is now imported by data type, not by person. Different data types can be assigned to and imported by different brothers. (See User Access).
- App Devices will now show a complete list of every device that is connected to your congregation. Old devices will automatically expire.
- App Features moved to a separate view.
- App Field Service Schedule – Territories, Maps and Links design improved.
- Public Witnessing Reservations is now more reliable, especially for users with poor internet connections or older devices. Previous App versions can no longer corrupt the Public Witnessing schedule.
- Weekend Meeting schedule includes Song Titles and “Available for Hospitality” or “Not Available”.
- Publishers can no longer edit their Names under My Contact Information.
- Midweek Meeting schedule removed “Main Hall” if usually only 1 hall.
- Field Service Activity is no longer deleted if the user Disconnects and re-connects.
- Opening Maps on the App now includes a Share button.
- Improved Accessibility for blind publishers.
- Warning for publishers to update NW Publisher app now includes a button to Update Now.
- Bug Fixes: Add to calendar (iOS), Group Events, Group Overseer and Group Assistant, submit Field Service Reports, Reminders and Notification dates and times, Import Territory Check-in date, non-publishers submitting reports, etc.
- Added a Territory Category.
- Printing will now remember your last selected File Type and make this default for next time.
- Secretary Category items re-ordered.
- Can now send Email To as one email, rather than individual emails to each person. (Not available for some attachments or email tags, e.g. when sending personal attachments like Assignment Slips).
- When sending as one combined email, can optionally Send To or Send BCC.
- New Email To Filters: “All App Persons” and “Persons with Old App Version”.
- Secretary: Group Field Service Summary report, similar to the Congregation Field Service Summary but for Field Service Groups.
- Public Talks: Public Talk History by Person
- Field Service: Field Service Schedule – Whole Month
- Duties: Duties Usage History showing how many times persons were used for Duties.
- Territory: Available Territories, sorted by Last Completed with a blank column to record names. This could be printed and used at the Kingdom Hall.
- S-88 Meeting Attendance now includes option to combine all Language Group attendance with main congregation.
- CLM Chairman Outline now includes Song Titles.
- Person Away Periods now includes option to show Assignment and Duty conflicts.
- Field Service Schedule now includes an option to Include Territories and Hide Group Arrangements.
- Emergency Contact Lists now include an option to Add Coordinates.
- Secretary “Missing Reports” link will now go to Congregation > Congregation Field Service Report > Publishers > Missing Reports.
- Territory Servant will now receive a Warning if publishers have returned Territories with a Note for Territory Servant.
- Me view Warnings will now ignore weeks with Congregation Events, e.g. Circuit Assemblies, etc.
- Me view Alerts (see Settings): Can now disable “Missing Reports” warnings, “Missing Group Overseers or Assistants” warnings, “Missing Emergency Contact” warnings, set “Life and Ministry Meeting not scheduled” months, and disable CLM Reader warnings.
- New: Send Missing Information or Emergency Contacts to Group Overseers
- All Quick Steps with attachments can now select the File Type.
- Field Service Assignment Reminder Quick Step now includes Time and Location of the Field Service Meeting.
- NW Scheduler: Bengali, British Sign Language, Cinyanja, Drehu, Laotian, Lithuanian, Vezo
- NW Publisher app: Czech, Hawai’i Pidgin
- Bug fixes are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates
New World Scheduler 6.5
Download Link: New World Scheduler 6.5
We’ve included lots of minor updates to many parts of the program, which we hope makes NW Scheduler even quicker and easier to use. Please also check out the many new and updated Templates and Reports, as well as the many improvements to the NW Publisher app.
Warm Christian Love, New World Scheduler Team
Important Information
- JW Scheduler has been renamed New World Scheduler (NW Scheduler). We hope this avoids any confusion between our software and official software. Everything else remains the same.
- Our new website addresses are and
- Please ensure all elders are familiar with the branch CONGREGATION RECORDS RETENTION Policy.
Release Notes
- JW Scheduler has been renamed New World Scheduler (NW Scheduler). We hope this avoids any confusion between our software and official software. Everything else remains the same.
- Our new website addresses are and
- NW Scheduler obediently follows all branch direction, including the CONGREGATION RECORDS RETENTION Policy. Please ensure all elders are familiar with this policy.
- With regards to Publisher Records for an active publisher, the direction is clear: Only the current Service Year and previous Service Year data should be retained. The current Service Year starts on September 1, e.g. the 2023 Service Year starts on September 1, 2022. This means as of September 2022, only the 2023 Service Year (current) and 2022 Service Year (previous) publisher records should be kept. All other records must be destroyed or deleted.
- In view of the above, NW Scheduler previously would remove all obsolete data on September 1. However, we have decided to delay the removal of obsolete data until January 1. This allows time for the previous Service Year to be finalised and processed. Going forward, all obsolete Publisher Record data will be removed on January 1.
- Added Navigation arrows to the top-right corner of the screen, that allow you to move Forward or Backwards through screens you have visited.
- COBE and Public Talk Coordinators Name and Phone fields have been split into First Name, Last Name, Home Phone and Mobile Phone fields.
- Added an Email button on the Public Speakers view, allowing you to quickly email any Public Talk Coordinator.
- Non-Administrators can no longer accidentally “re-setup” Congregation Sharing.
- Can now join a maximum of 6 circuits.
- Territories can now have Suffixes, e.g. 7-A, 7-B.
- Territories can now be assigned to Field Service Groups.
- Changing the Territory Assignment from one person to another will now correctly update the app.
- Added “Language Group only” option, which allows them to be assigned only to Language Group CLM parts.
- Can now assign “JW Stream” to all CLM parts.
- Public Talk Schedule can now be Imported and Exported to CSV format.
- When selecting a Public Speaker and Outline, the view will show any Congregation Notes and Public Speaker Notes.
- Watchtower Reader Assignment can now be customized or removed, as Sign Language congregations do not generally use this assignment.
- Public Speakers Away Periods will display differently (darker grey) compared to normal Unavailable Periods.
- Can now assign up to 3 Territories per Field Service Meeting
- Can now create Public Witnessing Weekly Templates, similar to Field Service Templates, that allows you to quickly and easily assign the same publishers to the same Shifts.
- When emailing Public Talk Coordinators, can now see which Congregation they are from.
- Emailing Public Speaker Exchange Summary or Public Speaker Exchange History will now automatically enter the Public Talk Coordinator in the To field.
- User Access Summary report
- Territory Notes which prints all Territory Notes or Do Not Calls
- Chairman Outline with Notes
- Life and Ministry Meeting Schedule – Simple
- Field Service Schedule – Portrait
- Persons with Kingdom Hall Keys
- S-21 Publisher Record Service Years now ordered by oldest to newest.
- S-13 Territory Assignment Records now has an option to Use Actual Last Completed Date, and can now also print multiple Service Years.
- Field Service Groups List now has an option to Show Tags.
- Public Witnessing Schedule now has an option to Show Reserved Shifts only
- Print Missing Reports now has an option to print on 1-page.
- Maintenance Duties by Person now can Send Individually.
NW PUBLISHER APP (*requires NW Publisher app 2.6.0 or greater*)
- Publishers can now Request Hospitality. These requests will be added as a Custom Task for the Public Talk Coordinator, who can then decide who to assign.
- Publishers can now Request Territories. These requests will be added as a Custom Task for the Territory Servant, who can then make the assignments.
- Field Service Group option has been updated and improved. Can now select which persons can view Field Service Groups, and what data they can see.
- Check Contact Details button has been replaced with the App Feature My Contact Information. This allows publishers to see and adjust their Contact Information and Emergency Contact Information at any time, not just when requested.
- Public Witnessing Schedule now shows Display Names.
- Field Service Activity can now be entered in Time Format, e.g. 1:15 for 1 hour 15 minutes.
- Announcements or Documents with a Display After date will no longer send Notifications.
- Limited how many persons you can be a delegate for to 5 persons.
- App > App Features has been redesigned.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Public Witnessing Reservations to be wiped if a publishers internet connection was unstable. (NOTE: Please ensure all publishers are using NW Publisher app 2.6.0 or greater!)
- Many other bug fixes and improvements, e.g. Field Service Activity pink dots, swiping on Public Witnessing schedule, sending Literature Requests, Middle Name disappearing, etc.
- Secretary “Missing Reports” link will now go to Congregation > Congregation Field Service Report > Publishers > Missing Reports.
- Territory Servant will now receive a Warning if publishers have returned Territories with a Note for Territory Servant.
- New Public Talk Coordinator Quick Step: Email all public talk coordinators for talks that are not confirmed.
- Default Email Quick Steps will now address emails to [TO_GENDER] [LAST_NAME], e.g. Dear Brother Smith.
- Bug fixes are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates
New World Scheduler 6.4
Download Link: New World Scheduler 6.4
This update mostly includes bug fixes and reliability improvements, especially regarding NW Publisher app and Congregation Sharing.
We have also spent time improving Public Witnessing Scheduling based on user feedback and suggestions.
Important Information
Any congregation previously using either ‘North America East’ or ‘Pacific’ Sharing Regions, who has not already done so, will need to please re-setup Sharing on the new ‘2’ servers.
Release Notes
- New North America East 2 and Pacific 2 Sharing Servers. Other servers will be gradually updated, in due time.
- Congregation Administrators can now Backup “Shared Persons” including User Access, and Restore if needed. Occasionally, new Sharing Servers are created or existing ones are updated, which requires re-setting up Congregation Sharing. If you backup your Shared Persons, this will be a much quicker and easier process.
- Non-Administrators can no longer accidentally “re-setup” Congregation Sharing.
- Added “Assign” Filter to Persons.
- “Active Brothers” filter has been renamed and adjusted to “Non-appointed Active Brothers”.
- New Service Overseer Quick Step: Send Public Witnessing Schedule to all approved publishers.
- Updated Public Talk Coordinator Quick Step: Weekend Assignments Reminder. The Chairman Assignment now includes details of the upcoming Public Talk, including speaker, congregation, outline and song.
- When creating a Public Witnessing Reservation in New World Scheduler, a warning will display if the person will be away.
- Using New World Scheduler, can now make multiple Public Witnessing Reservations for the same publisher on the same shift. (E.G. They are bringing a friend from another congregation)
- NW Publisher app notifications are now sent for Public Witnessing Reservations created in New World Scheduler.
- Can now display the Public Witnessing Schedule on the NW Publisher app and not allow publishers to make Reservations (see App Features).
- Email Send To now includes more filter options, including Assign. (e.g. it is now much easier to send to all Approved for Public Witnessing)
- New Email Tags for First Name [TO_FIRST_NAME], Last Name [TO_LAST_NAME] and Gender Title [TO_GENDER_TITLE], e.g. Dear Brother Smith.
- New 4 Weeks per page for Public Witnessing
- Territory Assignment Records now includes the explanatory message down the bottom to help brothers understand what the Last Completed column actually means
- Maintenance Duties by Person now includes the description of the task
- Public Speaker Exchange Summary added an option to Show Contact Information. Also, if no Outline has been assigned, the speakers “Public Talks can give” will be included instead
- Away Public Talks List now includes an option to Show Contact Information
- Missing Reports now includes an option for One page per group
NW PUBLISHER APP (*requires NW Publisher app 2.5.0 or greater*)
- Added a new App Feature Allow Public Witnessing Reservations. This will either allow or disallow publishers to make reservations using the NW Publisher app. (NOTE: Publishers must be using NW Publisher app 2.5.0 or greater!)
- App Logs – Public Witnessing has now been separated and is much clearer.
- Many other bug fixes and improvements, especially regarding to sending Field Service Reports.
- Bug fixes are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates
- This release also fixed several bugs relating to NW Publisher app, Congregation Sharing and more
New World Scheduler 6.3
Download Link: New World Scheduler 6.3
We are excited to announce both Public Witnessing (Cart) scheduling and Maintenance Task scheduling! We are sure you will find these new features helpful.
This update also includes many, many improvements to the NW Publisher app, Territories and Scheduling, especially Field Service, Cleaning and Garden Care scheduling.
Important Information
- User Access will need to be re-setup for the following new and updated features: Territories, Public Witnessing, Maintenance and NW Publisher app
- Any non-numeric Territory Numbers need to be manually converted to numbers after the update. Assigned Territories might need to be refreshed to see the new Territory Number, Notes and DNC fields on NW Publisher app.
- The Service Overseer should double-check all Group Field Service Meetings correctly converted to regular Field Service Meetings and are on the schedule. Field Service Templates will need to be re-saved with these new field service meetings.
Release Notes
Public Witnessing (Cart Scheduling). New World Scheduler can now schedule Public Witnessing, including Cart Locations and Shifts. After the initial schedule is setup, publishers can Reserve shifts via the NW Publisher app. Please see Schedule > Public Witnessing.
Maintenance Tasks (LDC) Scheduling. LDC Maintenance Tasks can be added to New World Scheduler and then assigned to up to 4 brothers, groups or congregations. Tasks can be marked as Completed. These tasks will appear on NW Publisher under Duties. Please see Scheduling > Maintenance.
Import EPUB Meeting Workbook. You can now import the EBPUB Meeting Workbook directly into New World Scheduler, if the meeting data is missing.
Note: We will continue to automatically update the midweek meeting data every 2-4 weeks. If you do not want to wait, you can now import the EPUB yourself as soon as it is available.
New “Change Meeting Day” Congregation Event. This can be used to change your midweek or weekend meeting day for one week only (e.g. another congregation has their CO Visit)
Tips. When New World Scheduler is opened, helpful Tips can be optionally displayed to help you learn to use New World Scheduler’s advanced features.
Congregation Field Service Totals. Similar to the Summary provided on the S-21 for Circuit Overseers.
Public Witnessing Schedule
Maintenance Calendar
Maintenance Schedule Yearly
Maintenance Schedule Monthly
Maintenance Duties by Person
- Added “Shared Persons re-verify period” option. This lets Administrators choose how long before a Shared Person must re-verify their device (via an email code)
- Congregation Sharing Passwords now must be a minimum of 10 characters.
- Sample Congregations can no longer use Congregation Sharing or the NW Publisher app. That is not the purpose of a Sample Congregation.
- Missing Reports Only option has been moved to top Filter list
- Territories interface has been split into 3 sections: Information, Assignments and Map. The design is similar to Persons
- Added Territory Type with Code. E.G. C – City. The Code will be prepended to the Territory Number, e.g. C-1, C-2, etc.
- Territory Numbers should now be numeric only. An automatic conversion will be applied, but some numbers might need to be manually updated
- Can now Import Territories from Territory Helper
- Territories now contain 2 Custom Fields (default is Notes and Do Not Calls)
- When publishers Check In or Complete a territory, they can send Notes from the NW Publisher app.
- Added new Territory Filters: by Type, Overdue, Not Completed in 6 months, Not Completed in 12 months
- Overdue and Assigned Territories are now highlighted
- Territory Types and Areas are now edited directly from Territories
- Territories User Access has been split into Territories and Territory Assignments
- Literature Servant Role will now show outstanding requests on the Me view.
- Export to New World Scheduler file button added
- Coordinates field for the publishers address added to Person Information, with a Locate button
- 2 extra Custom Spiritual fields added to Person Spiritual
- CLM Student moved to Assign tab
- Assign tab design improved to better fit the extra duties, cleaning and maintenance options
- Added button to “Link Emergency Contacts” if they were received from the NW Publisher app
- Language Groups midweek meetings can now schedule their own unique Living 1 and Living 2 parts.
- Refresh buttons added to Living 1 and Living 2 parts, which will re-add the Meeting Workbook titles and timing for those parts.
- Select Public Speaker screen minor design improvements
- Public Talk Outline History now shows who was the last speaker to give that talk in your congregation
- Last Public Speaker can be added to Enter Past History
- Field Service scheduler has been completely re-designed, and now allows multiple Field Service Meetings per time period.
- “Group Field Service Meetings” have been moved to the Field Service Scheduler
- Can now assign a Conductor for all Field Service Meetings, including Group Field Service Meetings
- Multiple groups can be assigned to one Field Service Meeting (e.g. for combined field service meetings)
- Cleaning Schedule now shows any Congregation Events for the selected week
- Cleaning can now Auto-Assign by person, group or neighbor congregation
- Garden Care name can be customized with 2 new Custom “Garden Duties”
- Garden Care can be scheduled Per Week or Per Month
- Garden Care can be assigned to persons, groups or neighbor congregations, with up to 2 per “Garden duty”.
- Email Tag for Kingdom Hall has been split into Kingdom Hall and Zoom tags, since Zoom details are not needed when emailing Public Talk reminders.
- Preview will now launch a PDF, not XPS. XPS viewer is no longer required to preview.
- S-13 design improved and added Letter size
- Territory Cards design improved, added QR Code and optional Notes and Do Not Calls
- Assignments by Person renamed to Assignments and Duties by Person
- Persons Spiritual Summary added recent Field Service Averages
- Header will now show on each page of the following reports: CLM Assignments by Person, Public Talk Schedule Alternate, Public Talk History and Duties Schedule.
NW PUBLISHER APP (*requires NW Publisher app 2.3.2 or greater*)
- User Access has been split into App & App Persons and Send App Data. This allows Ministerial Servants to still Send App Data without have access to App Persons.
- Public Witnessing! (Cart schedule) Publishers can now view and reserve spots for Public Witnessing. Enable in App Features.
- Field Service Activity – NW Publisher can now be used to record your field service activity during the month
- Maintenance Tasks (LDC) now shown in Duties
- Schedules screen design improved to fit more schedules on the screen, including Public Witnessing
- Me screen button moved to bottom menu
- Yellow ‘Me’ icon will show next to a schedule if you have a part, public witnessing reservation or CO visit activity
- Added “Apply to whole family” option for Away Periods
- Added option to Use Device PDF Viewer, instead of the in-built PDF viewer. Publishers should enable this if they have problems accessing PDFs on their phone, or if you want to use Editable PDFs.
- New shortcut to your Field Service Activity on the top menu bar
- Many other design and performance improvements, and bug fixes
- Cebuano
- Chuukese Chuuk
- GA
- Hawai’i Pidgin
- Kabuverdianu
- Lingala
- Nepali
- Persian
- Punjabi
- Slovenian
- Tongan Faka-Tonga
- Uzbek
- Wallisian Faka’uvea
- Afrikaans
- Croatian hrvatski
- Korean
- Swahili Kiswahili
- Bug fixes are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates
- This release also fixed several bugs relating to NW Publisher app, Language Groups and more
New World Scheduler 6.2
Download Link: New World Scheduler 6.2
New World Scheduler is used by many different congregations in many different ways. Some congregations are small, some are large. Some use many features, some use only a few. To better accommodate all our different users, while still supporting the development of new features, we are happy to introduce three Registration Options: Individual, Congregation Standard and Congregation Premium.
To help everyone transition to the new Registration Options, all existing Congregation Registrations have been given a complimentary upgrade to Congregation Premium for the remainder of your license. After, you may downgrade to Congregation Standard if you prefer.
Warm Christian Love, New World Scheduler Team
Important Information
Please first adjust any Custom Duty titles before making assignments. This ensures the new titles are correctly sent to the NW Publisher app.
Release Notes
Literature. Literature Requests and Literature Items can now be entered into New World Scheduler! Publishers can also make Literature Requests directly from the NW Publisher app. A default selection of Literature Items has been added, and you can also add your own custom Literature Items. Please see Congregation > Literature.
Custom Duties. Due to the new Hybrid Meeting arrangements, New World Scheduler now supports up to 8 fully customizable Duties. Each meeting you may now assign up to 20 different brothers to perform these duties! Please see Scheduling > Duties.
Registration Options. New World Scheduler is used by many different congregations in many different ways. Some congregations are small, some are large. Some use many features, some use only a few. To better accommodate all our different users, while still supporting the development of new features, we have introduced three Registration Options: Individual, Congregation Standard and Congregation Premium. Please see Me > Registration to see the features of each option.
Note: To help everyone transition to the new Registration Options, all existing Congregation Registrations have been given a complimentary upgrade to Congregation Premium for the remainder of your license. After, you may downgrade to Congregation Standard if you prefer.
Registration. You can now Register, Renew, Upgrade or Downgrade directly from within New World Scheduler. Please see Me > Registration.
License Server. Registration Keys no longer need to be manually entered. Instead, New World Scheduler will automatically connect with our License Server to check your Registration. This should greatly simplify registration. Please see Me > Registration.
Duties Schedule. Several new templates to better display large amounts of duties and brothers.
Weekly Overview. New Colorful template.
Cleaning and Garden Care. New Cleaning only and Garden Care only templates.
Other Groups. New Other Groups template to print all Other Groups.
Field Service Groups. Added checkbox for “Show Unassigned”.
Away Public Speakers List. Away Public Speakers List changed to Public Speakers List, and includes an option to include Local Speakers.
Emergency Contact List can now choose the Name Format.
- Language Groups are now created from Other Groups, not Field Service Groups. This allows more flexibility, e.g. multiple Field Service Groups are part of the Language Group, or your congregation has multiple Weekend Meetings, etc. All existing Language Groups will be automatically converted to Other Groups, but you may need to remove the previous Field Service Group.
- Language Groups can now set their own Living as Christians part themes and timing.
- Cleaning can now be assigned by Week or by Meeting, the same as Duties.
- Cleaning assigned by Week will show the Cleaning Duty twice on the NW Publisher app, once for each meeting.
NW PUBLISHER APP (requires NW Publisher app 2.1 or greater)
- Literature Requests can be sent from the Me screen, if enabled by the elders.
- Can now open PDFs using phones default viewer (to allow for printing, links, etc)
- Star now shows next to recently updated Schedules
- Added warning when re-sending Field Service Report
- Bug fixes are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Me > Updates > Check for Updates.
New World Scheduler 6.1
Download Link: New World Scheduler 6.1
New World Scheduler 6.1 includes two new features: Language Groups and Information Board, as well as many, many JWS Publisher app updates and improvements.
Important Information
- After updating, a Congregation Administrator should click App > then re-enter the Congregation PIN > then Send App Data. This will update and convert all App Data to the new format, and allow publishers using JWS Publisher app 2.0 to see congregation data.
- All publishers should update to JWS Publisher app 2.0 or greater as soon as practical. Publishers using older app versions WILL NOT be able to see any new or updated App data.
Release Notes
Language Groups. New World Scheduler now provides comprehennsive Language Group support, including Congregation Events, Meeting Attendance, Life and Ministry Meeting scheduling, Local Public Talk scheduling and Circuit Overseer scheduling. Language Group schedules and assignments are fully supported by JWS Publisher app and Email Quick Steps. Language Groups can also have their own Meeting Day and Times and Language. See Help > Language Groups for more information.
Information Board. Add Congregation Announcements, Congregation Documents and Congregation Letters to the Information Board, which will be displayed on the JWS Publisher app. See Help > Information Board.
Field Service Groups. Many new and updated Field Service Groups templates, with more options. For example, can print Family Heads only, children of inactive parents will no longer dispaly, etc.
Chairman Outline, School Worksheets and Duties schedules all improvied.
New S-13 Territory Assingment Records template. Territory Cards can now be printed from New World Scheduler.
Missing Reports and Missing Report History reports can now be Sent Individually by Email.
- Sharing Logs improved to provide more information.
- Sharing Logs now include any Send or Receive Errors. If you have ANY problems with the Congregation Sharing, please check the Sharing Logs!
- Sharing Logs now include an option to manually Push Data or Pull Data. Please see Help > Congregation Sharing.
- Some reliablilty improvements and bug fixes.
- Congregation Announcements renamed to Information Board, and now includes option to add Documents and Letters.
- Import and Export options expanded, to allow for both Neighbor Congregtaions and Public Speakers.
- Meeting Attendance now supports recording and printing a Language Group attendance, including Sign Language.
- Territories Assignments Import from CSV improved.
- Territories limited to 1000.
- Slightly improved interface.
- Can now save the entire S-21 for the service year an Inactive publisher became inactive.
- Added a Copy to Last Report button for Inactive publishers.
- Can now import Persons from CLM Explorer directly into an existing New World Scheduler congregation.
- Select Person interface improved, and now includes 3 columns: Recent THIS, Recent SCHOOL, Recent ASSISTANT.
- Life and Ministry Meeting scheduling support for Language Groups greatly improved. See Help > Language Groups.
- Select Person columns can now be sorted by clicking column heading.
- Can now import schedule from CLM Explorer directly into an existing New World Scheduler congregation.
- Show Public Speaker Contact Details ToolTip added to the Local Public Talks schedule. Hover the Speaker name to see their contact details.
- Circuit Assemblies no longer block the Weekend Schedule.
- Local Public Talk schedule includes a Quick Step button to send Reminders, Confirmations and Invitations to Public Speakers. These can all be sent far into the future.
- Local Public Talks will no longer automatically tick “Confirmed”.
- Selecting the Field Service Conductor or Custom Assignment will now warn if the person is Away at that time.
JWS PUBLISHER APP (requires JWS Publisher app 2.0 or greater)
- New App Data format, which should result in less internet bandwidth being used, and be more reliable.
- All Maps, Announcement attachments, Congregation Documents and Letters will be saved to the local device, this allowing the documents to be opened while offline and saving internet bandwidth.
- Information Board added to the Congregation screen of the App.
- Many colours adjusted as well as many other design improvements.
- Can now swipe right/left on App Schedules to show next/previous week.
- Added ‘Resend’ button for Publishers Field Service Report, incase it wasnt Imported or Received correctly.
- Circuit Overseer Activities improved format, and now will highlight your name, show Links, etc.
- Can now add Links to Congregation Events.
- Notifications for multiple changes are now combined, resulting in less notifications being sent to publishers.
- App Logs updated and improvied. If you have ANY problems with the JWS Publisher app, please check the App Logs!
- Show Field Service Group option on the Me view removed for non-appointed brothers. For publishers, you can now be add this to the Information Board as a Congregation document.
- Congregation Annoucements, Documents and Letters will now use the in-built PDF Viewer.
- Email sending rate slowed down to avoid Google blocking the sending of multiple emails at once.
- Send from Gmail now supports Google Business Accounts (i.e. your own domain name).
- Me page now includes Me page Alerts shortcut, where you can customize various Me page options.
- Beta Testing Reporting updated, and now includes a perminant button up the top-right of the screen.
- Norwegian
- Liberian English
- Shona
New World Scheduler is now available in 73 languages!
- Bug fixes are are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Settings > Check for Updates.
New World Scheduler 6.0
Download Link: New World Scheduler 6.0
We are very excited to release New World Scheduler 6, our biggest release ever! This release focuses on making New World Scheduler even easier to use and making the more advanced features even more accessible.
To that end, we are pleased to announce the Me view, which contains My Tasks, My Congregation Responsibilities and Quick Steps. The User Interface was also updated and improved to give nearly 20% more screen space. Enjoy!
Important Information
To allow publishers to see their Field Service Group again on the JWS Publisher app, either enable the app feature Show Publishers Contact Information, or if you do not want to enable that feature, simply disable then re-enable the app feature Show Field Service Group.
If name highlighting is not working on JWS Publisher app for a schedule, simply refresh that Meeting Schedule.
Release Notes
Me view. Provides an overview of New World Scheduler customized just for you! Contains My Tasks, My Congregation Responsibilities and Quick Steps. Registration, Settings and Updates are now placed under Me.
Tasks. New World Scheduler will automatically generate My Tasks just for you (e.g. Accounts Audit, Arrange Service Overseer visit, Check RP hours, etc). You can also create Custom Tasks that can be assigned to yourself or others. Tasks have a Due Date and will show a warning when they are overdue.
My Congregation Responsibilities. Based on your Congregation Responsibilities, New World Scheduler will show anything outstanding that you need to do (e.g. schedule Life and Ministry Meeting, follow up missing reports, enter missing Publisher contact information, etc).
Quick Steps. Customized just for you, Quick Steps allow you to quickly and easily perform common and powerful steps in New World Scheduler (e.g. Send Public Talk Reminder, Send Life & Ministry Meeting Assignment Reminders, Send Missing Reports List to Group Overseers)
Schedule Public Talks Combined View. In addition to selecting Local and Away Public Talks, you can now see these together on one combined Public Talks View.
Show Publisher Contact Information on JWS Publisher app. Elders can now enable an App Feature to view Publishers Contact and Emergency Contact Information on the JWS Publisher app. This will display under Me > Field Service Group.
User Interface (UI) re-design. Almost every View has been updated and refreshed, including a new Sidebar and Topbar which gives nearly 20% more screen space. All fonts, sizes and colours are now consistent throughout.
Theme Colors. You can now select a New World Scheduler Theme. See Me > Settings.
Shortcuts. Many shortcuts have been added throughout the program (e.g. Schedule Local Public Talks can now navigate to Public Speakers with 1-click!).
Tool Tips have been added to most icons and unlabelled buttons. Hover your mouse-over to see.
Initial View can now be set in Me > Settings.
Congregation Responsibilities by Person. Shows which Congregation Responsibilities each person performs.
Landscape Life and Ministry Meeting Schedule with space for three schools.
Territory Cards. Territory Cards can now be printed from New World Scheduler.
Public Speakers Exchange Summary. Shows all upcoming Local Public Talks and Away Public Talks made with a specific congregation.
Email Templates. Dozens of new and updated Email Templates that work with Quick Steps. These have also been translated into most languages.
- Changing This Year meeting days and times will also update Next Year.
- Meeting Time changes will now update App data.
- Congregation Events and Congregation Announcements views have been separated.
- Congregation Events can now be assigned to Field Service Groups (e.g. Service Overseer visit).
- Congregation Announcements now include a Display After date, allow you to prepare announcements in advance, but only display after a certain date.
- Public Speakers can now be moved to another congregation.
- Meeting Attendance now shows the dates of the meetings.
- Meeting Attendance will now show BLANK rather than 0 if data has not been entered.
- Congregation Responsibilities view UI completely re-designed.
- Added 2nd Assistant for all responsibilities.
- Added 3 Custom Responsibilities.
- Renamed some responsibilities to better match od and sfl.
- Territories can now include a Link
- Territory Assignments can now indicate if a Territory was completed during a Campaign.
- New “No Campaign” Territory Filter.
- Can now Import and Export Territories and Territory Assignments to CSV.
- Added “Lock” button for Territories to prevent accidental editing or deleting.
- Territories UI improved to create a better workflow.
- Members has been renamed to Persons throughout New World Scheduler. This better reflects the language used on
- New Persons Filter: Appointed Brothers
- Inactive and Disfellowshipped persons are now highlighted in grey and moved to the bottom.
- First Report renamed to Date first started preaching.
- Life and Ministry Meeting schedule can now be Imported and Exported to CSV.
- Can now select an Assistant from the same family, even if they are a different gender.
- Local Public Talks UI has been re-designed to be clearer and easier to use.
- Local Public Talks now has a Notes field which can be used by the Public Talk Coordinator (e.g. Email Reminder send)
- Local Public Talks includes a Send Email Reminder button for the next 4 weeks.
- Local Public Talks Custom columns will now disappear if you delete the Custom Assignment text (i.e. you don’t use those columns). This allows more space to display the schedule.
- When scheduling the Local Public Speaker, can now search for a speaker by Name.
- Away Public Talks also has a Notes field, which can include special instructions for the Public Speaker and will appear on their JWS Publisher app.
- Scheduling Away Public Talks will show the Neighbour Congregation meeting Day and Time.
- Field Service Schedule can now Load Template for multiple weeks.
- Field Service Schedule can now select the Circuit Overseer as the Conductor.
- Duties Schedule dates now show the day name Initial.
- Added Test Internet button if you experience connection problems.
JWS PUBLISHER APP (requires JWS Publisher app 1.5 or greater)
- Send Data to App greatly simplified, and can now be done in 1-click! (e.g. added “Prepare and Send” button, and waiting Data will automatically be highlighted).
- App Features moved to the main App View.
- All JWS Publisher app assignments, duties and events can now be added to your phone calendar.
- JWS Publisher app now has an in-built PDF Viewer, which can display PDF territories.
- Field Service and other schedules will now show in 24-hour time if the brother who sent the data is using 24-hour time.
- App now uses UTC dates where possible, meaning brothers in different time zones should be able to see the correct date.
- Schedules view re-designed, and now shows 4 weeks.
- Publishers using old app versions will now receive a reminder to please update.
- When returning a Territory, publishers will now see a confirmation view.
- Templates that require a Start and End Period now have default values.
- Publisher Records S-21 updated.
- Publisher Records S-21 for Circuit Overseer can now choose Name Format.
- Publisher Records S-21 can now be Sent Individually to each publisher.
- Public Talk Schedule templates better spacing, and can remove Outline Number.
- Away Public Speakers List now includes the Congregation, Public Talk Coordinator and COBE details.
- Weekly Overview now removes unused duties.
- Public Speaker Invitations also show the Public Talk Coordinator Assistant Contact Details.
- Assignment Slips can now include Email address.
- Congregation Responsibilities report re-designed.
- Emergency Contact List design improved. This report is also now printed for the Circuit Overseer for his visit.
- Territory Assignments Records now indicates if a territory was completed during a campaign.
- Many new and updated Email Tags, that can be customized to show data from a certain week. These are used in many Quick Steps.
- Email Templates have been split into Default and Custom. New and updated Default Email Templates will no longer overwrite your Custom Email Templates. Quick Steps will use Custom first, and if none found, the Default Email Template.
- Invitation Email for New World Scheduler and JWS Publisher app.
- Many new Send To filters: Field Service Group, Appointed Brothers, Shared Persons Not Connected, etc.
- Me icon will show Orange and Red warnings if there are things requiring your attention, such as Tasks, Congregation Responsibilities, Updates or Registration problems.
- Settings have been moved to Me View.
- Settings added Date Range Format.
- Settings contains many Me View settings, so you can customize what notifications and warnings you receive.
- Registration and Updates have both been separated from Settings, and moved to Me View.
- Updates view has been improved to show more information in a clearer way. Please carefully read all Update information when a new version is released.
- Updates view now includes a link to see the Update Information on our website, which can be automatically translated into your language.
- New World Scheduler Data Retention periods now fully matches the updated sfl direction (e.g. Publisher Reports are only kept for this Service Year and last).
- Deleting any data will now show a larger warning.
- Many, many more updates and improvements.
- Cebuano
- Georgian
- Nzema
New World Scheduler is now available in 71 languages!
- Bug fixes are are usually released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Settings > Check for Updates.
New World Scheduler 5.2.0
Download Link: New World Scheduler 5.2.0
Release Information
This update contains nearly 100 new features, updates, and improvements, including several frequently requested features for the JWS Publisher app. We hope everyone continues to enjoy using New World Scheduler and JWS Publisher app!
Please continue to tell others about New World Scheduler, so even more friends can benefit.
Release Notes
- Territory Maps. You can now attach a Map to a Territory, which can be viewed on the Me page of the JWS Publisher app. See Help > Congregation > Territory Assignment Records.
- Territory Assignments. Publishers can now see which Territories have been assigned to them from the Me page of JWS Publisher app, as well as Check In the territory directly from the app. See Help > JWS Publisher app > App Features.
- Away Periods can now be viewed and edited on the Me page of the JWS Publisher app. See Help > JWS Publisher app > App Features.
- Field Service Group details can now be viewed on the Me page of the JWS Publisher app. See Help > JWS Publisher app > App Features.
- A new checkbox “Allow local elders to process your data” can be optionally added to the JWS Publisher app Submit Report screen. We recommend only using this feature if absolutely necessary.
- Help Icons have been added throughout the program to help users quickly access Help. Please click Help if you have any questions or problems.
- Congregation Sharing Delete Shared Member and Remotely Delete Data. When removing a Shared Member, you now have the option to also remotely wipe their New World Scheduler data and Automatic Backups.
- Cleaning Types and Descriptions. There are now 4 x Custom Cleaning Types which can each have a ‘Description’. This can be printed on the schedule or shown on JWS Publisher app.
- Several New Email Templates, including Assignments Reminder, Duties Reminder, CLM Assignment Slips, etc. Press the Refresh button to download the new templates.
- Circuit Overseer Report. After consultation with many different Circuit Overseers, we have developed this new report to provide Circuit Overseers with an Overview or Summary of your Congregation, including recent activity since their last visit and graphs of Field Service Activity.
- Territories Checked Out Report. This shows a list of all currently Checked-out territories sorted by Field Service Group.
- Pioneers. Shows all Auxiliary Pioneers, Regular Pioneers and Special Pioneers for a selected month, including a future month.
- Areas moved from Territory Assignment Records to Circuits, Locations and Areas
- Public Speakers can now be Moved to another Congregation.
- Neighbor Congregations & Public Speakers view can now edit your own Congregation Notes. These notes are sent to other congregations via Public Speaker Sharing (if enabled).
- Added 2nd Email Address field to Member > Information.
- Added Date of Reinstatement field to Member > Spiritual.
- Added ‘Language Group’ option to Member > Assign. This filters Life and Ministry assignments for Language Group parts.
- Added ‘Active Brothers’ Filter to Members list.
- Added Lock button to 1st Email Address if the member is a Shared Member.
- Adding a new Away Period will show a warning if the member is already scheduled for an Assignment or Duty during that time.
- Marking a member as Moved will remove all future Assignments and Duties. Reminder: ‘Moved’ should only be used if the member will return within 6 months. Otherwise simply Delete the member.
- Public Talks Local can now Swap a Public Speaker with another week.
- Schedule Field Service can now include a Territory which will display on the JWS Publisher app and the schedule.
- Schedule Life and Ministry Meeting Auto-Assign now has an ‘All COBE Parts’ and ‘All LMMO Parts’ checkbox.
- ‘Foreign Language Group’ renamed ‘Language Group’.
- Language Group can now be scheduled for ALL midweek parts, including Chairman and Prayers.
- Language Group Assignments are now added to JWS Publisher app Schedules
- Open Congregation from Sharing interface improved to make it easier and more user-friendly.
- Shared member list now highlights yourself
- Updates and Fixes. If you haven’t yet tried Public Speaker Sharing, now is a good time.
- App Features moved to a button
- Weekly Duties will now be sent twice, once for each Meeting
- Field Service History now includes last years Totals and Averages.
- Public Talk Details, Zoom Details and other text can now be Copied
- Time Format will now match your language.
- Many Design improvements, especially for smaller phones.
- Graphs have been added to Congregation Field Service Summary, S-21 Publisher Record, Meeting Attendance Records and Territory Coverage reports.
- Printing View Graphs updated to be clearer and easier to identify trends.
- Publisher Field Service Summary Averages are now shown per-publisher.
- Setting up your Email to use a GMAIL account now uses Google Authentication. This makes it much easier to setup, and you no longer need to ‘Allow Insecure Apps’ or provide SMTP server details. See Help > Printing & Emailing > Email with New World Scheduler > Setup Email
- Several Email Tags have been renamed or replaced, e.g. [MIDWEEK_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS] has been split into 4 separate tags: [ASSIGNMENTS_THIS_WEEK], [ASSIGNMENTS_NEXT_WEEK], [DUTIES_THIS_WEEK], [DUTIES_NEXT_WEEK]
- Email Filters added or changed: Regular Pioneers, All Pioneers, Family Heads, Everyone with Assignments – This Week and Next Week, Everyone with Duties – This Week and Next Week.
- Refresh Email Templates moved from Settings to an icon button in Email View
- Help, Print, Edit and Unlock icon buttons have been added throughout the program to make New World Scheduler even easier to use.
- Many design improvements, including Schedule view, Schedule CLM view, Congregation Field Service Report view, App Send Data view, Schedule Field Service view, Help view and many more.
- New sub-menu and top-menus design, e.g. Members view.
- Keyboard shortcuts. ESCAPE key will now CLOSE any popup window. ENTER key works on Connect, Verify, Identify, Create Password etc.
- If New World Scheduler was Full-Screen on close, will re-open to Full-Screen.
- Watermark text will now display in the Program Language
- Custom Fields will now change to the Congregation Language if the Congregation Language is changed.
- Added extra Date Formats and Short Date Formats to Settings.
- Enter Password Protect view now masks Passwords.
- List of Translation File Updates is now provided with each new release to help translations know what has changed. Please see Help > Translation Help > List of Translation File Updates
- Uninstall also give option Remove All Data files
- New World Scheduler Installer now includes the New World Scheduler logo
- Chichewa
- Kabuverdianu
- Krio
- Tuvaluan Tuvalu
New JWS Publisher app Languages:
- Chinese Mandarin (Traditional)
- Hungarian magyar
New World Scheduler is now available in 71 languages!
- Bug fixes are released in Build Updates. If you have a problem or bug, please click Settings > Check for Updates.
New World Scheduler 5.1.0
Download Link: New World Scheduler 5.1.0
Important Information
We are pleased to announce that New World Scheduler has now implemented Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for Congregation Sharing! This makes New World Scheduler even more secure.
After updating, anyone using Congregation Sharing will need to click Congregation > Congregation Sharing and create a New World Scheduler Account, then Login.
FINAL REMINDER: All Publishers should be using JWS Publisher app 1.2.7 or greater. Older versions will no longer work.
Release Notes
- Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for Congregation Sharing. This makes New World Scheduler even more secure, and requires an elder to know both the Congregation ID and Congregation Sharing Password, as well as have the Congregation Administrator manually add their Email Address to the congregation. (Add Shared Member).
- Note: For security, your New World Scheduler Account Email must *exactly match* the email address of your Shared Member. You must also Verify your email address. Please click Help > Congregation Sharing for more information.
- New Sharing Logs. Sharing Logs have been completely re-designed, and are now much easier to see what data has changed.
- New App Logs. App Logs have been completely re-designed, and are now much easier to see what data was Sent to or Received from the App.
- Congregation Sharing view has been greatly simplified.
- Shared Members now show the Program Version for each member.
- Password Update Reminder to change the Congregation Sharing Password every year, or if you have an insecure password.
- Member PIN no longer need to authenticate with Congregation Sharing.
- General security improvements and upgrades.
- Many Updates and Fixes. If you are having problems, please Disable and then Re-Enable.
- Help view has been updated to include more Help, and better match our website Help & Support.
- Scheduling “Warning” icon will now show if a member is Away.
- Schedule View Weekly Overview design improvements.
- Several minor updates to emailing.
- Weekly Overview – Design improved to better match JW Library
- Public Speakers Exchange History – Added Checkbox “Future only”. Also adds Outline.
- Several other minor updates and improvements to various reports.
- Armenian Հայերեն
- Gujarati ગુજરાતી
New World Scheduler is now available in 67 languages!
- Several Congregation Sharing, JWS Publisher App and Public Speaker Sharing bug fixes.
New World Scheduler 5.0.0
Download Link: New World Scheduler 5.0.0
Important Information
To help us better manage Registration and Support, your First name and Email address are now required to use New World Scheduler. Please enter this information after you update.
Release Notes
Export for Circuit Overseer (CO). This allows you to Export all your data and securely send to your Circuit Overseer. He can then import your data during his visit and delete once he leaves. See Help > Importing / Exporting > Export for Circuit Overseer.
Custom Field Service Assignment. You can now schedule a Custom Field Service Assignment, such as Zoom Host, as well as Field Service Conductor. See Member > Assign and Schedule > Field Service.
Data Waiting to Send to App. If there is any data waiting to Send to the App, this will be highlighted by a Red Circle next to the App button. Please always send any data before closing New World Scheduler.
Check Contact Details Request Date. Check Contact Details will now show when the Request was made, and if the request is still outstanding. This should help ensure all publisher information is up to date. See App > App Members.
Scheduling Warning Triangle. When scheduling, a new Warning Triangle will show if a member already has an Assignment or Duty on that date. Hover over to list what specific Assignment or Duty they have.
- Shared Members will be automatically deleted if they haven’t logged in within 120 days.
- Shared Members should usually be Appointed Brothers only. A warning is now given if you try to add a sister.
- Sharing Logs now show First Name + Last Name Initial.
- Kingdom Hall Operating Committee members can now be added. See Congregation > Congregation Assignments
- When settings Congregation Field Service Report as Submitted, the secretary will now be shown a list of members whose Active/Inactive, Regular/Irregular status will change.
- Previous Congregation Events older than 60 days will be automatically deleted.
- Inactive and Disfellowshipped members can now have their ‘Last Report’ added. This will be kept indefinitely and print on S-21 Publisher Cards (as per sfl directions). See Members > Spiritual.
- Emergency Contacts now have an extra Mobile (Cell) phone field.
- Emergency Contacts will now show the date they were last checked or updated.
- If a member was a Life and Ministry Assistant, their CLM History will now show who the Main member was.
- Living as Christians parts will now update if the Congregation Language changes.
- When scheduling Local Public Talks, the two Custom Assignments (e.g. Closing Prayer) can now have Free Text as well as a member. This means you could add either the Public Speakers name, or “Circuit Overseer” and have this display on the schedule.
- Local Public Talks schedule will now display 18 months in advance.
- Field Service Scheduling now has a “Hide Group Arrangement” option. Use this if you need to schedule a combined Weekend Field Service meeting when you would normally have Group Arrangements (e.g. once per month, Public Holidays, etc).
- Additional Filters for many reports. (e.g. All Elders, All Brothers, All Field Service Groups, etc.)
- Group By Family now supported in many reports. (e.g. Field Service Groups, Contact Lists, Emergency Contact Lists, etc.)
- NEW Away Periods Report.
- NEW Congregation Field Service Summary report.
- NEW Publishers Field Service Detailed report.
- UPDATED Field Service Summary report.
- UPDATED Congregation Field Service Summary and Congregation Summary now include 3-month averages.
- UPDATED Members Detailed Information now includes when their Emergency Contacts were last checked or updated.
- Can now send Field Service Report directly from the Ministry Assistant app (Android only). We are trying to work with other developers to add more compatibility in the future.
- Congregation Announcements can now be ordered. They will display on the App in this order.
- New Announcements, Congregation Events, Assignments and Duties will now show a STAR icon for a full 24 hours.
- Increased upcoming Midweek and Weekend meetings from 2 weeks to 3 weeks.
- The current Midweek and Weekend meeting will now still show on the app for 24 hours after the meeting finishes.
- Congregation Events can now have Reminders. In the app, click Settings > Enable Congregation Event reminders.
- Shows 2 Auxiliary Schools.
- Audience for each Auxiliary School is now shown on the App.
- App Attachments will now open with the phones default viewer, not web browser.
- Disable App Access moved to the Member Information screen.
- Long Event Names will now center better.
- Language Selector size adjusted.
- All popup Windows and Dialog boxes have been redesigned and modernised.
- Various Textboxes will now focus automatically, e.g. Password Protect, Member Search, etc.
- Beta Testers can now submit their Beta Report from directly within New World Scheduler.
- Password Protect screen updated.
- Many UI improvements for foreign languages. If you notice any buttons/labels that don’t fit properly, please Contact Us.
- New World Scheduler Backup files have a new extension: .JWSchedulerBackup
- Importing instructions and Log files now simpler and easy to use
- Meeting Attendance Graph now rounds to 0.1
- New World Scheduler: Finnish and Xhosa. New World Scheduler is now in 65 languages!
- JWS Publisher App: Greek, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Jamaican Creole. JWS Publisher App is now in 15 languages!
- Many minor bug fixes and performance improvements. Please note most Bug Fixes were already included in the various Build Updates. Please click Settings > Check for Updates if you have any problems or bugs.
New World Scheduler 4.9.0
Download Link: New World Scheduler 4.9.0
Important Information
We are pleased to announce JWS Publisher App is now available on Amazon devices! This was a huge amount of work and expense, but will help many brothers and sisters living in poorer areas, who mostly own inexpensive amazon tablets.
Reminder: Please help all publishers to update to JWS Publisher App 1.3.0 or greater. Please see Help > JWS Publisher App for more information.
Release Notes
- One-off Congregation Events. You can now create special “one-off” Congregation Events and send these to a specific group of people. E.G. Elders meeting, Pioneer Meeting, LDC Meeting, Maintenance Day, Reading Class, etc. See Help > Congregation Events.
- Convention Event. Assembly / Convention event has been split into two separate Event types. ‘Convention’ Events will not override midweek meetings.
- Other Groups. In addition to Field Service Groups, Other Groups can now be created, e.g. Elders, Regular Pioneers, etc. Other Groups can be used when sending One-off Congregation Events, scheduling Hospitality, Cleaning and Garden Care. See Help > Groups and Families.
- User Access. 3 new types of Congregation Sharing User Access are available: ‘Locations and Circuits’, ‘Member Spiritual’ and ‘Publisher Records by Group’. For security, new User Access is by default set to None. Congregation Administrators should adjust for all Shared Members. See Help > User Access.
- Check for Updates. Settings > Check for Updates will now find Build Updates. Build Updates are minor bug-fix updates which can be optionally installed if you have a problem or bug. These will not affect Congregation Sharing. See Help > Updating New World Scheduler.
- Groups and Families View updated to include Other Groups.
- Multiple members can now be quickly added or removed from Groups or Families.
- Field Service Groups can now have multiple Field Service Meetings per week, on any day, and are now automatically shown on the schedule.
- Locations can now include a Link, which will show in the App under Field Service Schedule.
- Locations have been moved to Congregation > Locations and Circuits.
- Life and Ministry schedule now has a Clear All button to clear the whole weeks schedule.
- Public Talks schedule can now add a Public Talk with no Speaker or Congregation, only an Outline. (Useful for Convention weeks)
- Public Talks will now schedule correctly on Midweek ‘Weekend Meeting’ dates.
- Field Service Schedule interface has been improved, giving more space for the Schedule and on smaller screens.
- Field Service Group Meetings are now automatically shown on the schedule. Therefore ‘Group Arrangements’ has been removed.
- Cleaning and Gardening can now be scheduled by Field Service Group, Other Group or Neighbor Congregation. Garden Captain role removed.
- Printing View updated to be clearer and easier to select what you want.
- NEW Field Service Schedule Template to print 4-weeks per page.
- UPDATED Congregation Summary Report to include Totals.
- UPDATED Field Service Summary Report. Can now select which Group and Period, including multiple months. Added Totals and Averages.
- UPDATED Assignment Slips can now optionally include Phone Numbers.
- Field Service Schedule can now show Field Service Meeting Location Links.
- Option to show CLM Timing on the App Schedule.
- Added App Members – Reset Devices button. Please see Help > JWS – Publisher > App Members.
- App Members Filter updated and now includes Delegated
- CO Midweek and Weekend Talk Theme and song numbers now show on App Schedule.
- Late Reports received from the App will now automatically be marked as Late.
- Part Titles for Treasure, Living 1 and 2 are now shown on the App Schedule.
- Congregation Information – Circuit is now a drop-down selection based on Circuits found in Locations and Circuits.
- Congregation Information – Weekend Meeting can now be set to a midweek date.
- Congregation Events will no longer clear any schedules. If required, these must be manually cleared.
- Expired Congregation Announcements will be automatically removed from New World Scheduler one week after the expire, and on the App immediately after they expire.
- Members > Assign Garden Captain role removed.
– User Access Load Suggested no longer requires clicking ‘Load’.
- Malagasy
- Many App related bug fixes.
- Emergency Contacts can be selected from the Congregation again.
- Various other bug fixes and performance improvements.
New World Scheduler 4.8.1
Download Link: New World Scheduler 4.8.1
Important Information
This version includes many updates to the JWS – Publisher app, including how to send data to the App. Please see Help > JWS – Publisher App > Send App Data.
‘New World Scheduler – Publisher Edition’ App has been renamed ‘JWS Publisher App’. All publishers using ‘New World Scheduler – Publisher Edition’ will need to please download the new ‘JWS Publisher’ over the next few months. Many Android users should already be using ‘JWS Publisher’ and will not need to do anything, but some Android users, and all Apple users, will need to please download and login to the new ‘JWS – Publisher’. Please see Help > JWS Publisher App for more information.
Release Notes
- App Notifications control. You can now see and adjust what notifications will be sent before sending data to the App.
- App ‘Field Service History’. Tick to allow all congregation members to see their own Field Service History for the current service year on their mobile device.
- App ‘Show Phone Numbers on CLM Assignment Slips’. Tick to show the Publisher and Assistant phone numbers on the App Assignment Slips.
- Our long-running project to consolidate ‘New World Scheduler – Publisher Edition’ into ‘JWS – Publisher’ has now been completed. This will provide many benefits going forward and allows us to add more features into the App.
- Publishers JWS App Version is now reported back to New World Scheduler, allowing elders to ensure all publishers are using the latest App version. This is important.
- Sending Data to the App is now separated by Data Type.
- Notifications are now also sent when congregation Events, Announcements and Assignments are changed or removed.
- Notifications are now also sent when member Delegates are changed, or a Contact Information Request is sent.
- Publishers can now control whether they receive Congregation notifications (e.g. Events, Announcements, CI Request) and/or Schedule notifications (e.g. Assignment, Duties)
- Notifications Log shows what notifications were sent, when and to whom.
- App Members List can now be filtered by Group and some other criteria.
- Congregation Announcements can now last more than 30 days. A new Expiry Date field has been added.
- All future Assignments are now added to the App, not just 6 months.
- App Summary showing more statistics.
- Members Emergency Contact Information can now include a Mobile phone number.
- Adding or changing an Away Period for a Family Head will now ask if that should be applied to all family members.
- Member Date of Privilege can now be added. (e.g. Elder, MS, etc)
- Clearer Error message and instructions when Congregation Sharing has an internet connection problem.
- Many Help pages on the website have been updated. Please always check Help before Contacting Us.
- New ‘Members Contact Information’ report.
- ‘Members Information’ report has been renamed ‘Members Detailed Information’, and some minor fixes.
- ‘App Members’ report now includes more information, similar to the App Members List screen.
- Various other minor changes and fixes.
- Notification sending is now more reliable.
- Various other bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Congregation Events can now show Links
- Weekend and Field Service Schedules UI updated
- ‘No Midweek or Weekend Meeting’ messages are clearer.
- Users have more control over Notifications and Reminders. See Settings.
- Many other minor design and interface improvements.
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
New World Scheduler 4.7.5
Download Link: New World Scheduler 4.7.5
- Congregation Events can now include a Link to be sent to the App.
- Note: This will require App Version 1.2.8 which will be available in the future.
- More Import options for Public Speakers and Members.
- Sepedi
- Various emailing, Weekly Overview, Public Speakers, Printing and App bug fixes and improvements.
- Various fixes and improvements.
Important Information
We have been working hard to eleminate all bugs from New World Scheduler, especially with Congregation Sharing. When you first open this new update, your data will automatically convert and re-sync, which might take a few minutes.
In the future, apart from critical bug fix releases, new versions will only be released between the 21st and 30th of a month, allowing the congregation Field Service Report to be finalized before updating.
Release Notes
- Data has been greatly simplified and the size greatly reduced. This should reduce sync times.
- Lots of stability improvements to reduce bugs and make sharing more stable.
- Added 2 new Sharing Servers: Europe (South) and Africa, and South America. Please see Help > Congregation Sharing to change server.
- Congregation Sharing now requires a more secure password. Existing passwords will still work, but please Change the Password as soon as possible.
- Password Hint now shown inside Congregation Sharing. Note: This only works after you Change the Password.
- Congregation Sharing Error View has been improved.
- Removed the ‘Re-Share’ and ‘Allow More Devices’ buttons, as these are no longer needed.
- Congregation Sharing Help has been updated. Please check Help to learn about the new updates to Congregation Sharing.
- Can now Import and Export Publisher Reports & Field Service data to/from CSV! Please see Help > Import or Export
- Added 2nd Filter in Congregation Field Service Report to allow a quick overview of many Publisher Reports
- Added a Folder for User Templates that won’t be removed on update. This allows you to make minor customizations to certain templates. Please see Help > Printing
- Moved Publishers will now automatically delete after 6 months.
- Hungarian magyar
- Several bug fixes with various Reports and Printing, Email, Family Heads, Weekly Overview, etc.
Important Information
New World Scheduler contains major updates to Printing and Emailing, including over 50 new or updated Templates and a completely redesigned Email system, including Email Special Features.
Please see Help for information about these exciting new templates and features!
- Several bug fixes with App Field Service Schedules (if affected, please click App > Refresh Congregation), Emergency Contacts Printer, Email attachments, Export members, Reports, and a few other minor things. Thanks to everyone who reported bugs and included detailed screenshots.
Life and Ministry Meeting Scheduling
- Can now Sort by Recent School Part as well as Recent Part
- Can add Closing Song for week of Circuit Overseer
- Life and Ministry Meeting Schedule will now highlight in blue weeks with relevant Congregation Events
- Link now provided to the Meeting information on
- Additional field added to select a Group for Auxiliary School Attendance
Public Talk Scheduling
- Member History now includes a separate Public Talks History, showing the Congregation visited and Outline given.
- Can add Closing Song for week of Circuit Overseer
Field Service Scheduling
- Group Field Service Arrangement can now also be on a Weekday.
Congregation Summary Graphs. The Printing View now contains several graphs to quickly see how your congregation is doing.
New World Scheduler Email system has been completely redesigned to be more flexible, easier to use and add many new features. Click Printing > Email.
- You can now email without sending or generating a report in New World Scheduler.
- Can Save, Load and Share multiple Email Templates.
- New World Scheduler has 18 default Email Templates which you can use, customize or remove.
- Customize the Subject of the email
- Added many new Email Tags which can create very powerful emails.
- Added many new Email Filters to send to the right group, including All Members with Parts this Weekend, All CLM Students, etc.
- Email Everyone with Part now works for many more Reports.
- Email Special Features. Many Reports and Schedules support Special Email Features, which is a way to automatically create and send very powerful emails. See Help > Email a Report or Schedule
Printing has also been redesigned to be easier to use and more powerful.
- Added Preview button for all reports and schedules.
- All Reports and Templates can now be saved as either Document, PDF, Image or XPS.
- Many new Templates (see below)
- Updated and improved over 45 existing templates and reports, including adding extra options, colours, multiple page sizes, design changes, name format option, date and language problems, other bug fixes, and much more.
- an now set a Default Paper Size in Settings
- Added extra Filters for Members List
New Templates
- Life and Ministry Non-School Usage History
- Life and Ministry Schedule 1-week per page
- S-89 Assignment Slips on 1-page
- Public Speakers Exchange History
- Territory Coverage
- Group Members Spiritual Summary
- Congregation Events will no longer clear or lock the Life and Ministry or Public Talk Schedules. Due to COVID, there was a need for greater flexibility.
- New Assignment – Field Service Group Prayer. See Members > Assign.
- Public Talk Scheduling – Added a Speaker Confirmed button. This will be checked by default.
- Split Public Speaker Name into First Name and Last Name.
- Added both Home and Mobile Phone to Public Speakers.
- Congregation Sharing – User Access – Member Assign is now separate from Members Information / Spiritual.
- Congregation Sharing – View access now allows members to see Emergency Contacts, History and Away Periods.
- Added Territory Notes/Description field.
- Territories can now be filtered by Area or Publisher.
- If a member is Away, you are shown a Warning when scheduling them for Public Talks.
- Members can now be Filtered by Deaf or Blind.
- Members Export to CSV now includes Field Service Name.
- Meeting Day/Time for this year / next year has been changed from a checkbox to Toggle-box.
- Added an Icon showing which Shared Members are Congregation Administrators.
- Kingdom Hall Servant name changed to Maintenance Coordinator.
- Cleaning Servant changed to Cleaning Coordinator.
- Better Error Reporting if your New World Scheduler fails to start. The most common cause is still Anti-Virus software affecting the installation.
New Languages
- Albanian shqip
- Bislama Bislama
- Brazilian Sign Language Língua brasileira de sinais
- Cambodian ខ្មែរ
- Hiligaynon Hiligaynon
- Indian Sign Language Indian Sign Language
- Marshallese Kajin M̦ajel̦
- Papiamento (Curaçao) Papiamentu (Kòrsou)
- Pidgin (West Africa) Pidgin (West Africa)
- Sesotho
- Sinhala සිංහල
- Slovak slovenčina
This brings the total languages to 57! This is far more than any other non-official theocratic software program.
App Updates
- Added a “Less than 1 hour” toggle to the App. This will show as 0.1 hours in New World Scheduler.
Bug Fixes
- Many bug fixes and performance improvements, such as Living Parts not synchronizing properly, Congregation Sharing errors, Circuit Overseer Event removing from the App after 1 day, extra Away Public Speakers, etc.
New World Scheduler 4.6.4
Download Link: New World Scheduler 4.6.4
Important Information
We are pleased to announce an exciting new feature: Public Speaker Sharing!
We have also added many new features and updates regarding scheduling Public Talks, so if your Public Talk Coordinator is not yet using New World Scheduler, now would be a good time to have a look.
All Google Android App users should please download the new ‘JWS – Publisher’, instead of ‘New World Scheduler – Publisher Edition’. Apple users are not affected at this time.
Release Notes
- Data from Backup can now be restored by Data Type, rather than always restoring everything. Click Congregation > Restore Data. Reminder: We strongly recommend making regular off-site backups in case your computer crashes, is stolen or damaged.
- Automatic Backups will now keep the last 40 backup files. (up from 20)
- Congregation Field Service Report now displays how the figures are calculated, and includes a “late” label next to any late reports from previous months.
- New World Scheduler will now save your last Screen Size when closed, and re-open to that size next time. (Excluding full-screen)
- Assignment Slips updated to 2020/12 version.
- CSV Export can now handle Unicode characters.
- Multiple bug fixes, e.g. CSV Export, Assignment Slips, Territory Assignments, Public Speaker Import/Export, Printing certain reports, Congregation Sharing Roles, Regular Pioneers, etc.
- Amharic አማርኛ
Several minor bug fixes.
- Public Speaker Sharing. You can now share Public Speakers, Send and Receive Public Speaker Requests from within New World Scheduler. Please see Help for more information.
- Public Speaker Away Frequency. You can now set how often a Public Speaker should give Away talks. This shows in Public Talks – Away.
- Circuits. Organize your Public Speakers and Neighbor Congregations into Circuits. All existing congregations are moved to Unassigned.
- Set Next Year’s Meeting Date and Time for your congregation and all Neighbor Congregations.
- New Public Talks Filters to help select an Outline: ‘Selected Speaker Can Give’, ‘Not Given 5+ Years’, etc.
- Public Talks Select Speaker can now ‘Filter by Selected Outline’ to show which Public Speakers can give that Outline.
- Public Talk Schedule now has multiple Custom Assignments.
- Public Speakers can now be Exported to New World Scheduler, CSV, Document or PDF.
- Public Talk Outlines which are being Revised or should not be given will now display a Warning if selected.
- Congregation TimeZone. This TimeZone is now used for all dates/times on the New World Scheduler App.
- More duties can be Customized.
- Schedule a Public Talk only with a Congregation, without a Speaker.
- Import Public Speakers from CSV File
- Schedule Public Talks Local and Public Talks Away have been updated to accommodate Public Speaker Sharing.
- Changes made to Neighbor Congregations, e.g. Meeting times, will now refresh to the New World Scheduler App
- Can now Transfer multiple members at once, e.g. for Congregation Mergers or Splits.
- Circuit Assembly and Convention Events no longer clear Assignments and Duties. This allows for more flexibility due to COVID.
- Circuit Overseer Scheduling can now select None for Host.
- Program Data files now moved to Program Files for increased reliability.
- Member ‘Does Not Report Here’ changed to ‘Reports Directly to Branch’.
- Congregation Field Service Report now includes ‘Reports Directly to Branch’ numbers in gray, like Special Pioneers.
- ‘Reports Directly to Branch’ publishers now count towards Active Publishers.
- Public Talk Invitations for Incoming Speakers
- List of upcoming Incoming Speakers with their Contact Details
- Report for all Neighbor Congregations and Public Speakers
- New Blue Public Talk Schedule Template
- Public Talk Schedule will now show the Convention or Assembly Theme
- School Summary renamed to CLM Assignments by Member
- Life and Ministry Schedule now swaps the Review for the CO Visit week
- Many bug fixes and performance improvements.
- If a congregation uses Congregation Sharing, Receive Beta Updates will now apply at a Congregation level, and can only be enabled/disabled by a Congregation Administrator.
- We still have a need for more Beta Testers. Please see Help > Beta Testing for more information.
New World Scheduler 4.5.6
Download Link: New World Scheduler 4.5.6
Important Information
We take data integrity and security very seriously, and thoroughly test all new versions before release (including many Beta Testers). However, with many thousands of users using New World Scheduler in many different ways, occasionally users report data issues. We fully investigate all data issues and if a bug or edge case is found, we release a fix ASAP.
Since the majority of data issues are caused by user error, if you have a data issue and think there is a bug, please include screenshots, your Server Update Log, Download Logs, as well as a very detailed description of exactly what happened, and all steps leading up to your issue. Without this information there is little we can do to investigate. Thanks!
Release Notes
- If Congregation Sharing is enabled, and a New Version Update was detected, in some circumstances the New Version could be updated without first syncing your data. This might cause data loss for recently entered data by another elder. This has been fixed.
- Clicking Download Now for new updates will now also create an Automatic Backup of all your data, incase updating causes any data problems. You can quickly and easily restore from Automatic Backup.
- Few other minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Release Notes
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Added Release Notes link to Settings view
- New Language: Ukrainian українська
Release Notes
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Added Release Notes link to Settings view
- New Language: Ukrainian українська
Important Information
Congregation Sharing will need to be re-setup after installing this update. Therefore, a Congregation Administrator should please UPDATE FIRST, then re-setup Congregation Sharing, then notify others they can update.
Please use the SAME Congregation Sharing Password as before, so other elders can update quickly & easily.
If you are NOT a Congregation Administrator, please DO NOT install this update until after your Congregation Administrator has told you it is ok. Thanks!
Release Notes
- Congregation Sharing has been greatly improved to be faster, more reliable, and more secure. This is a major update with lots of work behind-the-scenes. Congregation Sharing must be re-setup after installing this update. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
- Sharing Sync times reduced from 1-2 minutes to 10-20 seconds.
- Shared Member Expiry increased from 30 days to 60 days.
- Shared Member Device Names now shown.
- User Access Interface greatly improved to allow much faster assigning User Access.
- Suggested User Access Roles have been provided.
- Note: These are suggestions only, your local circumstances may be different.
- Warning shown if Sharing is not connected and you try to edit data.
- Sharing Logs improved and divided into 3 categories: Master Log, Server Update Log, Local Download Log.
Circuit Overseer Visit Scheduling. You can now schedule upcoming Circuit Overseers visits! (See Schedule > Circuit Overseer). This data can be printed or displayed on the App.
Circuit Overseer Reports. To help elders prepare for upcoming Circuit Overseer visits, a new Report Category ‘Circuit Overseer’ has been added. This allows the COBE, Secretary and Service Overseer to quickly and easily create all the reports needed by the Circuit Overseer.
Zoom Meeting ID, Password, Link and Dial in number. You can now enter your congregation Zoom Meeting ID, Password, Zoom Link and Dial in number, and this will be shown on the New World Scheduler App under Schedules (from App version 1.1.7 onwards).
S-10 Congregation Analysis Report. This report is now available from Printing > Secretary.
- Several new templates relating to Circuit Overseer Visit Scheduling.
- Missing Reports. The Secretary can now generate a simple, 1-page report showing which reports are missing for a given month.
- Previous ‘Missing and 0-Hour Report’ renamed to ‘Missing and 0-Hour Report History’.
- Member Information now includes fields for Deaf and Blind.
- Congregation Number can now be entered.
- Congregation Field Service Report now shows “New Inactive” and “Reactivated” count and list. (Note: Previously months set as Submitted to Branch will not have this information.)
- Congregation Field Service Report now allows you to see a list of Publishers, Auxiliary Pioneers, Regular Pioneers and Special Pioneers for any given month. (Note: Previously months set as Submitted to Branch will not have this information.)
- Congregation Field Service Report can now filter out Inactive.
- Several bug fixes, including Delegates, Field Service Group printing, Public Talks, Import from CSV, Auto-Assign, Publisher Record averages, templates, Conduct Field Service assignments, Duties, etc.
- New World Scheduler now requires .NET 4.7.2. This has resulted in several performance improvements and bug fixes. Please ensure your computer always has the latest Windows Updates.
- ASL American Sign Language has been added as a new language!
- We wish to thank all our Beta Testers for their hard work in testing the recent Beta Version! Thank you!
- We have a big need for more Beta Testers. If you are an experienced New World Scheduler user, please consider becoming a Beta Tester and helping test Beta Versions before the official release. This benefits all New World Scheduler users by minimizing bugs and improving features. Thanks for considering. Click Help > Beta Version Testing for more information.
New World Scheduler 4.4.2
Release Notes
- Delegates for the Publisher Edition App. You can now assign a Publisher to act as a “Delegate” for another publisher. This means they can submit reports and see any upcoming Assignments and Duties on the App. See Help > App Members.
- Show Field Service Conductor Assignments. You can now allow the Publisher Edition App to show Field Service Conductor Assignments. Enable on the App page. Note: This only applies to FUTURE or Refreshed assignments. See Help > App.
- Note: After updating, a Congregation Administrator should:
1) Click App > Refresh Congregation
2) Click App > App Members > Select All > Refresh Member - Note: Publishers must use New World Scheduler App 1.1.5 or greater to see any new data. (Released over the next few days)
- Note: After updating, a Congregation Administrator should:
- Congregation Publisher Records for CO Visit updated. Now prints to one PDF, and includes Title Pages between groups.
- The App > Send and Receive Data page has been removed, and the App page has been greatly simplified. To Send Data, click App > Send. To “Receive” or Import data, click App > App Members.
- Congregation > Field Service Groups has been renamed to ‘Groups and Families’ and now allows you to create and edit Families.
- Many behind-the-scenes improvements to how the App communicates with New World Scheduler. This should result in a more reliable connection with App.
- Public Talk Outlines now have a Tick next to each Outline the brother can give.
- Schedule Public Talks Local now highlights upcoming Events.
- Select Public Speaker UI updated, and also now shows “Last Given” for Neighbour Public Speakers.
- Territory Assignments now allows for “None” member to be selected when entering Past Territory History.
- CLM Scheduling minor UI improvements.
- Beta Testing Notifications. All Beta Testers should please carefully review the requirements and expectations of Beta Testers.
- Many App fixes and improvements.
- Many other minor fixes to CLM Chairman Outline, Public Talks, Public Speaker, Families, etc.
New World Scheduler 4.3.2
- App Delete or Change commands are no longer automatically sent, and must be sent by Elders using App Send and Receive.
- App Logs improved.
- Various App fixes.
- Family fixes and improvements. You may need to untick/tick Family Head and re-assign families.
- Various other minor fixes and improvements.
- Beta Version Updates. New World Scheduler is used by thousands of brothers all around the world. It has also grown in functionality and complexity. We try very hard to thoroughly test all updates before they are released, but like all software, bugs and problems do still appear.
To minimize disruption, as of the next update New World Scheduler updates will be released FIRST as a Beta Version, and THEN about a week later as the Standard version.
We greatly appreciate any who are willing to help test and offer suggestions for new features and updates to New World Scheduler. If you would also like to help, after updating please click Settings > tick Receive Beta Version Updates. Please click Help > Beta Version Update for more information.
- View. The Congregation Field Service page now includes a section, to make it even easier for the Congregation Secretary to submit your monthly report to the branch.
- Summary
- Territory Assignment Records now allow selecting the Check Out and Check In dates.
– Territory Assignment Records now has User Access. - Backup ZIP files are now password protected in addition to being encrypted. This means old Backup files and old Automatic Backups will not work with New World Scheduler 4.3.1 and above.
- After restoring a ‘Shared’ Congregation from Backup, you now have the option to update the Shared Congregation with the restored data.
- Field Service Groups page updated with a count of members, and Family View option.
- Family Head Address can now be linked with Family Members.
- Added descriptions to Getting Started buttons
- Help has been updated with a Roles section to quickly assist brothers learn how to use New World Scheduler.
- Help has been updated with many of our recently released new features.
- App Import Contact Details Check. also Please ensure all publishers are using App version 1.1.2.
- Event Dates now match Settings.
- Various other minor fixes.
- Territory Assignment Records. Can now add congregation territories to New World Scheduler, and assign them to Publishers, including printing to S-13. Please see Congregation > Territory Assignment Records.
- Export to Circuit Assistant. Circuit Assistant is a program used by Circuit Overseers, and New World Scheduler can export files ready for direct import into to Circuit Assistant.
- Add Attachments or web links to Congregation Announcements. They can then be opened on the New World Scheduler App. (Note: Publishers must be using New World Scheduler – Publisher Edition v1.1.1 or later)
- New World Scheduler App ‘Check Contact Details’. Elders can now send a “Check Contact Details” request to App Members, which lets publishers check and update their Contact Details and Emergency Contacts, then return this information back to New World Scheduler. See App > App Members. (Note: Publishers must be using New World Scheduler – Publisher Edition v1.1.1 or later)
- Preview Received App Data. You can now preview any received App data and decide to either Import or Delete. See App > App Send and Receive Data.
- Receiving App Data. See how much new App Data is waiting to be Received. (Note: This number may be inaccurate the first time, and will correctly synchronize after pressing Receive.)
- S-13 Territory Assignment Records.
- App screen re-designed and split into multiple screens: App, App Send and Receive Data & App Members.
- More information added to CLM Assignments, which helps students better follow directions in the Meeting Workbook.
- Weekly Overview screen now shows Field Service.
- Can now add a “No Field Service Arrangements” tag to a Field Service timeslot. This should only be added if you usually *do* have a group at that time.
- Sharing Log split into Master Log and Transaction Log. Master Log shows connection changes to your Sharing (e.g. password changes, members added, etc) whereas Transaction Log shows data transfers.
- Sharing Region now shown in big coloured letters on Congregation Sharing screen. Please remember your Sharing Region.
- Inactive Publishers last Publisher Record Card is now stored indefinitely, even if longer than 3 years (as per sfl).
- Send Multiple App data types at the same time.
- Various templates updated, e.g. excluding Inactive from Missing Report template.
- Member IDs and Group IDs now visible for easier debugging.
- Fixes to Weekly Overview, CLM Scheduling, Auto-Assign, etc.
- Fix to App data, which caused some duties to be shown to multiple users.
- Various fixes to templates and reports, e.g. Duties Schedule, CLM Schedule, Field Service Summary, etc.
- Various fixes to public talk scheduling.
- Fix to Sharing Server sometimes causing all Shared Members to disappear.
- Add Disable Sharing button to ‘Identify Member’ if NO shared members in list.
- Improved detecting “App Connected”.
New World Scheduler 4.2.1
- Can fully customize both Living 1 and Living 2 Part theme and time. This allows you to add an extra Living 2 part if needed.
- All elders will now be emailed when the Congregation Sharing password or Congregation App PIN is changed, or if the congregation is Removed from Sharing or the App is Disabled. Accidental changes are causing problems for some congregations.
- Field Service Reporting can now be Disabled for the New World Scheduler App.
- New World Scheduler App can now send parts of hours, e.g. 0.25 hours.
- New Emergency Contact List Reports. Both a Standard and Condensed report, with various customizations possible.
- New Member Information Check Report. Print this and give to each publisher to ensure their personal information and emergency contact information is up-to-date.
- New Missing and 0-hour Report template. This shows those with either a Missing or 0-hour report for the last 6-months.
- Clearing the Field Service Record will now allow an update to be sent to the App, which allows the publisher to enter their report again.
- Weekly Overview can now select week, and other design improvements.
- CLM Part History know shows in reverse order, with the newest history at the top.
- CLM Assistant Assignment Slip and App notification now shows details about which part the assistant is helping with.
- Congregation Field Service Report screen can now list which publishers are being counted as “Active” for the Field Service Report. This is in addition to Irregular and Inactive.
- Added Search on Members list.
- Emergency Contacts can now be ordered. This order is used when printing.
- Emergency Contacts can now be selected from other congregation members.
- CSV Files can now be imported into existing congregations.
- App Members list now show only Not Yet Connected.
- Added a “Delete” button for a Members History.
- Public Talks assignments will now save even without a Public Speaker.
- Added Notes field to Public Speakers from other congregations. This field will not be exported, and could be used to rate speakers from other congregations.
- Public Talks Away view now freezes the left two Date columns.
- Duties Schedule printouts now only show duties that have been assigned.
- Attendant & Security, and Sound & Video both now separated on Duties Schedule.
- Opening Song and Closing Prayer now added to Public Talk Schedule templates.
- Delete Congregation dialog box is now clearer.
- S-89 now splits the Heading according to the original S-89 PDF.
- Many other minor updates and improvements.
- Various fixes to templates, app connections, sharing connections, S-21 printing, etc.
New World Scheduler 4.1.1
Download Link: New World Scheduler 4.1.1
- Several bug fixes and improvements, including sending Meeting Schedules to the App.
- New Field Service Report Entry Screen. In addition to Member > Publisher Records, the Congregation Secretary can now use the Congregation > Congregation Field Service Report – Publishers screen to enter all Reports for the month. This can also be used to quickly check for Missing Reports, and can be Filtered by Group.
- Transfer Publishers. New World Scheduler can now quickly transfer publishers to other congregations who are also using New World Scheduler by clicking Members > Transfer. Additionally, we have added 2 Transfer options (PDF and CSV) when transferring publishers to Congregations who don’t use New World Scheduler.
- Song and Closing Prayer can now be scheduled for Local Public Talks. This information can only be seen on the App, but will be added to other schedules and reports in the future.
- New Member Information Template. Please see Printing > Members > Member Information
- Added Warning when adding a Congregation Event which will clear that weeks meetings (e.g. Memorial, Convention, etc.). Due to the Coronavirus, you should please select Event Type Other for any upcoming Conventions or Assemblies where you will STILL have a midweek or weekend meeting.
- Added Warnings when your congregation only has 1 Sharing Administrator and/or not all elders have an email address recorded.
- Added “AP” and/or “Credit” to Remarks when printing S-21 Publisher Record Cards, if the publisher was an AP or had Credit for that month.
- Some Assistants were swapped when showing on the App. Please Refresh these meeting parts.
- Improvements to importing from Hourglass and Majestic KHS.
- When adding a new Family, list of Families now sort alphabetically and immediately refresh.
- Moved and Disfellowshipped ones no longer show in “Everyone” list and have been removed from various other places. They can now only be seen under the Moved or Disfellowshipped Filters.
- Various other minor fixes and improvements.
PLEASE NOTE: We will be adding the Translation Files for the New World Scheduler App to our website in the next few days. If you would like to help translate the App into other languages, please click Help > New World Scheduler App or Help > Improve Translation.
New World Scheduler 4.0.1
Download Link: New World Scheduler 4.0.1
– Congregation Announcements now can include a Title, which will show in the App.
– Various other minor UI updates and improvements.
– Various minor fixes.
- User Interface has been completely refreshed with a modern design and colour scheme. We hope you like it 🙂
- Based on comprehensive User Testing, we have adjusted almost every screen to be easier to use and more consistent.
- New icon and graphics to unify New World Scheduler and the New World Scheduler Publisher Edition App.
- Field Service Meeting Schedule. You can now schedule Field Service Meetings. (This also can be used for Zoom Field Service Meetings)
- Group Field Service arrangements can be entered for each Field Service Group.
- Members can now be displayed by Family, under Filter > Families.
- The New World Scheduler Publisher Edition App has completed Beta Testing and can now be made available to all publishers! The New World Scheduler App will start appearing on the official Apple Store and Google Play store over the next few days.
- Field Service Meeting schedules can now be sent to the App.
- Added a Clear button for data waiting to be sent to the App. This should only be used if there are data corruptions or errors.
- Public Talk Schedule added new Alternate template.
- Field Service Schedule template added.
- Field Service Groups now has Portrait template, and can now include Field Service Meeting information.
- Member Information has been split into separate Information and Spiritual screens, with some additional fields and Custom fields added.
- Member – Assign now only contains assignments found in New World Scheduler.
- Neighbour Congregations screen has been renamed Public Speakers, and now includes your own Public Speakers.
- Kingdom Hall address can be entered for your own congregation and Neighbour Congregations. This is sent to the App with Away Public Talk Assignments.
- Weekend Meeting time can now be set, and is used in the New World Scheduler App to set the Reminder times.
- Setting someone as Disfellowshipped will now remove all future assignments and duties, and disable all privileges.
- Creating a new Member or adjusting a member will no longer set any default Member settings.
- Public Talk Schedule can now optionally remove Hospitality and Away Speakers.
- Several Templates have been updated and improved, including adding A4 and Letter sizes to more templates.
- Congregation Sharing Password can now be reset if you forget your password. A new temporary password will be sent to the email address of ALL Shared elders. Please ensure all elders have their email address set and is visible in Shared Members list.
- Added a Warning if New World Scheduler has been left open for more than 2 hours. Please DO NOT leave New World Scheduler open when you are not using it.
- S-21 Publisher Records Averages now include BLANK in the average, except for Hours. BLANK hours are considered “missing” reports, not 0 reports.
- Adjusting User Access for yourself will now automatically apply, and doesn’t require closing and re-opening New World Scheduler.
- Congregation Sharing and App Logs now save and open in a text file.
- If there is a Congregation Sharing problem, the screen will now automatically switch to the Congregation Sharing view to allow you to resolve.
- User Access has been simplified a little.
- Public Speakers Import/Export fixed. Easily import Public Speakers from other congregations using New World Scheduler.
- Incorrect Meeting Schedule dates sent to the App have been fixed. Any existing Schedules will need to be “Refreshed” to see the changes.
- Sharing Region was sometimes reset when changing Program Language. This has now been fixed.
- Various other bug and crash fixes.
New World Scheduler 3.7.4
Download Link: New World Scheduler 3.7.4
- IMPORTANT: Upgrading to 3.7.x requires you to re-setup Congregation Sharing on our new Servers. Please only update when you are ready to do that. The Congregation Administrator should be the first person to update and select a Region, then all others in the Congregation should update ASAP and select the SAME Region.
- Congregation Information is now directly displayed on the Congregation screen, rather than a separate Congregation Information screen.
- Congregation Sharing Region was sometimes being reset, causing Shared Members Lists to disappear and other problems.
- Meeting Schedule dates for the New World Scheduler App were incorrect for some time zones.
- Public Talk Away Assignment date and time now correctly displays the Neighbour Congregation Date and Time on the New World Scheduler App.
- NEW FEATURE: Life and Ministry Meeting Schedules and Weekend Meeting Schedules can now be sent to the New World Scheduler App. All Beta Testers should please click Help > New World Scheduler App for more information.
- UPDATE: Many New World Scheduler App related updates and fixes. All Beta Testers should please click Help > New World Scheduler App to understand the new changes. Thanks for everyone’s feedback!
- UPDATE: On Sharing Error or wrong Sharing Version messages, screen will automatically change to Congregation Sharing.
- UPDATE: Warning given if your New World Scheduler Version is different to other Shared Members. You should NOT enter any data in this case, but update ASAP.
- UPDATE: Warning given if you’re the only Sharing Administrator. This is not recommended.
- UPDATE: Sharing Administrator can now “Reset Congregation Sharing” if his device has expired and no other member can Allow More Devices or ReShare.
- UPDATE: Top-right Connected text color-coded to be more obvious.
- FIX: Assignment Slips printing bug.
- FIX: Various Congregation Sharing fixes.
- FIX: Congregation Sharing is now more reliable with poor internet connections.
- FIX: Congregation Sharing now more reliably saves “unsent” or “pending” data until your internet is working again.
- UPDATE: Added Description to Congregation Events. This will soon show up on the New World Scheduler App.
- FIX: Some users were affected by a Member Data problem, causing Inactive publishers to become Active, Members-Assign ticking some extra items, Public Talks can Give to be reset, etc. This only affected a few users in certain circumstances. After updating to 3.7.2. please check your member data. If there are problems, please either manually fix or Restore from an Automatic backup from before you updated to 3.7.1.
- NEW FEATURE: 24-hour time. Enable on the Settings page.
- UPDATE: Missing Report list has been updated. See Congregation Field Service Report page.
- UPDATE: Can now email either PDFs or Documents. Select on the Reports page.
- UPDATE: Data size reduced by about 40%, which should speed up Congregation Sharing.
- UPDATE: New World Scheduler App can now Delete All Future Data.
- Warning: This should ONLY be used if there are serious data problems with the App, such as extra events or announcements you can’t remove. Normally, New World Scheduler will automatically remove old data from the App, or you can remove yourself by removing the data in New World Scheduler.
- FIX: New World Scheduler App will no longer send “already deleted” data to the App. This should fix any “duplicate” data problems.
- FIX: Sending data to the New World Scheduler App is now more reliable with an unreliable internet connection.
- FIX: Various minor Congregation Sharing fixes that were preventing some users from using Congregation Sharing.
- FIX: Assignment Slips can now be emailed.
- FIX: Regular Auxiliary Pioneer list now showing all APs.
- FIX: Minor emailing fixes.
- FIX: Various other small crash fixes.
- NEW FEATURE: New World Scheduler App (iOS & Android) Beta Version released! Please click Help > New World Scheduler App for more information.
- NEW FEATURE: New Sharing Servers! We now have 5 new Sharing Servers located around the world. Please select the Region closest to where you live. These should provide a more reliable and scalable solution for our growing users. Please click Please click Help > Congregation Sharing for more information.
- NEW FEATURE: Weekly Overview. Click Schedule to see a Weekly Overview of all parts, assignments and duties. This can also be printed as a Report.
- NEW FEATURE: Congregation Announcements. These can be entered in New World Scheduler and sent to all publishers via the New World Scheduler App. See Congregation > Congregation Events and Announcements.
- NEW FEATURE: Credit for Pioneers. See Members > Publisher Record Card.
- NEW FEATURE: Family Head and Families. See Members > Member Information. More reports and filters using this data will be available in the future.
- NEW FEATURE: Export to Timothy. Timothy is a program many Circuit Overseers use. New World Scheduler is happy to help our hard-working Circuit Overseers!
- NEW FEATURE: SMTP Option to allow you to use your own Email Server when sending emails. This greatly reduces emails being marked as SPAM.
- UPDATE: Field Service Summary Report has been greatly improved and highlights missing reports.
- UPDATE: Assign CLM parts now has a Search box to quickly find members.
- UPDATE: Print links have been added throughout New World Scheduler to quickly access various Reports to print.
- UPDATE: Members list re-designed to show more members on the screen.
- UPDATE: Last Pioneer School date. See Members > Member Information
- UPDATE: “Doesn’t Report Here” box for Members who report directly to Bethel. See Members > Member Information
- UPDATE: Members Information now shows Age and Baptised Years.
- UPDATE: Congregation IDs have been shortened to 9 digits for simplicity.
- UPDATE: Refresh Meeting Data. If the new Meeting Data didn’t download correctly, this can now be refreshed.
- UPDATE: Added several warning, e.g. running the S-21 for Circuit Overseers when you haven’t yet “Submitted to Branch” all reports.
- UPDATE: Existing New World Scheduler Email Server updated to reduce messages marked as SPAM.
- UPDATE: Various Congregation Sharing updates, such as removing the Favourite Scripture and replacing it with a simple 6-digit PIN (same as the New World Scheduler App), Congregation Sharing can now reset Congregation Password, improved Logs, etc.
- UPDATE: Help updates. Please click Help before contacting us.
- UPDATE: Trial Period extended from 30 days to 60 days.
- FIX: Password Protect improvements.
- FIX: All Pioneers filter now includes APs.
- FIX: Baptised 1-year report fixed.
- FIX: Duties Schedule missing the first 1-2 weeks.
- FIX: CLM Auto-Assign minor update for assigning non-school parts.
- FIX: School Worksheet now prints exact meeting date.
- FIX: Various Congregation Sharing fixes, such as User Access.
New World Scheduler 3.6.3
Download Link: New World Scheduler 3.6.3
- FIX: Congregation ID bug
- FIX: Duties Printing bug
- FIX: Auto-Assign Duties bug
- FIX: Field Service Report duplicates bug
- FIX: CLM Explorer Import
- FIX: Several other minor fixes.
- NEW LANGUAGES: Ewe Èʋegbe and Iloko Ilocano
- UPDATE: Added Middle Name and Display Name. Display Name will show everywhere except Publisher Records, which shows FULL name.
- UPDATE: Security and Attendant Duty split into two duties.
- UPDATE: Added Public Talk Coordinator Email field
- UPDATE: Auto-Assign updates: Wont schedule CLM Student Talk if student had a recent talk within 3 weeks. Wont schedule Watchtower Reading for the Watchtower Conductor.
- UPDATE: Rename Sharing Logs to Server Logs. Server Logs are limited, please see Local Sharing Logs for much more detail.
- UPDATE: Data Conversion for Assignments and Duties to allow compatibility with the upcoming iOS and Android APP.
- FIX: Minor template fixes, such as alignment, averages rounding, etc.
- FIX: Active Publisher Count
- FIX: Import from TSWin
- FIX: Import from Hourglass
- FIX: Several minor fixes to Neighbour Congregations and Public Talks
NOTE: If you are using Congregation Sharing, updating to 3.6.1. will causes anyone in your congregation using 3.6. to crash the next time they open. Please ensure all members update to 3.6.1. as soon as possible to fix this. Sorry for the inconvenience!
- NEW FEATURE: No Report (Missing) and Nil ‘0’ Report (No Service Activity). Please see Help > Publisher Reports.
NEW FEATURE: Detailed Local Sharing Logs. Please see Help > Congregation Sharing. - UPDATE: Members – Publisher Record View now shows Member name and highlights the name in Yellow.
- UPDATE: Members Filter added Disfellowshipped and Custom Field #2
- FIX: Congregation Sharing fixes, mostly with sharing Publisher Reports. If some still have problems, please Re-Share with them and/or check their Local Sharing Log.
- FIX: Bug with Active, Irregular and Inactive publisher count
- FIX: Life and Ministry Schedule minor fixes.
- FIX: Chairman Outline fixes.
- FIX: Several other minor template fixes.
- NEW FEATURE: Congregation Events. Add upcoming Congregation Events to the Congregation Information page, such as Memorial, Circuit Assembly, Circuit Overseer visit, Maintenance Day, etc. Relevant events will then display on all Schedules (e.g. CLM, Public Talks, Duties, etc).
- NEW FEATURE: Multiple Away Periods. Brothers and Sisters can now be listed as Away for multiple periods.
- NEW FEATURE: Importing Members into an existing Congregation. You can now import members from Majestic KHS, TSWin, Hourglass or CSV into an existing New World Scheduler Congregation. Click Members > Import.
- NEW FEATURE: Open Congregation from Automatic Backup. Note: This only opens files on your current computer. No automatic backups are ever saved to our servers or anywhere else. Please make regular offsite backups to USB.
- NEW TEMPLATES: Several new attractive and practical Life and Ministry Templates, called 2 Weeks per Page and 4 Weeks per Page. Check them out!
- NEW LANGUAGES: Swahili and Yoruba. Zulu language fixed. Many translation updates.
- CONGREGATION SHARING UPDATES: Congregation Sharing no longer requires a New World Scheduler Account. Some brothers had difficulty creating an account, or didn’t have an email address (!?). We now use Favorite Scripture to authenticate, so you will need to set this after the update. This will act like your “password” to prevent other brothers impersonating you in New World Scheduler (although I’m sure this would never happen…)
- NOTE: If you use Congregation Sharing, please click Congregation > Congregation Sharing after updating to set your Favorite Scripture.
- UPDATE: Congregation Sharing now shows “Online” or “Offline” status, as well as when a member last connected.
- UPDATE: User Access has received a major update. It is now more secure, especially when new members join the congregation or leave the congregation.
- NOTE: Congregation Administrators may need to re-setup User Access for some members.
- UPDATE: Many, many Life and Ministry, Public Talk and other Templates have been updated, improved and fixed. E.G. Public Talk Templates now show “Away” speakers for that week, during the CO or Assembly weeks many schedules look much nicer, etc.
- UPDATE: Can now add the CO Talk Theme or Local Needs Theme to the Life and Ministry Schedule. CO Public Talk or Special Talk themes can also be added to the Public Talk Schedule.
- UPDATE: New World Scheduler Version number will now show in the bottom-left of the screen. The Congregation ID and Sharing Status will display in the top-left.
- UPDATE: Several new options for reports, e.g. Regular Pioneer Hours report can now be selected by Year, Field Service Groups report can now remove Totals.
- UPDATE: S-21 Publisher Records now show “blank” when no data has been entered, instead of 0. Clear button added.
- UPDATE: Duties has a “Clear” button.
- UPDATE: Neighbor Congregations and Members now sort alphabetically.
- UPDATE: Auto-Assign minor improvements.
- FIX: Several bugs in various templates fixed.
- FIX: Several printing or emailing bugs fixed.
- FIX: Congregation Sharing connection bugs fixed, such as an intermittent ‘HTTP Anonymous Connection’ bug.
- FIX: Various other minor bugs and crashes.27
New World Scheduler 3.5
Download Link: New World Scheduler 3.5.2
- Note: If you are currently using New World Scheduler 3.3. or less, and Congregation Sharing is enabled, please see Congregation Sharing Update 3.4. before updating New World Scheduler.
- UPDATE: New World Scheduler Loading time reduced from about 30 seconds to about 3 seconds (depending on your computer speed).
- UPDATE: Congregation Sharing faster and more stable.
- UPDATE: Congregation Field Service Report now has List button, to show which members are Irregular and Inactive
- UPDATE: New World Scheduler will now install succesfully when using Run As > Administrator.
- FIX: Public Talk Schedule now correctly displays Special Talk, CO Talk and other special weeks.
- FIX: Some Life and Ministry Meeting Reports and Schedules contained English data.
- FIX: Life and Ministry Meeting School Worksheets now print correctly.
- FIX: Public Talk Schedule printing allows more months into the future.
- FIX: New World Scheduler Account Email verification minor bug.
- FIX: Adding Groups and Members caused New World Scheduler to crash for some users.
- FIX: Initial Sharing of Congregation caused New World Scheduler to crash for some users.
- FIX: Import from Hourglass some Publisher Reports were displaying incorrect date.
- FIX: Gems talk time error for some users.
- NEW FEATURE: Import from Hourglass. Now you can import data directly from Hourglass into New World Scheduler. Please see Help > Import Congregation for more information.
- UPDATE: Better Bug Reporting. If New World Scheduler encounters a serious problem, a message will now be shown with the error information. To help us diagnose and fix your problem, please send this information to us.
- UPDATE: Several new messages and labels helping everyone better understand Congregation Sharing.
- FIX: Congregation Sharing fixes, such as duplicate information, sharing on 2nd computer, etc. Help > Congregation Sharing now includes a “Problems with Congregation Sharing” section. Please read that if you have problems with Congregation Sharing.
- FIX: Various other interface fixes, e.g. Members Filters, Public Talk dates, etc.
- FIX: Data Conversion from 3.3. to 3.5. no longer needs New World Scheduler to be opened and closed. All Publisher Reports data is now correctly shown.
- FIX: Import from TSWin fixes.
New World Scheduler 3.4
Download Link: New World Scheduler 3.4
- Note: If you are currently using New World Scheduler 3.3. or less, and Congregation Sharing is enabled, please see Congregation Sharing Update 3.4. before updating New World Scheduler.
- NEW FEATURE: Restore from Automatic Backup. Available on Congregation > Congregation Information view. New World Scheduler makes an automatic backup every time the program is closed, these can now be restored from within New World Scheduler.
- UPDATE: New Version Information now displayed when New World Scheduler is updated.
- FIX: Several bug fixes, including crash fixes, Sharing fixes, template and schedule fixes, etc. Thanks for everyone who reported these bugs!
- FIX: Older CLM Assignment Slips missing names. Please note you must Restore from Automatic Backup for these to come through. Or you can “Reassign” the part.
- MAJOR UPDATE: Congregation Sharing has been completely re-written. Congregation Sharing does NOT STORE any confidential data online, and is now fully compliant with sfl and the strict European Union GDPR Privacy laws. Congregation Sharing is now located under Congregation > Congregation Sharing.
- MAJOR UPDATE: New World Scheduler data has been updated to be more stable, easier to share, more secure, and take less space. All scheduling, field service and meeting attendance data is automatically deleted after 36 months, except for Public Talk data, which is automatically deleted after 60 months.
- NEW FEATURE: Export Members to CSV (excel). Unlike other popular scheduling programs, we beleive your congregation and member data is *your* data and can be exported as you wish.
- NEW FEATURE: Congregation Registration Key. When registering New World Scheduler, you can select either an INDIVIDUAL or CONGREGATION Registration Key. The Congregation Registration Key allows all brothers in your congregation to have FULL access to New World Scheduler.
- NEW LANGUAGES: Tamil, Vietnamese, Arabic, Greek, Cibemba, Dutch and Zulu!
- NEW REPORTS: (Secretary) Group Field Service Summary and Group Field Service Reports Collection. (Members) Print members according to any Filter or Group, and select which information to include. Assignments Field Service Member List, Assignments Other Member List.
- UPDATE: User Access is now automatically enabled when Congregation Sharing is enabled, and is now located under Congregation > Congregation Sharing. Fixed a few User Access bugs.
- UPDATE: Inactive Publisher Record card now shows the last month the publisher shared in the ministry.
- UPDATE: Member Filters added a few more options.
- UPDATE: Members > Information now adds a new Custom Field and Last Report field (for Inactive ones). The interface has improved.
- UPDATE: Members > Assign now contains a new category ‘Field Service’, and Other now has 2 custom fields.
- UPDATE: Life and Meeting Scheduling now shows the Assistant in Part History.
- UPDATE: Away Public Talks interface simplified and updated to match the rest of New World Scheduler. More stable.
- UPDATE: Warning given if Away Public Speaker has no outlines set, and new option to Show All Outlines.
- FIX: S-21 Printing for CO now correctly prints in Document format.
- FIX: Printing Field Service Groups now correctly excludes Children and Inactive.
- FIX: Several bugs with Public Talks
- FIX: Auto-Assign bugs.
- FIX: Several interface fixes.
- FIX: Several fixes to various templates and reports.
New World Scheduler 3.3
Download Link: New World Scheduler 3.3
- NEW FEATURE: Import from CSV file. You can now import Members from a CSV file into New World Scheduler.
- NEW FEATURE: Circuit Overseer Name and Contact Details fields. This will be displayed on the Emergency Contact Information Report (see sfl 26:2).
- NEW REPORT: Student Usage. Shows what assignments have been given to each student.
- NEW REPORT: Emergency Contact Information. Condensed contact sheet that can be printed and saved by all members.
- UPDATE: Various UI updates. Secretary category has been removed. Congregation Field Service Report can be found under Congregation, and Secretary Printing has been merged with Printing > Secretary.
- UPDATE: Added various new Member fields: Elderly/Infirm, Kingdom Hall Keys, Special Public Witnessing, Conduct Field Service Group and a Custom Assignment.
- UPDATE: Many language translations updated. Thanks to the hardworking translators!
- UPDATE: In the future new Translation updates will be automatically downloaded by New World Scheduler, and therefore appear much faster.
- UPDATE: Members Assign tab now has “ALL” button to allow for quick selecting of multiple Assignments.
- UPDATE: Email Message can now be edited, including translated into other languages.
- UPDATE: Password Reset Email if you forget your New World Scheduler password.
- UPDATE: S-21 can now Save to Word format to allow extra edits.
- UPDATE: Members List – Auxiliary Pioneer Filter now shows those who are Auxiliary Pioneering for the current month.
- UPDATE: Members List now shows Last Name first.
- UPDATE: Various Member Lists now correctly sort by Last Name, First Name.
- UPDATE: If all Members are correctly assigned to a Field Service Group, the “Unassigned” group will not print.
- UPDATE: Various Reports and Templates have been updated and now include Letter size, e.g. Assignments by Member, Duties Schedule, etc.
- UPDATE: Auto-Assign has been improved yet again, and now assigns parts extremely evenly.
- UPDATE: Public Talk Schedule can now be printed without the Hospitality column.
- UPDATE: The Enter Key now behaves like the TAB key when entering Field Service Reports, to allow quick entry using the Keypad.
- FIX: Some Letter-sized Reports and Schedules were incorrectly set to Legal size.
- FIX: Custom Field and Custom Duty names are now correctly saving and printing.
- FIX: CLM Students – Available Members not correctly shows all students.
- FIX: Auto-Assign now checks Away Period dates for Public Talks and Duties.
- FIX: Various minor User Access errors.
- FIX: New World Scheduler Start-up should be faster and more stable.
- FIX: Assistant names not printing under certain circumstances.
- FIX: Congregation Field Service Groups report minor fixes.
- FIX: Various dates appearing in English when printing.
- FIX: Minor problems with some templates.
- FIX: Average Placements, Videos, Hours, RVs and Bible Studies now showing correctly on the Members view.
New World Scheduler 3.5
Download Link: New World Scheduler 3.5.2
- Note: If you are currently using New World Scheduler 3.3. or less, and Congregation Sharing is enabled, please see Congregation Sharing Update 3.4. before updating New World Scheduler.
- UPDATE: New World Scheduler Loading time reduced from about 30 seconds to about 3 seconds (depending on your computer speed).
- UPDATE: Congregation Sharing faster and more stable.
- UPDATE: Congregation Field Service Report now has List button, to show which members are Irregular and Inactive
- UPDATE: New World Scheduler will now install succesfully when using Run As > Administrator.
- FIX: Public Talk Schedule now correctly displays Special Talk, CO Talk and other special weeks.
- FIX: Some Life and Ministry Meeting Reports and Schedules contained English data.
- FIX: Life and Ministry Meeting School Worksheets now print correctly.
- FIX: Public Talk Schedule printing allows more months into the future.
- FIX: New World Scheduler Account Email verification minor bug.
- FIX: Adding Groups and Members caused New World Scheduler to crash for some users.
- FIX: Initial Sharing of Congregation caused New World Scheduler to crash for some users.
- FIX: Import from Hourglass some Publisher Reports were displaying incorrect date.
- FIX: Gems talk time error for some users.
- NEW FEATURE: Import from Hourglass. Now you can import data directly from Hourglass into New World Scheduler. Please see Help > Import Congregation for more information.
- UPDATE: Better Bug Reporting. If New World Scheduler encounters a serious problem, a message will now be shown with the error information. To help us diagnose and fix your problem, please send this information to us.
- UPDATE: Several new messages and labels helping everyone better understand Congregation Sharing.
- FIX: Congregation Sharing fixes, such as duplicate information, sharing on 2nd computer, etc. Help > Congregation Sharing now includes a “Problems with Congregation Sharing” section. Please read that if you have problems with Congregation Sharing.
- FIX: Various other interface fixes, e.g. Members Filters, Public Talk dates, etc.
- FIX: Data Conversion from 3.3. to 3.5. no longer needs New World Scheduler to be opened and closed. All Publisher Reports data is now correctly shown.
- FIX: Import from TSWin fixes.
New World Scheduler 3.5
Download Link: New World Scheduler 3.5.2
- Note: If you are currently using New World Scheduler 3.3. or less, and Congregation Sharing is enabled, please see Congregation Sharing Update 3.4. before updating New World Scheduler.
- UPDATE: New World Scheduler Loading time reduced from about 30 seconds to about 3 seconds (depending on your computer speed).
- UPDATE: Congregation Sharing faster and more stable.
- UPDATE: Congregation Field Service Report now has List button, to show which members are Irregular and Inactive
- UPDATE: New World Scheduler will now install succesfully when using Run As > Administrator.
- FIX: Public Talk Schedule now correctly displays Special Talk, CO Talk and other special weeks.
- FIX: Some Life and Ministry Meeting Reports and Schedules contained English data.
- FIX: Life and Ministry Meeting School Worksheets now print correctly.
- FIX: Public Talk Schedule printing allows more months into the future.
- FIX: New World Scheduler Account Email verification minor bug.
- FIX: Adding Groups and Members caused New World Scheduler to crash for some users.
- FIX: Initial Sharing of Congregation caused New World Scheduler to crash for some users.
- FIX: Import from Hourglass some Publisher Reports were displaying incorrect date.
- FIX: Gems talk time error for some users.
- NEW FEATURE: Import from Hourglass. Now you can import data directly from Hourglass into New World Scheduler. Please see Help > Import Congregation for more information.
- UPDATE: Better Bug Reporting. If New World Scheduler encounters a serious problem, a message will now be shown with the error information. To help us diagnose and fix your problem, please send this information to us.
- UPDATE: Several new messages and labels helping everyone better understand Congregation Sharing.
- FIX: Congregation Sharing fixes, such as duplicate information, sharing on 2nd computer, etc. Help > Congregation Sharing now includes a “Problems with Congregation Sharing” section. Please read that if you have problems with Congregation Sharing.
- FIX: Various other interface fixes, e.g. Members Filters, Public Talk dates, etc.
- FIX: Data Conversion from 3.3. to 3.5. no longer needs New World Scheduler to be opened and closed. All Publisher Reports data is now correctly shown.
- FIX: Import from TSWin fixes.
New World Scheduler 3.2.2
Download Link: New World Scheduler 3.2.2
- UPDATE: When setting the Congregation Language to a language other than English, the user is now reminded how to Help Improve the Translation. (I get asked this a lot 🙂
- UPDATE: Help. Most Help pages are now complete.
- UPDATE: Setting a member as a CLM Student will now automatically tick the CLM parts, and visa-versa.
- FIX: Cleaning Groups list.
- Minor fixes and updates, including many updated translation files and updated Outlines.
- UPDATE: Majestic KHS Import…
- FIX: Auto-Assign bugs.
- FIX: Other minor bugs causing crashes.
- NEW FEATURE: New option to automatically Print Congregation Publisher Records for Circuit Overseer Visit (see sfl 22:12). Click Secretary > Secretary Printing.
- NEW FEATURE: Publisher Moved. If a publisher moves congregations, and might later return, mark them as Moved. This will not delete them, but also not count them in your congregation. Of course if they will not likely return, it is better to Delete them. The Members List now has a new Filter for Moved.
- NEW FEATURE: Create a Sample Congregation. If you are still testing New World Scheduler, you can now create a Sample Congregation and better see how New World Scheduler works.
- NEW FEATURE: User Access can now limit who can Schedule the Life and Ministry Meeting – COBE and CLMO parts.
- UPDATE: Auto-Assign has been greatly improved.
- UPDATE: UBP now includes a “First Month” date field. This ensures a new UBP is not marked as Irregular.
- UPDATE: Congregation Field Service Report now shows SPs (although not counted the monthly report)
- UPDATE: Public Talk for Special Talk or CO can now be entered as text.
- UPDATE: School Assignment slips now include Letter size template.
- UPDATE: Majestic KHS import now working better.
- FIX: Many minor improvements to avoid crashing, make the program faster, etc.
- FIX: Selected Member Group Name
- FIX: Congregation Field Service Report minor fixes and is now much faster.
- FIX: With the next update, the Download button will time-out if the download failed. This will also give you the option to manually download.
New World Scheduler 3.1.1
Download Link: New World Scheduler 3.1.1
- UPDATE: New World Scheduler file sized reduced by another 10%.
- FIX: Printing Assignment Slips Auxiliary Halls now Ticks correctly.
- FIX: Some translation updates.
- FIX: Delete Key now correctly deletes members.
- NOTE: Many New World Scheduler Help pages have now been updated. Still a few more to go…
- UPDATE: Added Inactive and Irregular checkboxes. Some congregations don’t use New World Scheduler for Field Service Activity, so this can now be manually set if needed.
- UPDATE: Moved Publisher Reports from Secretary view to Members view. This is more logical, since all Member-related information can be edited in the same place.
UPDATE: Added RP Number field. - FIX: Majestic KHS Import is now more stable and accurate, with better error reporting. Unfortunately some users KHS database files have corrupted data, which sometimes causes Import from KHS to fail or produce strange results. If your KHS Import didn’t work correctly, please Delete your congregation and try again.
- FIX: TSWin Import is now more stable and accurate, with better error reporting. If your TSWin Import didn’t work correctly, please delete your congregation and try again.
- FIX: S-21 Publisher Card minor fix.
- FIX: School Summary Template fix.
- FIX: Cleaning and Lawn crash fix.
- FIX: Members Notes minor fix.
- FIX: DOB, Baptism Date, etc will now use the DateFormat specified in Settings.
- FIX: Abbreviations E, MS, PUB, etc will now show in correct language.
- FIX: Past Public Talk History minor fix.
- FIX: Other minor fixes and improvements.
FIX: User Access. Some users activated User Access before creating members, and therefore locked themselves out of New World Scheduler. This is no longer possible, and User Access now requires at least 2 members to have Edit User Access before it can be activated.
New World Scheduler 3.0
Download Link: New World Scheduler 3.0
- NEW FEATURE: User Access. Elders can now limit access to New World Scheduler, e.g. allow only certain Elders to edit Members, allow MS to only access the Schedules, etc.
- NEW FEATURE: Congregation Assignments. You can now view who is handling each Congregation Assignment, e.g. Accounts, Secretary, Literature, etc. Includes Report.
- NEW FEATURE: Many new Reports & Templates have been added to New World Scheduler! E.G. Congregation Summary, Member Field Service Summary, Assignments by Member, School Summary, RP Hours, 1-year Baptism, and many more.
- NEW FEATURE: Can now import from TSWIN!
- NEW FEATURE: Starting with the next version, you can update New World Scheduler from within the program itself.
- NEW FEATURE: New World Scheduler now records and tracks who is Active, Inactive and Irregular.
- UPDATE: Active, Inactive and Irregular is now only based on previous Field Service activity. This is updated every month with the Secretary submits the new Field Service Report. Previous “Active” check box has been removed.
- UPDATE: Added label to Members View and Publisher Record View showing whether a Publisher is Active, Inactive or Irregular.
- UPDATE: Many additional Member fields. E.G. Work, Home and Cell Phone, DPA Card, Child, RP Date, Disfellowshipped, etc.
- UPDATE: New Custom Member field, e.g. GPRD Compliance, Working with Children Check, etc. Adjust to suit your congregation.
- UPDATE: Baptism and Birth Date now using Date Selectors (not text). Along with Address, are now all shown on the Members View.
- UPDATE: Set when a Publisher first started preaching (i.e. became an UBP). This is done on their Publisher Record card.
- UPDATE: Congregation View redesigned to be even easier to use. Field Service Groups, Meeting Attendance, Congregation Assignments and Neighbor Congregations now all have their own View, and are located under Congregation.
- UPDATE: New Custom Duty type, e.g. Security or Carpark, etc. Adjust to suit your congregation.
- UPDATE: Sound & Video Duty has been split into 2 separate duties.
- UPDATE: Many Reports & Templates have been updated to include more information and be easier to read.
- UPDATE: Due to the increase in Reports and Templates, we have reorganised the Report Categories.
- UPDATE: Field Service Group Report can now include or exclude Children, Bible Students and Inactive.
- UPDATE: Public Talks Away can now include the Neighbor Congregation Meeting Day and Time
- UPDATE: Foreign Language Groups can now schedule the Living parts, as per the new branch direction.
- UPDATE: New World Scheduler Install and Update file size reduced by about 50%.
- UPDATE: The way New World Scheduler handles Translations has been adjusted, which should result in more natural and accurate translations.
- UPDATE: Help View has been completely redesigned to make it easier to get the help you need. This will progressively be made available.
- UPDATE: Several new languages added.
- FIX: Email Slips and Schedules has been fixed. This should now be more reliable.
- FIX: Week 3 of CLM Monthly Schedule fixed.
- FIX: Import from KHS now correctly imports Field Service History and phone numbers.
- FIX: Fixed some Congregation Sharing issues with Duties.
- FIX: All dates now display in correct Date Format, according to your Settings.
- FIX: Improved handling of Field Service Reports.
- FIX: All Member Details Report fix.
- FIX: Meeting Attendance Report fix.
New World Scheduler 2.6
Download Link: New World Scheduler 2.6
- NEW FEATURE: Secretary – Meeting Attendance. Meeting Attendance can now be recorded, including generating S-88 forms. Click Secretary > Congregation Meeting Attendance to access this new feature.
- NEW FEATURE: Secretary can now Export a list of those who haven’t reported Field Service for this month. This report is listed by Group, so you can send this to Group Overseers. Access this on the Secretary > Congregation Field Service Report page.
- NEW FEATURE: Import from Majestic KHS. You can now directly import Congregation data from KHS to New World Scheduler.
- UPDATE: Duties can now schedule 4 x Attendants and can set a Custom Name for this duty. (e.g. Security).
- UPDATE: Anyone can now be set as a Group Overseer or Group Assistant. This is no longer limited to Elders and Ministerial Servants.
- UPDATE: A warning is now given if a Group already has a Group Overseer or Group Assistant.
- UPDATE: Congregation View has been updated to make it clearer, allow more space for Groups, Neighboring Congregations and Neighboring Members.
- UPDATE: Congregation View now includes more buttons, such as Restore Congregation.
- UPDATE: CLM View will now show the Chairman or Auxiliary Counsellor names in any Apply Yourself Talks or Video parts.
- UPDATE: CLM View now has a vertical scrollbar if the screen size is too small.
- UPDATE: Startup Program Password is now obscured by default. Press Show Password to make it visible.
- UPDATE: Clear Public Talk History has been moved to the Schedule Public Talks – Incoming View.
- UPDATE: Duties will no longer be Auto-Assigned to a member if that member has a Teaching Part on the Life and Ministry Meeting.
- UPDATE: Registration Key files are now easier to open. JWSchedulerKey files can now be double-clicked and opened directly.
- UPDATE: Starting with the next version, a New Version Information window will show whenever a new version is available. This will show what has been updated without having to visit the website.
- FIX: Neighbor Congregations and Neighbor Members syncing is now much more stable.
- FIX: Minor scheduling fix for September 2019.
- FIX: Minor Colourful Monthly Template fix for the 3rd week.
- FIX: Scheduling Duties Auto-Assign crash and Special Dates fixed.
- FIX: Congregation Field Service Reports will now show in correct Date order.
New World Scheduler 2.5.3
Download Link: New World Scheduler 2.5.3
NEW FEATURE: JW Secretary Program! New World Scheduler now includes a JW Secretary program, allowing Congregation Secretaries to enter Field Service Reports, maintain Congregation Publisher Records, compile the Monthly Congregation Field Service Report and print S-21 Publisher Cards. The Secretary feature is available from the Main Menu, and can only be accessed by Elders. Since all data is shared with other Elders, this will help the Secretary save time, and ensures you don’t need to maintain 2 sets of Publisher Lists! Please let your Congregation Secretary know of this new feature.
- NEW FEATURE: Emergency Contacts. New World Scheduler now allows Emergency Contacts to be stored for each Member. This feature not only helps Secretaries, but all Group Overseers and other elders. You can access Emergency Contacts from the Members tab or the Secretary > Publisher Records tab.
- NEW FEATURE: Filter by Group. Members can now be filtered or listed by Group. This is available on both the Members tab and the Secretary tab.
- NEW FEATURE: Count members. The Members List will now count how many members you have. If you filter or display only a subset of members, this will also be counted. For example, you can now quickly see how many Publishers or Regular Pioneers you have, or how many members are in a particular group.
- NEW FEATURE: Public Talk Past History. Congregations can now quickly and easily enter past Public Talk History into New World Scheduler. To enter Past History, click Schedule > Public Talks Incoming > Enter Past History button.
- UPDATE: Scheduling Local Needs parts will now only show Elders. CLM Auto-Assign will also now only schedule an Elder to take this part.
- UPDATE: Improved Error Reporting when printing PDFs and Documents.
- UPDATE: Many updates to various translations, including Spanish, Portuguese (Portugal), Haitian, Turkish, Indonesian, etc. If you notice any problems with the Translations, please visit How to Improve New World Scheduler Translations
- NEW LANGUAGE: New World Scheduler is now available in Hindi हिंदी
- FIXES: Various minor bug fixes, such as Public Talk reports, Sharing, etc. Thanks to everyone who reported these bugs! If you notice any bugs, please let us know.
- UPDATE: Password Protecting Program will now hide the Side-Menu unless a correct password has been entered.
- NEW LANGUAGES: Chinese Mandarin (Traditional) 中文繁体 & Zulu IsiZulu
- FIXES: Various minor bug fixes, such as cloud sharing problem with August, Public Talks Away, printing foreign language S-21, Publisher Cards for Elders, etc.
- UPDATE: Updates to various translations, including Spanish and Chinese. If you notice any problems with the Translations, please visit How to Improve New World Scheduler Translations
- FIXES: Various minor bug fixes, such as Emailing assignment slips and schedules, Removing Cleaning Groups, Auto-Assign, Printing, etc.
- UPDATE: Updates to various translations, including Spanish, French and Chinese. If you notice any problems with the Translations, please visit How to Improve New World Scheduler Translations
- UPDATE: JW Secretary Program Report Hours can now be recorded in 15 minute increments.
- UPDATE: JW Secretary Program added an Address field for publishers (optional). This will not show up on Publisher Record cards, as per the latest form, but we will soon be adding a new Emergency Contact template that will show all Publisher information, including Address.
- FIX: Emailing schedules and Assignment Slips has now been fixed and should be much more stable.
- FIX: S-140 form fixed. Some CLM parts were showing in the wrong week.
- NEW LANGUAGES: Polish, Swedish and Romanian.
New World Scheduler 2.4
Download Link: New World Scheduler 2.4
- NEW FEATURE: Auto-Assign for Christian Life and Ministry Parts. You can now use Auto-Assign when scheduling all Christian Life and Ministry parts. This functions similar to Auto-Assign for Duties and Cleaning. Simply click the Schedule > Life and Ministry Meeting view > Auto-Assign button.
- NEW FEATURE: Email Schedules and Assignment Slips. New World Scheduler now supports emailing schedules and assignment slips. No setup is required, everything is automatic. However please make sure the email address are correct! Incorrect email addresses will not show an error. Email schedules or assignment slips via the Reports view.
- NEW FEATURE: Set Members to be Away. If a publisher will be away for a length of time, you can set them as “Away” between two dates. If a publisher is away, they will not be shown when Selecting Members or when using Auto-Assign. When a publisher returns, they will automatically be shown again, no need to do anything. To set a Member as Away, click on the Members view > click Away button.
- NEW FEATURE: Multiple Cleaning Schedules. New World Scheduler now supports multiple cleaning schedules, e.g. Weekly Kingdom Hall Clean and After Meeting Clean. In some Kingdom Halls, the Weekly Hall Clean is rotated among several congregations. New World Scheduler now allows for this. This can be changed in the Schedule > Cleaning view.
- UPDATE: Redesigned the Congregation view to make it simpler and easier to see all the information.
- UPDATE: Weekend Duties will no longer clash with Midweek duties. E.G. If a member is scheduled to read the Watchtower, a warning is given before using him for other duties like Sound, Platform etc. Auto-Assign also will not use that brother.
- UPDATE: Duties Scheduler now has support for 4 x Microphones, as some congregations swap brothers half-way through the Watchtower.
- UPDATE: The Reports view will now show a “Please wait, Processing…” message when the Schedules and Assignment slips are being generated.
- FIXES: Various other minor bug fixes, such as scheduling Public Talks, Chairman outline schedule, skipping the Memorial week, printing schedules with 5 weeks, S-140 adjustments, etc. Thanks to everyone who reported these bugs! If you notice any bugs, please let us know.
New World Scheduler 2.3
Download Link: New World Scheduler 2.3
- NEW FEATURE: Neighboring Congregations and Members. Add Neighboring Congregations and Members to assist with Public Talk scheduling. When scheduling which Public Speaker and Outline, you can now directly chose from your Neighbor Congregations. This saves time and effort scheduling Public Talks. Neighboring or nearby Congregations and Members can be added from the Congregation screen.
- NEW FEATURE: Suggest Outline. When selecting a Neighboring Member to come and give a Public Talk, New World Scheduler will now automatically suggest which Outline he should give, based on which Outlines the speaker can give, and which outlines you have not had for a while.
- NEW FEATURE: Export/Import Public Speakers. Export your Congregation Public Talk Speakers and Share with other nearby or neighboring congregations with a single click!
- UPDATE: Can now add the theme of the upcoming Special Talk. This feature can also be used to schedule any Special Event talks.
- UPDATE: Minor update to the S-140 Template.
- FIX: Various other minor bug fixes, mostly related to Public Talk scheduling. Thanks for reporting. If you notice any bugs, please let us know!
New World Scheduler 2.2
Download Link: New World Scheduler 2.2
- NEW FEATURE: Lawn and Garden Care! You can now schedule Kingdom Hall Lawn and Garden Care, also called Lawn and Garden Maintenance. Print a separate Lawn and Garden Schedule, or combine with the Cleaning schedule.
- NEW FEATURE: Password protection. You can now password protect New World Scheduler. Since all data is already encrypted, this is an excellent way to fully protect all Congregation, Member and schedule information. However please be careful to remember your password!
- UPDATE: New option to set a Member as “Student only”. This is useful since not all Apply yourself to Students are publishers or unbaptised publishers.
- FIX: Auto-Assignment bug fixes
- FIX: Assignment Slips bug fixes with some languages
- FIX: Various other minor bug fixes. Thanks for reporting. If you notice any bugs, please let us know!
New World Scheduler 2.1
Download Link: New World Scheduler 2.1
- NEW FEATURE: Added Backup Reminder for offsite backups. Although New World Scheduler automatically saves and performs backups, it is wise to also periodically backup to USB or a File Sharing website. You will now be reminded every X weeks (default 4, can be adjusted in Settings). Backup Reminders can be disabled by setting Backup Reminder to 0 weeks.
- UPDATE: Updated the Chairman Outline Template
- UPDATE: Added Portrait Public Talk Schedule Template. This might fit better on your Congregation Notice Board.
- UPDATE: Various Language translations. Thank you to those who helped improve the translation into different languages! If you want to help or notice any problems with the translations, please see How Can I Help
- FIX: Better remembers last used templates
- FIX: Fixed various bugs related to Templates, Auto-Assign, Away Public Talks, UBP Members, Printing PDFs, etc. Thank you for everyone who reported bugs! If you notice any bugs, please report them.
New World Scheduler 2.0
Download Link: New World Scheduler 2.0
We are pleased to announce a major update and new name for New World Scheduler!
- NEW FEATURE: New World Scheduler now supports scheduling Public Talks, both Incoming and Outgoing speakers, Duties including Attendants, Sounds, Video, Platform, Microphones and Cleaning.
- NEW FEATURE: New World Scheduler can now be used by the Service Overseer to arrange and organise Field Service Groups, including assigning the Overseer, Assistants, Pioneers and publishers.
- NEW FEATURE: New World Scheduler can now be used by congregation Secretaries to store personal information for all congregation members.
- NEW NAME: JW CLM Scheduler has been renamed New World Scheduler. This better reflects the fact that JW Schedule is a complete package for scheduling everything in a congregation!
- NEW REGISTRATION: JW Schedule can now be installed on as many personal devices as you like, e.g. your main computer, laptop and tablets.
- UPDATE: The User Interface has been updated to be more appealing, while showing more useful information.
- UPDATE: Members list now allows Filtering by Active/Inactive, Baptised, Male, Female, Elders, Ministerial Servants, Special, Regular and Auxiliary Pioneers and more.
- UPDATE: Many new Templates for scheduling the Public Talks, Duties and Cleaning Schedules.
- UPDATE: Can now select whether a Member is the Group Overseer, Group Servant or Group Assistant. Can also select whether they are a Special Pioneer, Regular Pioneer or Auxiliary Pioneer.
- UPDATE: Chairman’s Outline Template now shows Start times, not End times. This is more in line with branch direction.
- Bug Fixes: Some small bug fixes for the S-140 template.
JW CLM Scheduler v1.4
Download Link: JW CLM Scheduler v1.4
- NEW TEMPLATE: S-140 is now available!
- NEW FEATURE: You can now schedule for Foreign Language Groups! Mark a School as a Foreign Language Group and you can schedule this group to conduct their own Treasures Talk, Digging for Spiritual Gems and Congregation Bible Study.
- NEW FEATURE: JW CLM Scheduler now works will small screen sizes, and scales better at large screen sizes. Layout has been re-designed. Further changes are coming to make it even easier to use.
- NEW FEATURE: Settings will now automatically remember the last View and selected Template.
- UPDATE: Schedule and Assignment Slips will now use Meeting Day of Week when printing.
- UPDATE: Video parts now shows who will take the part, namely either the Chairman or Auxiliary Counselor.
- UPDATE: Monthly Schedule now shows the Weekly Bible Reading for each week.
- UPDATE: Can now select whether a Member is the Group Overseer, Group Servant or Group Assistant.
- Bug Fix: Monthly Schedule – Week 2 Chairman
- Bug Fix: Timing for Living Parts fixed
- Bug Fix: Sometimes Member data would not save correctly.
FUTURE: JW CLM Scheduler is currently being designed to also schedule Public Talks, Sound and Attendants, Cleaning and much more. The next update will be big!
JW CLM Scheduler v1.3
Alternate Download Link: JW CLM Scheduler v1.3
- NEW FEATURE: Assignment Slips can now adjust Font Size, making them easier to read. (Adjust in Settings)
- NEW FEATURE: Assignment Slips can now adjust Date Format, allowing you to chose which format best suits your congregation. (Adjust in Settings)
- NEW FEATURE: Selecting Member: Automatically suggests the best member for a part. This saves you time when scheduling.
- UPDATE: Now uses the new 2019 Assignment Slips
- UPDATE: Assignment Slips now display further Part information underneath the date.
- UPDATE: Help section has been updated to better reflect the available JW CLM Scheduler Help options.
- UPDATE: When choosing the Assistant, can no longer select a member of the opposite sex.
- BUG FIXES: Chairman Outline fields now all correctly display.
- BUG FIXES: Assistant Assignment Slips now all correctly print.
JW CLM Scheduler v1.2
Alternate Download Link: JW CLM Scheduler v1.2
- Import from CLM Explorer. Do you currently use CLM Explorer? You can now Import congregation, schedule and student data from CLM Explorer into JW CLM Scheduler with a single click!
- Auxiliary School Overseer. Schedule a different Auxiliary School Overseer each week.
- Reports View. Templates now contain a Preview showing what they will look like.
- Templates. Templates were updated to be more appealing, and contain references to the Auxiliary School Overseers.
- Special Weeks. Weeks can now be set to Circuit Overseer, Assembly / Convention, Memorial or Cancel.
JW CLM Scheduler v1.1
- Share data. The COBE and Life and Ministry Overseer can automatically share the Congregation, Member and Scheduler from their own computers.
- Schedule the entire Life and Ministry Meeting, including all parts and prayers.
- Flexible. Schedule some of the meeting, or all of it. Enter some member data or all member data. Can print any schedule without completing the whole meeting.
- Supports multiple languages at the same time, e.g. use the program in one language, create the schedule in another. Useful if you serve in a foreign language group or are still learning the language.
- Tracks the history of all students, including Elders and Ministerial Servants.
- Modern User Interface using the latest programming techniques.
- A variety of appealing Templates to choose from, with more and more added with each update.
- Automatically saves and automatically backs up. No need to press any save buttons (which you might forget!)
- Font size readable in any languages.
- Safe and secure. ALL data is locally encrypted. If you choose to Share data, this is again encrypted both during transfer and at storage.
- Save schedules in DOC or PDF format. Print or email (coming soon) any schedule.